TwoPlusTwo user Smoola1981



Joined 1 year ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
39likes received

Sick Runout Versus A Reg

Hero (not me): Former accomplished tournament pro before COVID who has been crushing the 5/5/10 capped and bounty NLHE games post-COVID. One of the biggest winners in the player pool. Perceived to be Semi-LAG and sticky versus aggros.

Villain: Serious rec small winner at 5/5 NLHE pre-COVID. Has become one of the biggest winning regs in the 5/5/10 capped and bounty NLHE games post-COVID. Very capable of unloading the clip on big bluffs.


How Many Of You Regular Posters Use a Training Site/Coaching?

I am curious to see if there are any posters here who actually use a training site/coaching for live NLHE.

My opinion is that the vast majority of the regular posters in this forum would get a very high return on their investment into a training site subscription/coaching/etc. But I suspect that almost none of the regular posters here use training sites/coaching.

I am not a world class pro in my player pool, but I got back into poker from a s