TwoPlusTwo user Xptboy



Joined 11 years ago Lact Active: 9 days ago
43likes received


Location: dolphin in the ocean Interests: Occupation: king of the jungle Games and Stakes:

Omaha rollercoaster

Omaha rollercoaster
Omaha 8mo ago

PLO4 card committed study group looking for one or 2 more


I am the organizer of a committed study group for 4card PLO players, this group has been running for longer than a year now, and it shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon.

We are currently 4 members, 2 of our members play mainly PLO200, one of them mainly PLO500 and one of them up to PLO5k. All of the members in the group are very smart, have great thought processes and we all respect each other.

We are looking for 1 or 2 more c

g 1 post
Study Groups 1yr ago

PLO100+ study group looking for 1 more

Our study group of 3 is looking for one more (and only one) more special member. All of us play PLO100-200 4cards.
This is undoubtedly going to be the hardest working, most committed study group you will ever be a part of and will require a lot of dedication and commitment from you. Each of us is very hard-working and dedicated to the game and we will ask the same from you. The goals for each of us is to be playing higher stakes by th