TwoPlusTwo user bolt2112



Carpal \'Tunnel
Joined 12 years ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
10likes received


Biography: Living the dream. Location: Miami, FL Interests: Football, baseball, poker, reading, swimming, bicycling. Occupation: Poker Dealer Games and Stakes:


This is a new game I thought of. It's inspired by an obscure clue that Nich gave in the "Sides" thread.

I'll give an obscure clue and a category for the answer. Whoever guesses it right can run with it and give the next clue. I suppose this game will work best with pop culture, but we'll see how it goes or if this thread takes off at all.

I'll start us off with a fairly easy one.


Auction Game Sign Up

This game is inspired by Thunderdome. Basically I'll name a category with a specific number of answers. One team will then bid how many correct answers they can name. The other team can then bid a higher number. This will go back and forth until one team decides to allow the other team to attempt to make good on their bid. Any incorrect guesses means that the bid has failed.

If that team succeeds, they'll score a point. If that team fails, t