The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10576 Replies


@Checkraise - No idea, but not someone I'd want to go for a beer with from that list of descriptors, I daresay.

by tame_deuces P

The state as a concept existed well before this our modern taken on sovereignty, but then state was used as a continuation of status, aka its rulers ability to maintain his / her claim over territory and people.

Exactly when sovereignty become a concept and model to follow is a hot topic, but one would typically generally point to the peace of Westphalia in 1648 as its inception. Thus its popular name: The Westphalian system

It as just a silly gag because the dates were relatively close together, dude. I.e. utopia was "invented" but was so good it only lasted about 100 years.

by d2_e4 P

It as just a silly gag because the dates were relatively close together, dude.

I realized, but I never pass up an opportunity to geek out over this issue.

by checkraisdraw P

what the hell is a decolonial scholar activist? sounds dumb.

Decolonialism is the attempt to 1) deny any and all improvements caused by western colonial powers in the countries that got colonized 2) attempt some sort of reactionary (for those cultures) travel back in time to concepts and cultural elements as they existed pre-colonization (only western, all other colonizations aren't touched or discussed), identifying them and claiming they are inherently superior to colonial ones.

It's one of the many anti-western racists attempt on the left to demonize and treat western culture as uniquely evil

by Luciom P

Decolonialism is the attempt to 1) deny any and all improvements caused by western colonial powers in the countries that got colonized 2) attempt some sort of reactionary (for those cultures) travel back in time to concepts and cultural elements as they existed pre-colonization (only western, all other colonizations aren't touched or discussed), identifying them and claiming they are inherently superior to colonial ones.

It's one of the man

If Victor likes them, I assume that they actually are a bunch of commies.

by Luciom P

Decolonialism is the attempt to 1) deny any and all improvements caused by western colonial powers in the countries that got colonized 2) attempt some sort of reactionary (for those cultures) travel back in time to concepts and cultural elements as they existed pre-colonization (only western, all other colonizations aren't touched or discussed), identifying them and claiming they are inherently superior to colonial ones.

It's one of the man

For sure. I know what decolonialism is from my degree, I’m just wondering what a decolonial scholar activist is. I’m guessing they mean they are a full blown anti-Western propagandist and not even trying to hide it.

you guys are proving her and my point with every post.

and again, this is why I prefer the honesty of Luciom over the sanctimony of libs.

by checkraisdraw P

For sure. I know what decolonialism is from my degree, I’m just wondering what a decolonial scholar activist is. I’m guessing they mean they are a full blown anti-Western propagandist and not even trying to hide it.

Yes but paid by taxpayers usually.

In her case Canadian taxpayers

by Victor P

you guys are proving her and my point with every post.

and again, this is why I prefer the honesty of Luciom over the sanctimony of libs.

You have a point? When did this happen?

by Victor P

you guys are proving her and my point with every post.

and again, this is why I prefer the honesty of Luciom over the sanctimony of libs.

What point? Unless I’m missing something all she did was make vague reference towards some research she’s doing about a particular “far right” ideology. I have no idea what this ideology is or even if she’s sane enough to evaluate what’s on the right and what’s on the left. Anything asserted by this type of person without attempting to support itself should be swiftly ignored, because she herself admits she is just using academia as a tool for propaganda.

by checkraisdraw P

What point?

Narrator: there was never any point.

Point is the same bullshit by Viktor already repeated many times, "from blue to red they are all the same"

by tame_deuces P

In Victor's worldview, the US and the west are warmongering aggressive block of countries, calls for human rights and liberal rights are thus hypocritical and pragmatic coalitions are propaganda. News and history that portrays opponents of western hegemony as oppressive are in this world view a combined result of capitalist media, brainwashed masses and active propaganda operations. This to the point where he has in the past denied things

Thx .
Makes a lot of sense .
Was my perception too .

by Luciom P

Point is the same bullshit by Viktor already repeated many times, "from blue to red they are all the same"

another reason why I like Lucium. he can actually read.

by Victor P

another reason why I like Lucium. he can actually read.

Unlike you, who can't accurately reproduce a 6 letter user name you see written dozens of times daily, or pluralise "woman" correctly.

And the fact that nobody wants to go read some propagandistic horseshit from your "doctor of anticollonialism" proves this point how, exactly?

by checkraisdraw P

What point? Unless I’m missing something all she did was make vague reference towards some research she’s doing about a particular “far right” ideology. I have no idea what this ideology is or even if she’s sane enough to evaluate what’s on the right and what’s on the left. Anything asserted by this type of person without attempting to support itself should be swiftly ignored, because she hers

Academics worth listening to rarely go "I'm on to something big that show why these parties suck. It is coming soon".

As for decolonization, there are states that essentially are a continuation of actual colonial empires as opposed to vague academic constructs. Russia is such a country and it is even officially following a policy of irredentism, meaning it is trying to reclaim the imperial holdings that are now independent. This includes using language stating that the nations and ethnicities that now inhabit these territories do not exist or has no right to exist. Another country which is actively pursuing irredentism is China, which uses old maps of the Chinese empire to make its claims.

This of course causes uproar in the political circles that like to point the finger and complain about colonialism and imperialism. I'm just kidding, they couldn't be bothered. In fact, among the communist contingent, you're more likely to see support for this display of actual neo-imperialism than anyhing else.

This includes using language stating that the nations and ethnicities that now inhabit these territories do not exist or has no right to exist

its absolutely amazing that a Western supporter can type this sentence without literally self combusting in shame.

by Victor P

its absolutely amazing that a Western supporter can type this sentence without literally self combusting in shame.

You mean like this?


by Victor P

its absolutely amazing that a Western supporter can type this sentence without literally self combusting in shame.

Only liberals do that to the west though... not the same.

He is not denying Putin does it, he is saying we do it as well. And it's true (except not for all pro -west people, just many on the left), many liberals do deny a right to self govern to some ethnicities that have existed in some places for centuries.

Ukrainians deserve to exist as long as the Western propaganda promotes it. then he will consider them just like another group that the West has decided is not a real country or culture or ethnicity.

by Luciom P

Point is the same bullshit by Viktor already repeated many times, "from blue to red they are all the same"

That is just a representation of lacking understanding of context .

by Montrealcorp P

That is just a representation of lacking understanding of context .

Except, if you could read (which you evidently cannot) victor confirmed that's what he meant.

by Victor P

Ukrainians deserve to exist as long as the Western propaganda promotes it. then he will consider them just like another group that the West has decided is not a real country or culture or ethnicity.

Every time I read one of your posts I find myself agreeing with Luciom more and more about the commies.

by Luciom P

Except, if you could read (which you evidently cannot) victor confirmed that's what he meant.

Well he doesn’t if u can ever read what he actually write ….
He do believe they are the same !

And u obviously do too when you speak About anything that is not far right / fascist …
