TwoPlusTwo user Pokerpops



Joined 8 years ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
18likes received

Flopped set…

Smallish local game.
Prize pool is £4.3k we’re down to 18 with 11 paid.
Blinds are 3k/6k/6k

I have c250k as does the villain in the hand. He’s new to me but friends tell me he’s loose and ‘stationy’. Regardless we are the two dominant stacks at this stage.

Villain limps utg+2, one more limper and it gets to me in hijack with 88.
I make it 27k, villain calls.

Flop 8h6hQc. Pot 75k
He checks, I bet 26k, he calls. All good so far? Maybe bigger?


£200 MTT hand 2

Blinds are 1k/2k/2k
Stack c100k
Average 140k

MP (appears to be nervous in most hands and not fully in touch with the game. Maybe new to live poker?) opens to 4.5 and is called by his immediate neighbour who is the exact opposite. He’s very comfortable and very active.
I have As10s on the button and opt to flat call.
Pot - 18.5k

Flop 6s7s4c

MP jams 43k
Mr Active rejams covering me…

£200 MTT

This is a multi day 1 tournament that ultimately had a c£90k pot. We’re playing the last standard Day1 with a turbo to follow. All Day1s play to 15% and a min cash. Each day1 s played as a freezeout.

To the first hand…

We are BB with a 125k at 1/1.5/1.5 blinds.
UTG+1 raises to 3.5k and triggers a succession of flat calls.

I have 99 and consider a squeeze, but opt to just call. Thoughts?

Anyway, as played
Pot - 22.5k
the flop is 10hJd

Day 2 bubble

68 started, 12 remain playing down to 11 and a min cash.
100k starting stack
Blinds are 10k/20k/20k
£100 + £20 prize pool expected to be c£20k

Hero has 1.1MM and has raised 4 of the last 5 hands with no resistance.

I’m Button and open to 50k

What is my raise call range vs a 20BB all in?
Villain is definitely competent enough to know what I’m doing.

Results oriented line check £1/£2

Pretty standard mix of players, three very splashy types, one rock who plays one hand every couple of orbits, a station who pays no heed to pot odds if he has a draw and a couple of tightish passives.
Plus me, I aim for tight aggressive but when I’m well ahead I can tend to being defensive of my stack and when I’m behind I can find myself being loose and gambly (which is rarely a recipe for success)

So, to the hand.

Utg raises to £7 pre and is

FT spot

£60 game, we’re a few hands into the FT, payouts are heavily weighted to top 3 as ever.

Two very short stacks so nobody really wants to get too involved with me, or with villain in this hand since we are two of the three biggest stacks.

Villain opens to 2x from utg+1 I have 6c7c in BB and opt to defend from a stack of c50B

Flop 234 all red

I check call a 2.2BB cbet. I’m floating since he has a lot of AX and broadway hands that miss this and I f

A2s in BB

27 left, 10 paid.
Folds to button, he calls from a stack of c50k
SB makes it 7.5 from c85k
I call with Ah2h I have c 90k
Button folds
Pot 20k

Flop AK9 xxh
SB leads for 10k
I call
Turn 5x
SB leads again for 20k
I call? Views?

River 9
SB jams…..
What now?