TwoPlusTwo user centgas



old hand
Joined 19 years ago Lact Active: 9 days ago
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Location: Bristol, England Interests: Occupation: Games and Stakes:

Monitor Advice

So I currently play 9-12 tables on gg and I have a 30in Dell (2560x1600) and a 32in LG ultrawide (3440x1440).

I actually much prefer to play 9 on the Dell 3x3 rather have the tables further apart on the ultrawide (4x2).

Now I want to get upto 12 on a single monitor. So 4x3
If I could add 3 inches width to my current Dell in fantasy land and have the same size tables in the current setup but 4x3 instead of 3x3, I would
The dilemma

- 4k curved...