TwoPlusTwo user swagurrrr



Joined 8 years ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
3likes received

Process To Find Villian/Population Exploits through HM/PT4 / Hand Histories

Hey everyone,

Currently in the microstakes on Pokerstars. Does anyone have any "home work"/ study guidelines on how to filter to find specific exploits vs. villains or population?

I review my sessions, but there are three absolutely horrendous villains that I face regularly. I'm beating each without any specific exploits other than hud stats. But I'm curious if there is a process to do a deep dive on a villain or the population.

Thanks agai

Worst Poker Youtuber?

I think the two battling for the crown has to be Little Jonathan Little and Peter Clark aka Carroters.

Both are break even donks who cant coach students successfully above 50nl.

Any up to date HU Hyper Courses out there?

Despite their best attempts, HU Hypers are still going strong and was looking for some updated info. Last legit thing I saw was 2021.