TwoPlusTwo user OmahaDonk



Joined 13 years ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
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Probability 17h ago

10 of the same suit

What are the odds that both boards in a double board game, in other words 10 random cards, are all the same suit?

I came up with 13C10 * 4 / 52C10 or about 1 in 13.8 million which seems high.

Omaha 20h ago


V in bb has huge sizing tells. He usually bets pot and only bets smaller when he doesn’t like the turn. I see him bet fold a lot with the smaller sizing. I think his flop betting range is 2p, sets, and some 35xx. 2K eff

Hero on btn with QQ87 with Q8dd

Pre: CO and hero limp. Sb makes it 30, bb str co hero call. 5 ways

Flop (150) : Q42r bdfd
Check, BB bets 150, folds to hero who calls intending to ship good turns, sb folds. Hu

Turn (450) : Add we

Omaha 14d ago


3-5-10 plo. Both villains are decent players.

Hero on btn with A69Tds

Pre: UTG str 10. Hero opens 30, bb calls, str raises to 105, hero calls. Bb back raises to 420 with 400 back, str calls with 800 back, hero covers and..

Omaha 15d ago


5 handed 1-2-5 plo 500 eff. V in sb is loose and sticky.

Hero in utg / HJ with A678ds with 78ss

Pre: Hero opens 15 only V calls

Flop (32) : 952ss
Sb checks


2-3 NL, this is the smallest game in the room. All V unknowns and we all have 400-500 eff except button with 200.

Hero in sb with T9cc

Pre: MP limps, HJ 20, btn hero bb MP call. 5 ways

Flop (100) : Qc8x4c
Hero checks bb checks, MP donks 25, HJ calls btn calls. Hero..

Omaha 20d ago


1-2-5 plo. Hero has 600 and is the eff stack. Hero probably has a tight passive image.

Hero in small blind with KQT9ss with KTcc

Pre: btn straddle 10. Hero open 35, only HJ and btn call

Flop (107) : 822cc
Checks around

Turn (107) : 5x

Omaha 25d ago


5-10-20 plo. V in utg buys in min, is very loose and moderately aggro. He started the hand with 500

Hero in str with AKQ97ds to the A and Q

Pre: everyone limps hero checks. I typically don’t raise much out of straddle

Flop (140) : AT8r both bdfd
2 checks hero checks, V bets 75, only bb and hero call

Turn (365) : 3ss not our fd
Checks around

River (365) : Qx
Check hero checks V bets 200, folds to hero

Omaha 25d ago

AT765 Double Board

5-10-20 Double Board. V in bb is a huge whale, potting all sorts of marginal hands from any position. He’s not doing much folding. Stacks are sb 4K, bb 2.5k, hero 4.5k, btn covers

Hero in str with AT765ds with 65ss and no hearts

Pre: CO limps, btn limps. Sb 75, bb hero and btn call. 4 ways.

Flop (320) :
Sb checks bb pots 320

Omaha 26d ago


5-10-20 PLO. Both villains have 1.3K eff. Main villain is a whale, calling draws on paired boards and going broke with marginal hands

Hero in BB with KKT98dd all black both fd to the K

Pre: V limps HJ, hero completes BB. Button clicky lag raised str option to 50, V calls, hero makes it 210 and both call

Flop (630) :
Hero checks? Was quite confused what to do. Checks around

Turn (630) :
AA7ss 5x
J83cc 4x
Hero 500 only V calls

River (1630)

AT in the SB

2-3 NL, this is the smallest game in the room. Buyin 100-500. V is a huge station and pretty passive. Around 400 eff.

V limps utg, 3 more limps, hero makes it 25 from sb with ATss only V calls.

Flop (59) : 665hdd
Check check

Turn (59) : 9x

Probability 1mo ago

Drawing with a pocket pair

5 card draw. You are dealt a pair and draw 3. What are the odds of improving to certain hands?

Thanks much.

Other Poker Games 1mo ago

Drawmaha AJJ92

5-10-20 pot limit Drawmaha. Villain in co is loose passive.

Hero on btn with AJJ92ss

Pre: co limps, hero limps, bb and str check. 4 ways

Flop (85) : 952r
2 checks, co 75, hero..

Omaha/8 1mo ago


5-10-20 Big O. Villains all have about 2k eff except co has 300. Str is new to Big O and probably cbetting too wide.

Hero on btn with A3567ss with A3hh

Pre: 3 limps, hero limps, 2 more limps, str raise to 150, utg co hero call. 4 ways

Flop (660) : Jx7h5h

Str bets 250, utg calls, co calls all in for around 150. Hero..
We have about 1850

Omaha/8 1mo ago


5-10-20 Big O. V in co is very lag and extremely sticky. He has about 1K.

4 handed. Hero in sb with AAK97ds no hearts and dry 9s

Pre: V open 60, hero 3b to 210, just V calls

Flop (450) : Qs6h5h
We have around 800 eff left.

Omaha 1mo ago


1-2-5 plo. V in utg is extremely high pfr but plays fit or fold post. About 600 eff.

Hero in utg 1 with AA62hhh

Pre: V raises 15, hero sb bb call. 4 ways

Flop (60) : AQ5r bdnfd
Check check, V bets 25, hero 100, 2 folds, V calls

Turn (260) : Kx
V checks

Omaha/8 1mo ago


5-10-20 Big O. V in bb is very loose and spewy pre but plays decent post. About 3k eff.

Hero on btn with AKT47ds no spades.

Pre: Hero limps (yes raise I know), sb bb str call

Flop (80) : KT5r both bdfd
Check, bb pot, hero and sb call

Turn (320) : 3ss
Check bb 300 hero calls, fold behind

River (920) : 4x
Bb checks

Other Poker Games 1mo ago

469 Super Razz Deucey

We get 4 cards down and immediately discard 2. We get 1 up card and the rest of the hand is played stud format. Half goes to the best badugi (2345 is nuts) and half to the best 2-7

Ante 25, 7 ways. Hero is dealt (499J) with a 6 up. The 469 are a tri dugi. All the up cards are face except the 5. Qx brings in 25, 5x completed to 50, hero is next and..

Omaha 1mo ago


3 handed 1-2-10 plo. Villain in sb is a mediocre reg, not a whole lot of reads yet. About 1200 eff.

Hero on btn str with AKT9 with K9cc and dry As

Pre: Sb calls 10, bb folds, hero checks. Maybe an iso is in order

Flop (22) : T63r bdfd
Sb pots 25, hero calls

Turn (72) : 6cc
Check check

River (72) : 3x
Sb pots 75

Omaha 1mo ago


1-2-5 plo. V in sb is a typical loose passive playing too many hands. About 800 eff

Hero in bb with A4JJ with A4dd.

Pre: Utg btn sb hero call

Flop (20) : JdTx5d
So we have top set nfd
Sb checks hero 20, just sb calls

Turn (60) : 3x
Sb checks hero 60, call

River (180) : Kx
Sb checks
Value bet?

Other Poker Games 1mo ago

KKQT6 Drawmaha

5-10-20 pot limit Drawmaha. Hero has 1600, all cover except villain on button who has 150. He’s a huge whale.

Hero in sb with KKQT6 with K6hh

Pre: utg btn hero str limp

Flop (90) : KJ5r no hearts
3 checks, V pots 90, hero cr to 360, V calls for less

Keep the QT?

Probability 2mo ago


What are the odds of being dealt 4 tens and a 9 in a 5 card hand? I came up with:

4! * 4 * 5 / (52 C 5)

Is this correct? 4! For the tens, 4 for the 9s and 5 different slots for the 9.

2-3 with AJss

Utg limp hero in utg1 raise 15 AJss. HJ co btn utg call

Flop (80) : Jx3s2s
Check hero 40 just HJ calls

Turn (160) : Kx

We have about 400 behind.

Omaha 2mo ago


1-2-5 plo. V in sb is a whale who’s chasing too much and value bets too thin. 1200 eff

Hero on btn with KKJ3cc no hearts

Pre: UTG opens 15, co hero sb bb call. 5 ways

Flop (75) : KJ8hh
Check check utg 20, everyone calls. Yes I realize I should raise but I didn’t want the whale to fold

Turn (175) : 9x
4 checks hero 100, only V calls

River (375) : 3x
V checks

Omaha/8 2mo ago


30 dollar bomb pot about 800 eff. The players to our left are all 3-5k deep with each other.

Hero in utg with A2346 with dry 6c and 53hh

Flop (180) : Q75cch
Sb bets 125, bb folds, hero..

Omaha/8 2mo ago


5-10-20 Big O. Villain in sb seems very inexperienced and I assume he’s going to make huge mistakes. 1500 eff

Hero in str with AT234ds no diamonds and the dry Ah

Pre: Btn sb bb limp. Hero makes it 80, btn folds and blinds both call

Flop (260) : T42ddh
V bets 200, bb folds, hero..