TwoPlusTwo user ZKesic



Joined 10 years ago Lact Active: 9 days ago
35likes received


Biography: 25 y/o poker player. Finishing college right now. Location: Slovenia Interests: Poker Occupation: Poker Games and Stakes:

Poker Theory & GTO 5mo ago

There is no variance in Poker!

I've seen a lot of discussion on variance lately, so I've decided to give my alternative perspective on it.

My controversial opinion: There is WAY less variance in poker than people think. Humans have selective memory which makes everyone feel way unluckier than they actually are (including me), combined with high ego that makes regs feel entitled to win.

When discussing variance, people often mention standard deviation as a proof of how high

$100.000 profit at 20nl


I've started this thread in order to document my journey towards $100k profit, playing only 20nl.

A bit about me:
- I'm From Slovenia
- 25 y/o
- Very handsome
- A student
- I go to the gym 3-4x per week
That's about it.

I've already spent most of 2018 playing 20nl, therefore the results from this year will be included into the challenge.

- I've been playing 1200-1400 hands/hr (fast poker)
- My hourly in 2018 has been around $20-25/hr

I'll be makin