TwoPlusTwo user donkleadflop



Joined 4 months ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
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Addressing gaps across the poker industry

What are the biggest gaps you see across the poker market?

Curious to hear thoughts and ideas about what everyone thinks is missing in the today’s poker industry. Feel free to bring up anything that comes to mind.

I’m a software engineer and part time poker player. As I’ve become more experienced, putting in a lot of volume on the tables, as well a lot of time studying over the years, I’ve definitely started to notice inadequacies across diff

Addressing gaps across the poker industry

What are the biggest gaps you see across the poker market?

Curious to hear thoughts and ideas about what everyone thinks is missing in the today’s poker industry. Feel free to bring up anything that comes to mind.

I’m a software engineer and part time poker player. As I’ve become more experienced, putting in a lot of volume on the tables, as well a lot of time studying over the years, I’ve definitely started to notice inadequacies across diff