TwoPlusTwo user PointlessWords



Joined 4 years ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
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Bellagio has a policy where you must adhere to your chop/don’t chop policy

Basically if you choose to chop you have to continue chopping, if you choose not to chop you have to continue not chopping

Has anyone else experienced this? There is no way it is legal to force customers to bet or not bet in the future , before the hand is dealt.


Eat The Rich!

KS- Moved a conversation in Mod Thread about taxing the wealthy.

I don’t think you guys understand how numbers work.

If billionaires were taxed at the same rates as everyone else ALL TAXES would be covered by their contribution

Nobody else would have to pay any taxes ever.

It’s not my fault you haven’t taught yourself to understand economics and how large large numbers work

Blowjob healthcare would save the country money.

So would reparation

Y Closed Thread

How many people did the Catholic Church kill while trying to convert?

The Catholic Church killed a lot of people. If you didn’t accept godafter they tried to save you then you got killed.

How many people died this way?

Did the Catholic Church tell its members to kill “heathens”?

What really happened with the Catholic Church and the brown/ black populations of the world?

The Genocide thread

What does genocide mean to you, and without looking, what’s the worst genocide you know about and why

Speeding and the impact on society

Was just thinking to myself, man I think smoking weed is less dangerous than speeding, on a macro level. And then I wondered, just how bad is speeding really?

Lets look at increased deaths
increased accidents
increased costs

maybe the US should go down to a 55mph limit like a civilized country

***Biden impeachment thread***

***Biden impeachment thread***

I believe men to be the oppressed in American society.

I am wondering if violence against women in the western world is a result of opression and frustration from men who are not treated with respect but are made to work much harder and more difficult jobs than anyone else.

I have been considering the number of men incarcerated(and for how long), I think of the number of men killed in wars and I think about the number of men who are homeless(compared to women) and lastly I think about male suic

Does our society have a systemic bias against short men?

I’m 6 ft tall with boots on so I don’t experience much height discrimination, but I don’t think this is the same for everyone.

What do people think?

I would like to understand how dollars are created from banks

As I understand it;

You deposit $10k into a DDA account, like a checking or savings and the bank is able to loan out $100k in credit card “credit” to customers.

Where does the $90k come from? Can the bank just open up new lines of credit but then when the customer spends $90k, where does the bank get $90k to pay whomever the customer spent the money with?

Does the fed send it to the bank ? Is that bank allowed to make the dollars appear? I’m