Rec-Bumhunter trying to go pro

Rec-Bumhunter trying to go pro

Greetings to everyone and thank you in advance for your time.

I used to play poker as a rec,mostly tourneys in private clubs whenever I had time .3 years (!) later I fell in love with the game and cash games specifically. I used to work many hours per day so my volume was pretty low.I was making some money playing 100-200nl avg on private clubs and apps.I thought that there is some potential and joined a regulated site to play.I got crushed really fast.The reason was not that I was so bad as a player(still fish though),but I couldnt control my tilt. I stopped playing and I started reading about the game .I memorised wizzards preflop strategies with small custom simplifications in frequencies,learned some general MDA lines and studied some theory grids in various spots. It has been almost 1 year since I decided to take the game seriously. I reduced my working time to be able to play more poker and keep a balanced (!) life. If I am able to make constant winnings by the end of the summer I will probably go full time.

So I chose GG poker to be the place where I will give my shot.I went straight to 50-100nl rnc and got SWALLOWED by the nitfest and better regs. I used to play in pools full of aggro fish and aggro regs,so my calling button was always hot,a really but habit for this pool. I reviewed my hands and understood that I have to adjust a lot my preflop ranges and general playstyle to a even more aggresive style -overfold friendly.
I dropped stakes and started over from nl 25 rnc. My plan is to play up to 50k hands in each limit and move up if I win.
My study routine for now will be mainly ip srp btn bb.Then hj vs bb .

After 21k hands I was able to beat25NL.I know that the sample is really small but I was feeling really comfortable there and decided to move up to NL50 rnc.

So,atm ://////Stakes :NL50,/////Studying: ip srp early pos. ////Tilt issues :still tilting af

I hope for some advices-guidance from more experienced players.

I will post here my process .

14 March 2024 at 03:05 AM

108 Replies


I almost folded this one(called at last 1 sec remaining on timebank). But considering the fact that BB has a decent cold 4bet range (capable of bluffing enough) I called. If bb was nitty I would snapfold. Actually, even if BB is loose ,I think folding is the best move there.

punted 2 hero calls for whole stack

by B_Hawkins9 P

The interesting part : right after he called ,he typed in the chat 'You cant jam there'. A few hands later that I met him again ,I replied ' why I cant jam ' ?
He replied ' you have no flushes besides 65cc'

I realized that I am a blind man playing cards and promised to myself that I will never bluff again when I am facing aggression(at least if there is not a clear shift on nut advantage)

v is kinda off about that fwiw - we have QJ/QT/JTcc as well as 66/22, and we can jam as wide as KJ for value anyway

But I think the point still stands, I've come to realize that most of my punts are in spots like this. There is the occasional super aggro reg or fish where you can just print by constantly jamming it in their face, but even the better types of lower stakes regs like this v, who are playing basically solver perfect sizings, can still have their ranges too weighted towards value on later streets when showing aggression to do anything but keep overfolding some turns and rivers

by whitemares P

v is kinda off about that fwiw - we have QJ/QT/JTcc as well as 66/22, and we can jam as wide as KJ for value anyway

But I think the point still stands, I've come to realize that most of my punts are in spots like this. There is the occasional super aggro reg or fish where you can just print by constantly jamming it in their face, but even the better types of lower stakes regs like this v, who are playing basically solver perfect sizings, can

when the bet is so small otf you actually should have way more flushes than QJ etch in range by the river ,at least I do and solver does so too. No matter what ,when someone tells you that you have only 65ss in range ,you have to acknowledge that your bluff was a huge - EV and probably the most of your bluffs vs this player in similar spots will be -EV since you are thinking completely different about the game .. Also, I think you are right. In many boards people underbluff in 3oop. I think this specific board is one of those

Also,this week on RNC

Rake given - Rakeback taken (!)

As far as I read jackpot fee is not included in the rake stat on HM3

running so sick
I am disappointed though ,looking at my redline tanking that much
Its the first time in my poker life to run like that , I had never felt before the good side of variance and it doesnt make me happy at all
I wish I could run like that in higher stakes :P
Gonna take a break for 2-3 days and review my game a bit/study

by B_Hawkins9 P

when the bet is so small otf you actually should have way more flushes than QJ etch in range by the river ,at least I do and solver does so too. No matter what ,when someone tells you that you have only 65ss in range ,you have to acknowledge that your bluff was a huge - EV and probably the most of your bluffs vs this player in similar spots will be -EV since you are thinking completely different about the game .. Also, I think you are righ

Oh right yeah I get what you mean, I thought you were saying you believed that guy lol

by B_Hawkins9 P

running so sick
I am disappointed though ,looking at my redline tanking that much
Its the first time in my poker life to run like that , I had never felt before the good side of variance and it doesnt make me happy at all
I wish I could run like that in higher stakes :P
Gonna take a break for 2-3 days and review my game a bit/study

If the worst your redline does is -10bb/100, and for only a stretch, then I wouldn't be too worried about it. Especially since your actual redline is much better than that presumably

by whitemares P

Oh right yeah I get what you mean, I thought you were saying you believed that guy lol

If the worst your redline does is -10bb/100, and for only a stretch, then I wouldn't be too worried about it. Especially since your actual redline is much better than that presumably

Actually its not the last session , my red keeps going down for weeks, but whatever, as long as green is good I guess I will be fine

Some hands
