TwoPlusTwo user Mr Spyutastic

Mr Spyutastic

Mr Spyutastic

Carpal \'Tunnel
Joined 12 years ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
300likes received


Location: Bay Area Interests: Occupation: Games and Stakes:

ACR Punte Del Este $7k Package

ACR Punte Del Este $7k Package
Mr Spyutastic

AA on Flop vs Two Shoves

BB 50/14/0 over 14 hands
BTN 37/15/0 over 68 hands

Ignition - $1 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 3 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 103.08 BB
Hero (SB): 788.75 BB
BB: 103.38 BB

Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has A A

BTN raises to 3 BB, Hero raises to 12 BB, BB calls 11 BB, BTN calls 9 BB

Flop: (36 BB, 3 players) K 5 J
Hero bets 17.1 BB, BB raises to 91.38 BB and is all-in, BTN calls 91.08 BB and is all-in


Wynn $10k Main First Hand For All The Chips

Had an interesting one and was interested in other perspectives.

Playing Day 1C of the Wynn $10k ME on my first bullet.

Very first hand of the tournament level 1 300/500 500 100k starting stack. We're four handed.

Villain is a very young white kid with over the ear head phones on. No reads.

PF: Fold, Villain on button opens to 1200, We're in the sb with KhKs and make it 4300, fold, villain takes about a 45 second pause looking at my bet a

Fun Player's Guide to the Galaxy

Well let's see.... I'm here, but not quite sure what I'm doing here.
I mean I don't feel drunk.

I thought 7/9 would be a fitting date to mark the start point of whatever this will be. 79 being my favorite hand and all. Yes one thing you should know about fun players is that we all have our favorite hand. Usually it ties back to some big pot you won from playing badly and running godly. For me that hand is 79

I guess the purpose of this threa