TwoPlusTwo user blazar



Joined 14 years ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
107likes received

Open sizing question for 1/3 & 5/5 live

Hello, soon going to play live 9max 1/3 or 5/5 no antes, whats optimal open raise size on those stakes?

Well, atm i play online 9max ante games deep stack my open raise usually is 3-3.5bb but on live there will be no antes, maybe straddles sometimes, should i open for 10 for 1/3 and 20 for 5/5?

Does it make sense to steal blinds at all with trash hands from btn/co positions? On online it worths to steal because pot is usually 5bb with antes

NL25 deep stack ante 9 max did i play it correctly?

vs a reg who has 5.5% 3bet i didnt expect him to 3bet with T9s maybe because i have high % of fold to 3bets thats why he did it on me, he has 41% fold to 4bets so i didn't 4bet with QQ because i may lose some value, i prefered to just cold call, i donked turn as i made a set because i know he tends to check back turns when he's IP

NL25 optimal exploit line?

Hello, i need your advise

Against players who tend to fold to flop raises a lot like lets say 50%+ of time, what would be best exploit line against them? i know it all depends on board textures and all but lets say a general strategy which will apply to most of the boards


Villain bets flop

What amount should hero raise to make villain fold efficiently? or if Villain calls, what size of turn cbet should hero fire after that?

3bet multiway pot OOP deep stack 9max ante games

Hello, i need your advice what would be best EV play when we’re OOP in 3bet multiway pots 200bb deep, let’s say we hold JJ and we flopped all 3 cards lower than J or we hold AK and we flopped top pair but as we have 2 or 3 callers pot is already too large, we’re happy with our hand but not as happy to put our whole stack in as we’re 200bb deep, OOP play can be tricky here, if we bet 3 streets we have to put our whole stack in, if we check a

AA in 4bet preflop slowplay 9 max 200bb deep

I need your advice mathematically is it correct to just call preflop 4bet here vs tight reg 200BB deep since 25NL population of regs are capable of folding QQ/AK on shove or they even fold on min.5bet because 5bet directly indicates AA, its better to shove then 5bet imo so, when i just call 4bets sometimes i bust them after the flop but sometimes they flop sets like in this cenario how should i play in the future advice please

River bluff shove spots?

Hello, let's say i bet flop and turn with total air and the villain doesn't fold, only way to win pot is now to bet big

Let's say we're both 200BB deep and pot is already 70BB+, if i bet 140BB (x2 the pot) if bluff success 8 times out of 10, im winning +280BB (140BBx2= 280BB if i lose 2 times and 70BBx8=560BB if i win 8 times)

So our goal is to find river spots where villain will fold at least 8 times out of 10 if we bet big

On what board tex