TwoPlusTwo user sniper8225



Joined 11 years ago Lact Active: 9 days ago
1likes received

Study Groups 5h ago

PLO low stakes cash PLO20-100 and PLO MTTS

Looking for study partners for 1-2 sessions a week , if u play any of the above and want to study and improve pm me,GL

Seeking Stakes 7mo ago

Looking for PLO CFP/staking

Hi Looking to see whats out there for this, see very little offered, been playing PLO for the last 2 years online (most recently) the majority stuck in the low stakes and winning **** all..not realy looking to be staked especially as have my own job and roll,but looking for some long term coaching that will be paid for from poker profits and to move up and make playing worth the hours.
Have already spent plenty on all the usual PLO tra

Seeking Coaching 7mo ago

Looking for PLO CFP/staking

Hi Looking to see whats out there for this, see very little offered, been playing PLO for the last 2 years online (most recently) the majority stuck in the low stakes and winning **** all😀..not realy looking to be staked especially as have my own job and roll,but looking for some long term coaching that will be paid for from poker profits and to move up and make playing worth the hours.
Have already spent plenty on all the usual PLO t