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old hand
Joined 10 years ago Lact Active: 9 days ago
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Study Groups 4mo ago

Midstakes cash reg transitioning to mtts looking for study partner

Hello, I’ve been an online cash reg for 7 years playing up to 1knl.

Currently working with a high end mtt coach to speed up the transition and fix some of the more common leaks I have as a cash reg playing mtts.

My ambition is to play HS mtts by next year.
I’d like to have someone to study with that’s equally motivated/ambitious and plays similar stakes.

My strengths obviously mostly lies in postflop stuff as I’ve playe

New laptop/pc

(Not a tech guy)
Mainly wanna use it for poker/running sims etc. Has to be able to run 25gb sims fast and smoothly and if possible to run preflop sims.

What do I need?