TwoPlusTwo user Mind My Ride

Mind My Ride

Mind My Ride

Joined 9 months ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
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Biography: I'm a MSc. sports and performance psychologist/mindset with a great passion for playing poker and coaching poker players. Helping others perform at their edge turned out to be my life purpose. How do you deal with all the stress, emotion, downswings, focus and loss of confidence in this fascinating game? I can get you the answers! Location: Netherlands Interests: Cycling, golf, poker, writing Occupation: Sports & Performance Psychologist/Mindset coach Games and Stakes:

Coaches & Schools 7mo ago

Msc. Sports & Performance Psychologist/Mindset coach

My name is Lex Ligtenberg MSc. Sports and performance psychologist and I’m a mindset coach for poker players.
It is my passion to help poker players build mental toughness so they can perform at their edge.

During my masters in Sports and Performance Psychology in Amsterdam I figured out winning poker players are like elite athletes if they take their career seriously.
Because winning poker players do not only study their poker game, but nee