TwoPlusTwo user The Standard Station

The Standard Station

The Standard Station

Joined 5 years ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
28likes received


Biography: I used to care a ton about poker. But then I realized I'd never be a sicko, bc I am too much of a sicko in other (not life benefiting) respects. Location: Chronically online Interests: Got a dog thats an elder statesman now degen non poker gambling a bit too hard lately. No bueno Occupation: Entreprenuer Games and Stakes:

On the way out; HUPLO vs !!! and other Shenanigans (An update and accountability thread)


I am creating this thread to document my likely departure from poker/gambling, a career I embarked on back in 2017. The main stuff I'll be posting about is an ongoing huplo match vs an epic whale thats one of the best situations I've finagled myself into. I dont really play a whole lot of poker outside of this match at this point, and its up in the air how long my opponent will want to play for. I'll also be occasionally posting upd