TwoPlusTwo user cha59



Joined 19 years ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
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Location: I like meat. Interests: weight lifting, poker, bowling, golf Occupation: Commercial Real Estate Appraiser Games and Stakes:

Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time

This team is completely different than what we have had here for a long time. We got rid of all the dead weight players and contracts and added several long, athletic players who can shoot and defend.

I think this team is going to be fun to watch - finally.

I was at the first two games. The Sacramento game was disappointing, because I think we're better than them, and we outplayed them for most of the game. We had a very bad stretch at the

Health and Fitness 14yr ago

cha59's log

I posted a long story a while back. Basically, I'm 45, used to be pretty strong, had shoulder surgery, got fat and really out of shape which led to more injuries and all kinds of bad stuff.

Last July I was ~255 lbs and really out of shape & fragile. I hired a trainer & started working out. At first, cardio was all I could physically do. After a while I was able to do leg presses and a few other resistance things, but I wasnt able to squa