TwoPlusTwo user abcabcabcabcabcabc



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Unsure of Turn Action and River Fold

Playing 5 cent/ 10 cent online.

Villian in CO and Hero in BU both have 100 BB and Hero is dealt Ac Js.

Preflop: CO raises to 30 cents, hero calls. Both blinds fold.

Flop (75 cents): 4h Tc Jh.

CO bets 30 cents. Hero raises to 60 cents. CO Calls.

Turn (1.95) (4h Tc Jh) [Qh]

CO Checks. Hero Checks.

River (1.95) (4h Tc Jh Qh) [3d]

CO bets 1.80. Hero folds

I am looking for any feedback regarding the turn check and the river fold. I decided to chec