TwoPlusTwo user pokerarb



Carpal \'Tunnel
Joined 15 years ago Lact Active: 9 days ago
4likes received

Online Poker Sites 3yr ago

[WSOP PA] Unofficial Thread

Figured we needed one of these.

Just installed the client and made an account but have not yet deposited. Not planning to play during the soft-trial.

The software is more modern and very different from WSOP PA and NJ. Some good additions like auto-time bank, customizable bet slider, and big blind chip view.

Seems like there is no local HH so HM/PT won't work. Game selection also is not a thing or at least not a typical lobby like other sites

View: Illegal HUDs on, Security Negligent

In my opinion, many regulars (specifically those located in NV) are using HUDs on, against TOS and NV gaming law. Security lacks the ability or desire to police its own games. Nevada Gaming Laws are archaic and poorly enforced, creating a more unequal playing field. Regulation can have unintended consequences and poor outcomes.

Please write the NGC, as I have done to express your concerns that regulation and non-enfor