TwoPlusTwo user corradosoprano



Joined 8 months ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
10likes received

Omaha 7mo ago

Would you consider this a standard play? (AA shove)

Yes, another lost buy-in with AA.

2/4 PLO 6-handed @ luckia in bogota

hero with 140 BB, Villain with 250ish BB. I have a solid reg image, he is maniac, IE 3 bets K952 rainbow OOP.

Hero dealt Ac Ad 8h 7c

UTG limps, folds to villain on button, pots to 5.5 BB, I pot to 19.5 in SB, both call.

FLOP: 5c 8s 6c. Pot is 57 BB, I have 120 BB behind.

I pot with top pair/open ender/nut flush draw, UTG folds (he had 100bb pre), villain shoves.


Omaha 8mo ago

Am I playing Aces right pre-flop?

Playing at the luckia in bogota, colombia, 2/4 PLO.

I play well, almost always leave sessions in profit, but I'm losing lot of bankroll shoving aces pre.
This happens a lot, not just this session, and I pretty much never shove unsuited aces.

The table is extremely loose IE they have no problem shoving bottom two pair or a J high flush draw on flop.

This occurred in span of 2 hours. Hero 100bb effective and villains cover me each time.

all thre

Omaha 8mo ago

Did I get it in good here?

Excuse the poor english.

I am Playing 2/4 PLO 6-handed at my local casino in Colombia. I have never seen any of the players before so IDK their stats and I have no table image.

This is the third hand after I sat down.

I am in the cutoff with 99 BB and have As Jd 9s 3h.

Villain and UTG+1 have me covered, each with around 120 BB.

Villain raises 3.5 BB UTG.

UTG +1 calls, I call in the cutoff, we go to flop.

Flop comes 10s 8c 5s.

Villain bets 8BB in