TwoPlusTwo user Royalhouse11



Joined 5 years ago Lact Active: 9 days ago
4likes received

Study Groups 7mo ago

Reaching out to form a smallish study group for aspirational players

Hi all,

I'm looking to get a small study group together of like minded players who could see themselves pursuing this as a full time career.

Just for a bit of background, I've been playing for a couple of years now, but have been playing more consistently over the last few months. I'm currently playing at NL50. I was playing NL200 at one point but faced some life/bankroll issues which has forced me to re-build my roll.

I'm passionate about

Getting back on my feet and climbing the stakes

Hello grinders!

I'm a 24 year old PhD student who also spends a lot of time playing poker. Last year, I took a shot at climbing up the stakes, with some motivation from a breakup with a long term partner. I had some good success, and went from 25nl to 200nl over the span of 6 months or so. However, from some bankroll mismanagement, dealing with relationships outside of poker and solely thinking about money instead of improving my game, I los