TwoPlusTwo user Stupidbanana



old hand
Joined 9 years ago Lact Active: 5 days ago
135 threads
634 posts
91 likes receiveds


Location: Jungles of the Amazon Interests: fruit salads Occupation: Games and Stakes:

QQ in weird hand

1/3 NLHE, 8 handed

Table is very loose passive except for the two players on H's left. People are going to the mats with TPGK, 2ndNFD, OESD without clean outs, etc. Game is deep but capped at 500$. I've played one or two hands and lost half my stack and plan to just rip the rest in and go home.

HH: H opens AKo UTG, LP unknown 3-bets 2.5x from CO, V1 cold calls SB, H 4-bets 2.5x more, CO calls, V1 calls. 3-ways checks all the way down on J-7-

Paying for cruise with poker?

Sort of an offshoot topic. I've never been on a cruise but a guy in my room recently went on one to St. Kitts and said he played poker the entire time and that it was the easiest winnings of his life. Is it possible to pay for your entire cruise by crushing old geezers at the SS poker table?

Dumb hand OOP w/ S1G

1/3 NLHE 5 handed

New casino for me on a Wednesday after work, lots of blue collar workers having a beer and losing money. Game is the easiest I've seen in a long time.

UTG - 400$ Has been seen limping AQo and calling my UTG open to 15 next to act with AQs. Very sticky post. Has called 2/3rds pot OTR with A high.

MP - 600$ Has limped every hand and plays 100% fit or fold post. His raising range is the nuts. His betting range is close to the n

I haz blocker

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

Table is loose passive except for a couple players. I just sat down with 400$ and I'm down about 50$.

V1 - Complete unknown. Doesn't seem incompetent but also doesn't seem to be a crusher. My vibe is that he's a break even or slightly losing loose passive.

V2 - Competent TAG that clicks buttons sometimes costing him EV. He probably wins about 5BB/hr. I know his game pretty well. He calls with a lot of S1Gs and S2Gs and junk

Terrified with KK

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

Just sat down and there's some tough players at the table as well as some loose passives and one nit. Game seems to be fun and gambly. I doubled up from 400 to 800 in the first few hands and I'm the effective stack.

V - Best player in the room by my guess. Plays as high as 50/100 and comes in with a 100k roll of bills. The money at this table is nothing for him. That said, he's very good at poker. I back raised AK into him

Bloated spot OOP - played defensively okay?

1/3 NLHE 6 handed for this hand.

V - Loose passive that studies the game and has a huge ego. Losing player for sure. Calls too much pre, shows up with K7o post. Says stuff like "I never shove there you snap all day unless I bluff raise....yada yada yada" but just generally has no clue and is an ATM preflop. Postflop he's much more fit/fold, values hands by bet size and plays fairly cautiously. Gets drawn out on a lot by other recs and then c

Adding the minclick to my repatoire?

Broad question but do you employ the minclick? I used to think it was purely fish that do this with QQ+ but now I'm wondering if its a valid tactic especially preflop. Hands that you normally 3-bet IP like ATs or KQo that want to get value but can easily fold to a 4-bet?

Weird hand with kid, too premium to fold river?

1/3 NLHE 5 handed

Game is overnight Sunday and is close to breaking, only game going in a quiet sleepy room, not much taking, 2 nits, game is on life support basically. Me and V both have about 600$.

V - only reason I'm still here. New to the game and has no clue. Routinely misreads hands, clicks buttons and resembles a child playing with a new toy: gambling addiction. Kid has been at the room every night for weeks, not sure how much he's do


1/3 NLHE 9 handed

V - BTN 480$. Loose passive mawg. Not a station or drooler but VPIP about 20-25% but always taking a passive x/call line. The kind of guy that just bleeds down until he drills some domination hand whereupon he makes up some of his money before bleeding down some more.

H covers in CO.


two limps to H who opens T T to 20 (table has been loose passive and gambly), V 3-bets to 65, folds to H who just calls. - fyi his range here

KQhh vs competent russian

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

V - competent russian player, seen him around a lot lately. Plays TAG ABC for a solid profit I'd guess. Bluffs a little, but mostly doesn't make crazy moves. Very solid player.


folds to V who opens HJ to 12, CO loose passive fish calls, folds to Hero in BB who sees K Q and flat calls this time. (Eff stack ~550, V covers).

Flop 40 - Q 5 4

H checks, V bets 17, CO calls, H x/r to 75, V calls, CO folds.

Turn 210 - 6

H checks, V c

SB vs BB w/ Good TAG line check

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

V - Good foreign TAG plays a lot lately. I never used to have many hours with him but I'm getting up there. The other night he was 3-betting me relentlessly IP and I finally 4-bet with KJs and he called. SPR 1. Runout Q-5-5-7(FD)-T(FD miss) and I checked to the river and folded. He showed KQs. He's probably close to 10BB/hr and is really crushing the game lately I think. Now that I know more about him I've realized he's pre

4-bet pot with asian minclicker

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

Table is loose passive and straightforward for the most part.

V - friendly asian kid that doesn't know the game that well. Losing player but has fun. I have only played with him a few times, once he showed me that he was folding JJ from the BB in a single raised pot with an opener and caller in position (auto-squeeze spot). I labelled him as a weak tight at that moment. Most of the time if he's putting real money in he has

Reasonable passivity?

1/3 NLHE 8 handed

V1 - sticky loose passive and straightfoward but sticky post. small bet on a T-5-3 is A5o type guy.

V2 - Mawg Ive never seen that clearly doesnt understand the game. Triple barreled AI w him on a Qc6s3cJd5c runout with KJcc and he tank folded AQo which he just called with pre IP.


V1 limps 3$ off 400$ from MP, V2 to 20 in CO off ~350$, H covers OTB and just calls with Q Q, blinds who are semi-loose pre - fold, V1 calls. 3 wa

Between two hammerheads

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

V1 - Don't play much with him but he's a winning player. Probably about 8 BB/hr. TAG style. I would say he's not overly creative post-flop, I don't know his game really well but he's overly tight so I usually just overfold to him and I've never been in a situation where I had premium and he was interested so my opens like ATo, A8s, KJs all hit the muck when he 3-bets me. I think he's about my skill level but more disciplin

Line check w/ overpair vs tilted V

1/3 NLHE 6 handed

V - just switched seats to my immediate left. Never seen him before but others seem to know him. He's a bad player from the 1 hour or so I have with him. He's been playing way too many hands and also calling post a lot but in a more aggressive way that a typical loose passive. Let's say loose-aggressive but in the fishy button-clicking sense. 350$ eff stack.

H - is unknown to almost everyone and covers.


UTG folds, Hero sees

Two hands with young V

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

V - fishy loose passive with a tendancy to click buttons, over values hands post like QJ on a A-J-5 he'll cbet. VPIP about 30%, plays too many hands but not completely incompetent.


H1: H opens 10 A Q from CO 400 eff. V calls SB, nit calls BB.

Flop 30 - 8 4 3

V donks 15, Nit folds, H calls

Turn 60 - Q

V checks, H bets 50, V x/raises to 125.


H2: H opens A A in CO to 10 off 500$, LP calls BTN off 200$, V calls BB covers.

Flop 3

A2s bb vs strdl

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

V - loose passive that runs like a god. HH: V opens MP with Q9ss, I raise btn with KQo, he calls 3-bet pot IP, flop Qc 9d 7d SPR 1 he x I jam he calls and wins.

V straddles UTG 6, folds to H in BB who goes 25 with A 2, V calls HU OOP. H is eff stack with just over 400$.

Flop 50 - K 6 4

H bets 30, V calls

Turn 110 - 6

H bets 125, V calls

River 360 - A

H jams 235 total... thoughts?

99 oop vs house lag

1/3 nlhe 7 handed.

V - house LAG, plays professionally, has cashed in main event. BTN.

Folds to fishy CO player (makes random opens/stabs) who opens 10, V calls BTN, H to 50 from BB with 9 9, fish folds, V asks for count of my stack and calls (we both started with about 400$, not sure why he was asking but wanted to see exactly who covered who).

Flop 100 (350 back) - J 5 4


Banana with 2 pears gets minclicked

1/3 NLHE 8 handed

Been on a long downswing of 14 BIs now with one winning session out of the last 10. A few punts but getting run over. Might be tilted.

V - lp asian. Came to the room a week or two ago and plays every night now. Runs like a god against me. AK vs his AQ AI pre runout is K-J-X-Y-T. Another hand he opened HJ to 15 CO calls Banana to 50 OTB with KQo, he flats OOP, CO folds. Runout is Qh-9c-3h-8h-2s and he has 69hh taking a donk b

AKo but unknown tighter player interested

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

Table is full of unknowns, I just sat down awhile ago. I've been running like crap lately, down 7 BIs in 7 sessions (one session I broke even and one I lost 2 BIs, not sure how bad this is). Getting spooked and to a point where I'm afraid to 3-bet JJ pre because of how bad I'm running.

V1 - standard loose passive, but has shown some bluffs post flop, even MW. 500$ LJ.

V2 - tighter pre but looser post, VPIP around 15%. Covers.

Not one, but TWO check raisers

2/5 NLHE 8 handed

Table just opened, new casino I've never been to, nice lighting inside. Game is a mixed bag with V1 and V2 (young asian guys) seeming fairly active and playing a lot of pots. Not much to read but one HH where V2 put in too much money with the bare bottom end of his range:

V1 opens late position, V2 3-bets from SB, V1 4-bets huge like 5x (both are 1500$ deep), V2 calls. Flop J T 9 V2 checks, V1 checks back, Turn 6 V2 checks,

Ugly hand with maniac - did I miss a bluff?

2/5 NLHE 9 handed.

Table has been a bit tight with a few players going up early and now their stacks are on lockdown, a few LPs and one or two nits. V just sat down and has completely changed the fish tank ecosystem by drinking heavily and opening 50 blind pre every hand. He's been at the table about 10 hands. He's also calling raises with marginal hands and 3-betting (4-betting?) people who raise his blind 50. He stacked a guy all in pre wh

Little chinese girl has claws

2/5 NLHE 8 handed.

Table just opened and we're three hands in. Chinese girl with her boyfriend sat down on H's immediate right. Cute and cuddly. Later I would find out more about her game but for this hand I know basically nothing. I've seen her play one hand (the first of the table) where it went:

Fishy wide opener opens UTG1 for 15, chinese girl calls LJ, HJ calls, bad LAG raises BTN to 80, only chinese girl calls, she's HU OOP to a flop of

Off the rails OOP vs LAG

1/3 NLHE 5 handed

Game just opened and waiting for more players.

V - unknown LAG, friends with a LAG I know fairly well. V has been vpiping 40% over small sample size. He's shown some big hands like AK and is up, hasnt been seen bluffing but with how active he is it must be some air. Covers.

H - Has a tight image to V, lost one hand with 77 where V 3-bet H IP, flop A44r (H has 77) check, V cbets 1/4 pot, H calls, turn 2 brick, x V bombed it,

ATo MW, flop OESD

1/3 NLHE 8 handed

SB - bad loose passive calling 20 pre and folding everything post, just bleeding down to nothing then going all in and rebuying, betting range is premium only. 140$.

BB - loose passive but more gambly, likes to take flops and chase. 250$.

H - UTG+1. Has tight winning image. 1200$.

CO - semi-competent player who is up a lot and drinking and trying to act drunk to get action but actually is playing mostly sound. He tries to act