TwoPlusTwo user donkology101



Joined 15 years ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
7likes received


Biography: Born and raised in San Diego, moved to Omaha, away from the beach, so took up poker. Location: San Diego CA. Interests: Snowboarding, surfing, and eating small children. Occupation: Watching online HU action die.... Games and Stakes:

Ask Me Anything 1mo ago

Poker in prison....AMA

So I have been playing online since the party poker days and played professionally for a few years before black Friday. Then just mostly for fun. I am in prison at a federal camp for money laundering. I get out in 2026 hopefully. So I just started getting back into poker in here but the games are SOOO much different. The dynamic is very bizarre. People will call river value bets so light because for some reason it makes you a coward if you

Poker in prison

So I have been playing online since the party poker days and played professionally for a few years before black Friday. Then just mostly for fun. I am in prison at a federal camp for money laundering. I get out in 2026 hopefully. So I just started getting back into poker in here but the games are SOOO much different. The dynamic is very bizarre. People will call river value bets so light because for some reason it makes you a coward i