TwoPlusTwo user Stupidbanana



old hand
Joined 9 years ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
91likes received


Location: Jungles of the Amazon Interests: fruit salads Occupation: Games and Stakes:

Well if they have it they have it spot?

1/3 NLHE 8 handed.

Table is loose passive at this point.

V1 - Whale that everyone is targeting, drives the action. Buys in for the max VPIPing 98% (leaves for a smoke here and there) and just calls off with any draw any pair anything. Can show up at the river with all the 2-pair, any random straight that makes no sense, any BDFD etc etc. He will also bluff sometimes. CO. ~1k.

HH - Folds to H in SB who opens K2ss, V calls BB, HU to 8-4-2 one ,

AKo between a rock and a LAG place

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

Table has a mix of nits, loose passives and one LAG that just sat down.

V1 - Lag kid. Plays pretty good. Plays up and plays in some big home games. Has played WSOP. I would guess he does very well at 1/3 and he for sure takes the game seriously. I don't have many hours with him as he usually gets off my table but one thing I've noticed is he overvalues hands post flop, especially at this level where betting ranges for large

Tried to trap whale but failed, terrible?

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

Table is loose and gambly, great game.

V - Best player to have at the table. Plays 2/5 as well. Just puts money in with anything. VPIP close to 100%. Chases any draw no matter the odds. Mostly passive but will bluff at it when checked to. His stack yo-yos and can get super deep (~3k+) when he drills oil. Covers. HJ.

HH w/ V. V opens MP, TAG calls CO, Hero 3-bets with ATs from BTN, both call. Flop Ts-3c-2h, x x H cbet 2/3rds

Too speculative vs FOS fish?

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

Table is mostly loose passive with a few tighter players in the mix, a couple nits.

V - Splashy fish I've never seen before. Never stops talking and I forgot to bring earphones. He's run a bit of a heater and is up. VPIP about 70% usually just calling pre. Back-raised 3-bet with AJs one hand pre from UTG. Seems to just be clicking buttons. Bet T9o into OOP into 4 people on a A-K-Q flop and spiked a J OTT and nailed someone

Second last hand of the night and everyone is stuck

5/5 NLHE 4 handed (yes)

Table - about to break, everyone is down, Banana the least, only 100 or so. We're playing auf schweiz and the game is super passive and sticky but we're not getting many hands. Everyone wants to make something happen and opens have been unusually large in general (30-60 CHF over 5 BB) and even larger in the last two orbits (70-100 CHF).

Banana - Has 915 CHF from his 1k BI. Has the nittiest image at the table by far. B

Banana not sure if he should fondue or fondon't

5/5 NLHE, 6 handed

Table - Banana is on the move and has hit Switzerland. Table is a late night game at the local big casino, only table running on a Monday night, game will break in a couple hours as casino closes. Table is loose passive and very sticky with a few different tendencies between players. Min/max is 250 CHF/1500 CHF and everyone has around 1k CHF. We bought in for 1k and had AKo first hand and scooped a nice pot preflop to win

Delayed by a broken wheel

1/3 NLHE 8 handed.

V - only competent player at the table. A beginnerish TAG. He's probably 0-3BB/hr player. He tilts sometimes but early in his sessions plays well. This session he's trapped IP twice with thick value and been paid off once. He's overly face up and gives off a lot of physical tells. Covers. MP.

HH - V straddles BTN, SB BB fold, UTG straightforward loose passive opens 25, folds back to V who asks to see UTGs stack then calls.

Early morning KAKA table

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

Table is 1am on a Saturday night. The game sucks, two asian rocks sat down on my left and everyone is nit peddling. Stacks are 200-500. No one is 3-betting ever. People are limp calling with AK, JJ and so on. Why am I even here vibes.

V - one of the aforementioned nit/rocks. He's not a total nit but he's very snug. He wins at 1/3, not sure about 2/5. He's probably a 5 BB/hr player. He's not creative enough and plays too ABC

On the road with KK

1/3 NLHE 8 handed

Native casino I've never been to. Hustling and bustling on a Tuesday night. Table is the softest I've seen in ages. Everyone but V is loose passive and sticky. A minclick pre is QQ minimum. People are calling off half their stack with J9o on flops like J-7-7 because "even if I'm behind I can hit a straight".

V - only remotely non-drooler. Playing TAG and very ABC up to this hand but not really good TAG, bluffing into statio

Y Closed Thread

Lowkey ways to tilt players at your game?

What are some of your lowkey ways to try and tilt people at your local game? I get bored sometimes and look for things to say like "I put you in Ace King" but I need new material.

High Variance spot with NFD

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

Table has been very loose passive with some tight people. One TAG on my immediate left.

V1 - old white man that bleeds down until he thinks he's ahead and then bets like his chips are diseased. Pot - 2x Pot. But overvalues hands. Bet AKo on a AQJ99 board for 3 streets against two people OOP and won at showdown. Up a lot. Covers.

V2 - asian man, loose passive pre, semi aggressive post. Bets all his draws and check calls weak

Old chinese man makes it 20 cold

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

V - Never seen him before. Old asian man. Has been limp calling pre about 50% of hands and limp folding pre the other 50%. Haven't seen any showdowns. Haven't seen him raise or open once. About 1-2 hours together at this point. CO. 315$.


V opens 20 when folded to (normal for the table would be 10-15), folds to Hero in BB who sees J J and decides to just call and see where this is going.

Flop 40 - A 9 4

I check, V bets 30,

I started x/raising for value and I think it's getting out of hand

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

Just moved to a new table and I don't know a single person at this table but it seems like your typical loose passive game at first glance.

V - Some MAWG I've never seen and know nothing about. 525$. BTN.

I cover the 550 from HJ.


V straddles BTN 6, folds to UTG who limps, folds to H in HJ who makes it 25 with A Q, CO calls, V calls, limper calls. 4 ways 2nd to act.

Flop 100 - A J 6

UTG x, I x, CO x, V bets 50, UTG folds, I x

S2G turns equity

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

Table - awful boring loose passive limpfest. Every hand going 6 ways. Even 20$ pre only getting it about 4 ways. One 3-bet every 2 hours or so.

V1 - fat loose passive man. Losing player. Limps and calls a lot pre, cold calls 3-bets. Not the biggest station but about 50% VPIP. 415$ BB.

V2 - Mostly irrelevant, loose passive pre, fit-or-fold post. Covers. CO.

I have about 700$ in the HJ.


Folds to H who sees 9 6 and opens HJ to

Two hands: <3 <3 <3 OTT What now?

2/5 NLHE 7 handed.

Hand 1:

V1 - Maniac whale. Opening 25-50$ cold with A-rag. VPIPing close to 100%. Has shown up at the river with everything from 77 to K2o. Check calls with any pair post, leads and plays for stacks with what he considers big hands (TP2K+). Covers HJ.

H - 750$ BTN.


UTG straddles 10, one limp EP, V1 to 40 in HJ, Hero raises Q Q to 125, only V calls. HU IP.

Flop 260 - Q 8 7

V1 x, H bets 90, V1 calls.

Turn 340 - 4

x, x (?)


Got cute with Q-T

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

V - Competent TAG. Winning player but button clicks sometimes. Plays almost full time. He's good and understands a lot but I think he just gets bored of the grind sometimes and tries to make silly moves. He's perfectly capable of reading the board, understanding odds and so on. 500$ UTG.

H - Not sure how V views me. I've had several hundred hours with him and he's seen me 3-bet everything from AA to 45s. Covers. BTN.


V op

KK pre vs unknown nit

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

V - Young white guy I've seen in the room that I forgot is a nit. I have very few hours with him. He's been folding at our table for two hours now and has opened only a few hands, he opened CO over an LPs limp once and I 3B Btn and he folded showing 96s so he can get creative. He's called a few times and 3B once but shown very little. UTG 500$.

H - Has been Lagging it up and shown hands like K7s and AJo for 3bets pre. Not su

Y Closed Thread

Commitment Issues with TPTK

1/3 NLHE 8 handed.

V1 - Handsome young man. Winning TAG. Plays a solid game and has begun playing 2/5 with some of the bigger guns like myself. 450$. CO.

V2 - Straightforward loose passive asian man. Covers. BTN.

H - LAG. Runs over this game. Winning player. 520$. SB.


Folds to V1 who opens 10, V2 calls, H sees A Q and raises to 45, V1 calls, V2 folds.

Flop 100 (405 back) - Q J 4

H cbets 65, V1 raises to 175, Hero?

Question 1: are we committed h

Balanced x/r range or spew?

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

H - Just sat down with 400, dusted off 100 4-bet folding 77 OOP pre vs a maniac who 5-bet shoved, now hasn't played a hand in an orbit or two. 300$. LJ.

V - Older asian losing player. He is loose passive pre and straightforward post. I dont remember how sticky he is postflop. Covers. HJ.


H sees A T and opens to 15 over one EP limp, V in HJ, CO and BTN (good LAG) all call, limper folds. 4 ways OOP.

Flop 60 - Q J 8

x, V bets 2

Overpair vs Asian rock on Q72

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

V - Asian rock. Not a complete NIT but a winning tight aggressive rock. VPIP/PFR/3b of about 13/10/2. Sometimes limps pre with big MW drawing hands like QJs but almost always coming in for a 3-bet. His 4-betting range is super nutted. His 3-betting range is very tight but has some KJs or 99 depending on his position. He has a check/raising range and can bluff post-flop and can trap. One leak I've noticed this session is he

"You don't wanna block T9 there!"

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

V - Winning TAG grinder who gets bored and clicks buttons occaisionally. Sometimes he tilts and gets a bit steamed and borders on spew but he's a good overall winning player with a well rounded game. He's no wizard though. 450$ BTN.

H - Not sure what V thinks of me. I think he thinks I'm a bit tight especially when deeper. I've been a bit card dead at this table and people have said stuff out loud when I open like "wow the

Hating life with TPTK

2/5 NLHE 8 handed.

Table is unusually short stacked and a lot of 1/3 players are trying their luck.

V1 - Loose passive player playing up from 1/3. 500$. BB.

V2 - TAG/LAG winning player. Plays as high as 10/20 live. I've seen his graph and he's crushing 1/3. Not sure about 2/5 but at this table he's probably the best player. He knows all the usual strategy and can bluff, read the board, x/r light etc etc. That said, he levels himself. He comes

Advice on Asian Rocks

I have six or seven asians in my room that all know each other and play together frequently. They all have the same style with a few caveats here and there. Because this isn't a very big room I can't always be changing tables or avoiding them and so I'd like advice on how to play against them. One of the good TAGs in my room says 'just change tables' but, like I said, this isn't always an option.

They play like this:

- VPIP/PFR of about 10/9,

What's your 3-bet calling range OOP?

1/3 or 2/5 cash full-ring. Stacks are all 75BBs-300BBs (obviously V's particular stack size affects this). Let's simplify by saying everyone is 100BBs, 9 handed, all 3-bets are reasonable 3x-4x sizing.

Give me your calling range for:

1. You open UTG and UTG+1 3-bets you.

2. You open CO and BTN 3-bets you.

Moron donks on Q-3-2r

2/5 NLHE 8 handed

V1 - Loose passive, same as the average 1/3 player. 240$. BTN.

V2 - Massive whale. Buys in for the max and just clicks buttons. All the good regs are just trying to get into a hand with him. Covers. BB.

H - Has tight or weak tight image to good regs at this table and V1 and V2 have no clue. H just rebought after calling V1 river x/r jam on a 9d-7h-5h-Th-9h with AhJd when V1 OOP x x x x all the way down to the river and H went