Netflix "Watch Instantly"

Netflix "Watch Instantly"

I just recently rejoined Netflix and was pleased to see they have added a "Watch Instantly" feature where you can stream a movie over the internet. The selection of movies/shows is subpar, but it's free baby! Well, free as in no extra charge. You can watch 1 hour for every dollar/month your subscription is and it doesn't affect your queued/shipped movies at all. Minuses are that you have to be running Windows and Internet Explorer, but the quality is great! I have a garbage laptop, but it looks the same as a DVD to me and it hasn't skipped/paused/hiccuped once so far.

03 September 2007 at 07:40 PM

776 Replies


IMO, if they can show more solid proof of the abuse then they would have got max of 25 years with parole, probably less, and they have already done 34 years, so it doesn't have to be overturned, just a reduced sentence, but I am just guessing.

Yeah, that's their best bet. That they shouldn't have been punished so severely, given the circumstances.
