TwoPlusTwo user TheJaguar1



Joined 8 years ago Lact Active: 9 days ago
1likes received

Prop bet that I’ll build $800 to 5k then 10k then 20k in 15 hours LIVE AT RIVERS

Edit: I am up $224 in like 15 minutes after a big hero call. Get in now this has to be easy right?

I’m offering 15-1 odds that I build $800 into $5k within 15 hours starting at 1/3 $500 max but I’ll be moving up to $2/$5 (1k max) and then possibly $5/$10 ($2500 max)

I will also offer 100 to 1 that I build this into 10k then 250 to 1 that I build into 15k and 500 to 1 that I build this into 20k and the highest I would be 5/10.

I am playing r