TwoPlusTwo user Stupidbanana



old hand
Joined 9 years ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
91likes received


Location: Jungles of the Amazon Interests: fruit salads Occupation: Games and Stakes:

Huge turn spot with semi-pro LAG

2/5 NLHE 8 handed.

V - LAG I have played two sessions with. One of the best players I've seen I think. Although today he seems to be bordering on spew. He is down 2 BIs and the table opened less than an hour ago. He has been very active pre and post...but not a maniac. He plays 10/20 and 50/100. He has shown down KTo for a 3bet pre and defended his BB with K8o. 1500$ BB.

H - Should have a weak tight semi-nitty image and look like scared money

Diamonds aren't forever

1/3 NLHE 8 handed

V - Guy who is now playing a lot that previously never seen before. This is my fourth session with him. 15 hours. He was weak tight and nitty the last three but this session he's been much more active, opening QJo and A9o. Betting for thin value. Not sure what to make of it. He's definitely at least a break even player. He's up a lot so I think he's on winners tilt. 1350$ MP.

H - Has won a bit, not sure what V thinks of me.

Under-repped KK IP w/ V thats gunning for me.

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

V1 - Has a lot of history with Hero, young white guy. Loves to study the game. Not the best player in the room but learning. He's competent, can read the board, understands odds and so on. He tries to play TAG but gets out of line here and there because of all the folding involved. He also tilts when he's stuck (which he isn't for this hand). He's battled H a lot and lost - mostly because I just have it but also because I'

I'm liking this under-rep AK up front thing

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

Table hasn't been open long, H is up to 500$ from his 400$ BI and has only played a couple hands.

V - Weak tight nitty player. I've seen him sit and fold for three hours. This is my third session with him so about 10 hours total sample size. He loves to fold. His VPIP is about 3-5%. Never really seen him play a big pot, his stack just collects spider webs. He opens here and there and picks up the blinds and then goes back t

"Bro just call w/ AK OOP"

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

Table is typical loose passive, stacks are not that deep with a lot of people sitting on 150-250. A couple deeper stacks are bleeding down.

V - Just a typical loose passive, never seen him before. 250$ MP.

H - Has been tight and folding. Covers SB.


Six limps to H in SB who sees A K and pumps to 30, only V calls, HU OOP.

Flop 65 - Q 6 3

With 220 back and SPR of about 3.5, H checks, V looks like he wants to bet but then checks

I hero'd down an asian man on monkey tilt.

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

This is kind of an addendum to the thread doc posted where an overly aggressive V 3-bet him for like 10x from SB and he called with TT. I'm trying to conceptualize the adjustment to an overly aggressive to the point of spewy V. Someone who plays professionally in my room once told me: "drop the bottom part of your value range and your marginal range as the top of your value range and premiums will go up in EV and this will

Unload with AJo?

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

V - Good young player. See him in the room sometimes. He's a thinking player and understands position and odds and so on. He's no wizard but he's a good player. A little too passive and call-happy as most are. He is stuck 2 BIs tonight and I've taken 1.5 of those BIs. One hand where I was bluffing with a weak PP on a scary runout and he hero'd with A-high and I won. V's been getting a bit tilted and opening wider and playin

Got myself in a jackpot with Big Papa

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

H - Hero is up slightly late in the session and tired. Should go home. Game is 2am on a weekend. Have about 500$ in front and V has a little more. BB. 500$.

V - House LAG. Goes by the name Big Papa. 300 pounds of pure gambool. His table broke and now he's down with the fish sitting on my immediate left. Plays 5/10, 10/20 and maybe higher. Flies to Vegas regularly and has a lot of gold watches and chains on. Really good play

Are we just shovelling money back and forth while the casino takes their cut?

Lately I've been thinking about where my profits come from in poker. My winning over the past years is very inconsistent, but has a general upward trend as I think I've improved during the time. I think I came up with the following equation:

My profits = My ability - Average opponent ability - rake

As I play different times of day/days of the week I find I run into some good players in my room. People who play higher stakes and I get run down

Card dead punt or reasonable x/r spot?

1/3 NLHE, 9 handed.

V - Unknown to me. Known to others. Has been very quiet at the table hardly playing any hands. 4 hours sample size. He's played every hand he's been in quiet and passive and hasn't shown down hardly anything and his stack hasn't moved. He folds 3 orbits then opens and everyone folds and he picks up the blinds. I 3-bet him once from BB with QJo when he opened 15 from BTN when folded to and he folded. Covers. CO.

H - Been ca

Bizarre Hand w/ K9s

1/3 NLHE 7 handed atm.

H - Just sat down, I know a few faces including V1 but the rest are unknowns. Game seems loose passive. 400$ MP (UTG+1).

V1 - Annoying degenerate rec. Plays dumb at the table. Purposely does stuff like put out raising chips then says "call" after. Always causing problems. Calls clock a lot. Argues with house. Shows cards to people still in the hand, etc etc. Losing player, loose passive and button clicky. 650$ SB.

V2 - C

AT sucked in by IO?

1/3 NLHE, 8 handed

Table is a mix of LPs, nits and one good TAG.

V1 - unknown to me. seems beginnerish. has been passive and calling but not a station. have seen him get really aggressive one hand RFI-bet-bet-AI w/ KK. Has never 3bet in an hour Ive seen him. Covers. HJ.

V2 - old asian man bleeding down 100-200$ BIs. 100$ BTN.

H - has won a few hands and is up to 650$. 650$ MP.


H sees A T opens 10, V1 3bets to 40, V2 cold calls off 100$, H cal

Quick question with 88 deep

1/3 NLHE, 9 handed, table is loose passive except for a couple nits. Any 3-bet is pure value. Stacks range from 100$ to H at 1200$ and V at over 2k.

V - African guy whose gone deep. Button clicking. Seems to be playing on winners tilt and very loose. Has shown 9 7 for an open-bet-bet-bet line on a J-T-7-8-4 runout. He's been hitting and getting there on people and keeps betting out for no reason. BB, Covers.

HH - Folds to H on BTN who opens Q

OOP vs good TAG short-handed, triple off or give up?

1/3 NLHE, 6 handed. Early in the session, only a few orbits in.

V - Good TAG kid. Haven't played with him much, about 15 hours now. He's a solid TAG player that buys in a bit shallow and 3-bets/gii pre until he goes deeper. I've seen him make some mistakes post-flop in calling too wide or betting where it didn't make sense. 200$ BTN.

HH - V opens 30 over UTG limp and 1 caller, Hero 3-bets TT from BTN, only V calls, HU. Runout all low like 8-5

Calling to a chop - how often do I need to be right?

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

V - Asian man I've never seen before. Tried to get fancy with him earlier and found out he's super sticky. (HH below). He's been calling off with 2nd pair okay kicker for half his stack, calling x/raises. He's just calling a lot. His betting range seems to be value. One good TAG x/raised semi-bluffed him over pot OTT on a Ad-9c-3s-9s board with 78ss. V called with a naked A and lost when river brought the third .

HH - Folds

Tilt punt with S1G orrr?

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

V1 - loose white guy. vpiping 80% and opening hands like Q2s, T9o for 15$ pre. Calling wide post. Limping a lot too. MP Covers.

HH - H opens K9dd from BTN over V1s limp, V1 calls HU. Flop Th 6c 3s. Check, H bets 2/3rds, V calls. Turn Qh x x, River Qc V1 bets 1/5th pot, H raises pot, V1 calls with As3c.

V2 - Asian man limping his entire range pre and jamming 400$ pre into 10$ pots. Been stacked once by AKss. VPIP about 50%. B

Torched 35$ OTT w/ JJ

1/3 NLHE 8 handed.

Just moved tables and I'm tired. It's 4am, I've been having a rough couple weeks. I'm only down 1 BI in 2 weeks but I feel like I'm just treading water. Every hand I get into I either A. lose, B. hate the flop (like KK and flop comes A-7-2 and people start betting out) or C. Hate the runout.

V - asian gambler. Loose passive but gets frisky sometimes. I don't know him that well but he likes action. Pre he's very passive tho

Airballed a thinking reg with T9s.

1/3 NLHE 7 handed.

V - Young thinking reg. Good player. Winning at these stakes, not sure about 2/5. He comes around now and then and plays a pretty straightforward game but we don't have a lot of hours together. I usually avoid getting mixed up with him. He seems a little off this session though, tired maybe. BB. 500$.

H - Early in H's session, has been playing well and is up a bit. Fun winning image. BTN. 750$.

Table is loose passives beside

Stack off with tens?

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

Just moved tables. This table is more action and deeper stacks. This is my third hand at the table, I folded pre the first two.

V - Young asian kid I have never seen before. HJ. 371$.

H - Young white guy that V doesn't know. Covers. BTN.


UTG straddles, MP and LJ limp, V opens to 30, Hero sees T T and raises to 115, folds back to V who calls HU.

Flop 230 - 8 6 3

Check, I bet 65, V calls

Turn 360 - 9

Check, Check

River 360 - 8


BR Maniac with 77

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

V1 - Maniac burning through BIs RFI about 50% calling about 30% and 3betting a bit. Has shown AXo T8o and Q2s. 325$ BB.

V2 - Loose passive fish. Straightforward post. Jams his value to avoid making decisions. Covers. UTG.

H - Just sat down and feeling the vibes. 450$ SB.


V2 straddles UTG, two limps including BTN, H limps 6$ with 77, V1 pops to 40, fold to H who BR to 115, V1 calls.

Flop 240 (210 back) - J 6 6


OOP vs Maniac and Fish, how to handle mega equity?

1/3 NLHE 6 handed for this hand.

V1 - Maniac. Haven't played with him in a long time and didn't think he was a maniac but for some reason he showed up an hour ago and has burned through 2 or 3 BIs. He's 3-bet me UTG1 vs my UTG open with KJo. He's been VPIPing about 85% PFR about 40%. He's calling wide a lot pre and post especially IP. He's putting in stacks for 3x pot with naked FDs OTT and generally blowing off wads. 450$ CO.

V2 - Old loose

Tried to under-rep for balance, how'd I do?

1/3 NLHE, 9 handed.

V - Young asian guy. Plays a lot and is pretty good. Winning player at 1/3, probably not at 2/5. He's one of the more competent players in the room. He understands concepts and can read the board. Makes bluffs. 3-bets pre. Etc etc. That said, he's no wizard. He calls too wide pre and sometimes too wide post. He doesn't (imo) value position enough, I've seen him open UTG with KJo, A8s, A2s etc etc. So he gets a bit splashy

Check-Induced my way into stupid spot.

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

V1 - Arab guy buys in for 300 usually before either quadrupling up on some ridiculous runner runner or (more often) loses it, gets tilted, keeps rebuying for the minimum 100 and trying to ship it in pre/OTF. He has currently lost his initial 300 BI and is now on his fourth or fifth 100 BI and is monkey tilting (although I think it's somewhat of an act as this routine gets old). Pre he's extremely wide and passive and post h

Laid two flowers on station's grave. Bad idea?

1/3 NLHE 6 handed for this hand.

V - Really wide station. This guy loves to gamble. Chases draws and calls a ton post. Gets there with ridiculous hands. The kind of guy that burns multiple BIs until he runs his Q8o into a board like A-J-3-9-T and guts everyone. Bets his weakly made hands and cant let go of 2pair unless the board is like As-Ks-Js-Ts-8h or something. Just sat down an orbit ago with 400 and bled it to 325$ limp calling pre. UTG

Hero call with 2nd pair vs wide asian?

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

V - BTN Covers. Loose passive asian whale that has been on a heater. Played a few hours with him and he calls super wide pre especially IP. 20$ pre with 64o, any BWs, shown down A7o, etc. Opens for large sizing with premiums. Never seen him 3-bet pre. Post he calls down wide but lately he just keeps getting there.

H - 400 SB. Should have a tighter image. Having a tough session. Card dead, then open KcKs, 4 callers Flop Ad 7d