The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10518 Replies


by canofworms P

Well you can ask your buddy Kamala about locking up people for pot. /fail

I see I am too late to be the first to respond but.....

Numbers are incorrect and,,,, uh..... wasn't it illegal to do "the-pot-thing" back then. Why not try to put criminals in jail?

by canofworms P

The judicial system would not have been weaponized against him had he not ran for President.

The low level logic is disturbing.

I believe many of your type know and enjoy what's going on, as FreakDaddy points out. However, this doesn't stop you from trying to finesse your way through discussions while covering for your captors.

the first time he ran he just wanted power, adulation, and to get richer off grifting and foreign bribes like the 2 billion given to Kushner for greenlighting the Khashoggi murder. he broke the law a bunch of times in the process.

the 2nd and 3rd time he's running is because he wants to avoid all consequences for his actions during the first term.

he wouldn't cross the street to piss on you or any other supporters if you were on fire. it's completely delusional to think he cares about anyone other than himself.

if you're wealthy and want some tax cuts, by all means vote for him. but don't try and convince people Trump is best for the country because that's just dumb.

by canofworms P


I'm most amused at the fact that you guys never see this coming. I literally baited you into posting that lie. I knew exactly what you were going to post. It's just so satisfying to watch you do it in such humiliating fashion, though.

So thank you for that.

by canofworms P

I love gay/trans people. My niece is trans, and she's amazing.

Also people should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies.

Hmm. Guess you're a different Trumptard then.

by King Spew P

I see I am too late to be the first to respond but.....

Numbers are incorrect and,,,, uh..... wasn't it illegal to do "the-pot-thing" back then. Why not try to put criminals in jail?

So, after researching on my own from multiple sources, it does seems that some of her detractors exaggerated the issue.

She DID prosecute over 1900 people for Marijuana violations, but many were low level crimes, so only ~50 people ended up in jail for said charges.

Still, she was harder on weed than anyone before her, and she didn't come out and support the legalization until 2018.

by Slighted P

it was pretty US centrist. combined with how the Dem Platform has removed all their points about ending the death penalty and fighting injustice and replaced it with fund the police! is a little disheartening.

remember the part where Harris said US was going to be the most "lethal fighting force" and the crowd went wild.

dozens of people had health emergencies at trump rallies this year and he didnt give a crap. but then kamala and her husband notice someone in the crowd and get some good press for it and then the next trump rally there is a completely staged event where trump can waddle over to someone in the front row and "help".

by canofworms P

So, after researching on my own from multiple sources, it does seems that some of her detractors exaggerated the issue.

She DID prosecute over 1900 people for Marijuana violations, but many were low level crimes, so only ~50 people ended up in jail for said charges.

Still, she was harder on weed than anyone before her, and she didn't come out and support the legalization until 2018.

by canofworms P


by canofworms P

Still, she was harder on weed than anyone before her, and she didn't come out and support the legalization until 2018.

and the problem with this is...... ?

Honestly, there is no logic behind this other than maybe.... "Oh, grass should be legal"


BUT, it wasn't at the time.

VERY weak

by d2_e4 P

Hmm. Guess you're a different Trumptard then.

Not a Trumper, I'm just antiestablishment. Have been my entire life. Given the extreme nature of the US political climate, it's pretty easy for me to decide which way to lean.

by canofworms P

She DID prosecute over 1900 people for Marijuana violations, but many were low level crimes, so only ~50 people ended up in jail for said charges.

Even that is wrong. Do you think the AG prosecutes every single case?

by Karl_TheOG_Marx P

Not speaking for 72o, but most of us on the left aren't "blue" whatsoever; we explicitly do not support the blue team, so calling us "blue maga" is factually nonsensical.

Meh. "Blue" as the opposite of "red" works just fine. Your lot are just as overzealous, uncompromising, myopic, humourless and moronic as the MAGA turds, for the most part anyway.

by canofworms P

Not a Trumper, I'm just antiestablishment. Have been my entire life. Given the extreme nature of the US political climate, it's pretty easy for me to decide which way to lean.

Ah good, we were running low on "not-a-Trumpers" who magically support Trump around here. It's a very original stance, apart from only just about every other Trump supporter in this forum.

One thing I've noticed about Trumpers is they absolutely hate being called Trumpers.

by Gorgonian P

One thing I've noticed about Trumpers is they absolutely hate being called Trumpers.

Self loathing.

by d2_e4 P

Meh. "Blue" as the opposite of "red" works just fine. Your lot are just as overzealous, uncompromising, myopic, humourless and moronic as the MAGA turds, for the most part anyway.

Dem sycophants saying ackshually its the leftists who are like Trumpers as they clap like seals over Republican talking points.

by Gorgonian P

Even that is wrong. Do you think the AG prosecutes every single case?

Prosecutors won 1900 felony/misdemeanor cases on Marijuana violations. Maybe you need to do some more research before you start coming up with these grand scale levels you're running on people.

I went and got the FACTS as you suggested and now you're just blatantly denying them lol..

Like I said, pure ignorance.

by d2_e4 P

Ah good, we were running low on "not-a-Trumpers" who magically support Trump around here. It's a very original stance, apart from only just about every other Trump supporter in this forum.

It's very common online to have actually non Trumpers that are right leaning on enough stuff.

It's a small part of the population but a significant part of the 20-45 adult white men "often online" population

by canofworms P

Prosecutors won 1900 felony/misdemeanor cases on Marijuana violations. Maybe you need to do some more research before you start coming up with these grand scale levels you're running on people.

I went and got the FACTS as you suggested and now you're just blatantly denying them lol..

Like I said, pure ignorance.

rogue prosecutors! Kamala didnt know!

besides, what do you think the AG is gonna do about it? its not like she was the president.

by canofworms P

Prosecutors won 1900 felony/misdemeanor cases on Marijuana violations. Maybe you need to do some more research before you start coming up with these grand scale levels you're running on people.

I went and got the FACTS as you suggested and now you're just blatantly denying them lol..

Like I said, pure ignorance.

Hi. Let's play spot the difference.

A) She DID prosecute over 1900 people for Marijuana violations
B) Prosecutors won 1900 felony/misdemeanor cases on Marijuana violations

hint: work left to right

Good luck! You aren't good at this.

by Gorgonian P

One thing I've noticed about Trumpers is they absolutely hate being called Trumpers.

I like the term "Trumpistas," personally.

by Gorgonian P

Hi. Let's play spot the difference.

A) She DID prosecute over 1900 people for Marijuana violations
B) Prosecutors won 1900 felony/misdemeanor cases on Marijuana violations

Good luck! You aren't good at this.

Respectfully, please don't engage with me in the future. I just can't lol

by Victor P

Dem sycophants saying ackshually its the leftists who are like Trumpers as they clap like seals over Republican talking points.

It just so happens that normal people can sometimes agree on some things when they disagree on some, or even most other things. Also, in the real world there are such things as pragmatism and compromise. I don't expect you'll ever understand these adult concepts, but you could always at least make an effort.

by canofworms P

Respectfully, please don't engage with me in the future. I just can't lol

That will be very simple if you stop posting. Otherwise, no dice.

CNBC: DOJ sues software firm RealPage for allegedly helping landlords collude to keep rents high

The Department of Justice accused software company RealPage of unlawfully scheming to undermine competition among landlords and create a monopoly that harms millions of renters. RealPage “allows landlords to manipulate, distort, and subvert market forces,” the Justice Department said in the federal civil antitrust lawsuit. Attorney General Merrick Garland said, “Everybody knows the rent is too damn high, and we allege this is one of the reasons why.”

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/08/23/doj-real...

More of the "free market" at work. Nice offset from Trump for Dems to campaign off on, considering he's a landlord. Him and his father were found to be discriminating against blacks for their rentals back in the 70's.
