The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10584 Replies


You might just want to delete this post while there's time.

by Luciom P

Except, if you could read (which you evidently cannot) victor confirmed that's what he meant.

Victor has been on this board denying that the world's biggest genocides and mass murders took place. He has called historical evidence of those events "CIA propaganda".

While there are important lessons to be had on western hegemony, they don't come from Victor or wherever he gets his views from.

by d2_e4 P

You might just want to delete this post while there's time.


by Montrealcorp P


He's saying "Victor thinks xyz". You're saying "No, he thinks xyz!"

by tame_deuces P

Victor has been on this board denying that the world's biggest genocides and mass murders took place. He has called historical evidence of those events "CIA propaganda".

While there are important lessons to be had on western hegemony, they don't come from Victor or wherever he gets his views from.

Nobody here (i hope) is trying to get any lesson from viktor.

But at least address his claims.

He is just claiming for the n-th (for him) time that from blue to red it's all the same, usually (these days) he claims that because on the topic of Israel there is some level of bipartisan agreement and for tankies Israel has been a good recruiting tool as of late, so they are focusing almost exclusively on that.

But even on the I/P topic there isn't agreement about everything, for example a lot of the right would love to see UNRWA abolished and western help to palestinians set to a full 0, the left much less so.

So viktor is wrong even about a topic where there is some significant bipartisan consensus.

by d2_e4 P

He's saying "Victor thinks xyz". You're saying "No, he thinks xyz!"

Well seem I had to explain to him when he added I couldn’t read thinking I didn’t get it …shrug .

Why exactly do we care if there is some bipartisan agreement on Israel? Shouldn’t we actually just debate what our opinions on Israel are and which candidate is closer to our opinions rather than taking a dogmatic approach of purity testing an idealized left wing vs an idealized right wing?

I’d say the side that supports self-determination for Palestine more is the Democrats. But we’re never going to demand Israel’s abolition or ask for a one state solution that would effectively leave Jews to be persecuted by an Arab majority that is out for revenge.

by tame_deuces P

Victor has been on this board denying that the world's biggest genocides and mass murders took place. He has called historical evidence of those events "CIA propaganda".

While there are important lessons to be had on western hegemony, they don't come from Victor or wherever he gets his views from.

It's telling that you don't provide specifics on these things I supposedly deny b

by checkraisdraw P

Why exactly do we care if there is some bipartisan agreement on Israel? Shouldn’t we actually just debate what our opinions on Israel are and which candidate is closer to our opinions rather than taking a dogmatic approach of purity testing an idealized left wing vs an idealized right wing?

I’d say the side that supports self-determination for Palestine more is the Democrats. But we’re never going to demand Israel’s abolition or ask for a on

Because for victor and his lot, "it's the worst human right violation in decades" and stuff like that so he is really angry that no matter who wins elections, it won't change. And enough young gullible people agree with you at least among students, which is why they keep pushing this narrative.

by checkraisdraw P

Why exactly do we care if there is some bipartisan agreement on Israel? Shouldn’t we actually just debate what our opinions on Israel are and which candidate is closer to our opinions rather than taking a dogmatic approach of purity testing an idealized left wing vs an idealized right wing?

I’d say the side that supports self-determination for Palestine more is the Democrats. But we’re never going to demand Israel’s abolition or ask for a on

It's not just Israel. At the convention the Dems took the right wing Republican positions of recent years on policing, immigration, military spending, and Iran.

by tame_deuces P

In Victor's worldview, the US and the west are warmongering aggressive block of countries, calls for human rights and liberal rights are thus hypocritical and pragmatic coalitions are propaganda. News and history that portrays opponents of western hegemony as oppressive are in this world view a combined result of capitalist media, brainwashed masses and active propaganda operations. This to the point where he has in the past denied things

Somehow missed this earlier. This is a great post and a very articulate (and diplomatic) way of writing "they are a bunch of delusional, hypocritical morons". A+, would read again.

by Victor P

It's not just Israel. At the convention the Dems took the right wing Republican positions of recent years on policing, immigration, military spending, and Iran.

They didn't say they will use the militaries to quell future riots, nor that they will deport all illegals, so no they didn't take Republican positions on policing and immigration.

Not sure what they claimed at the DNC about the other 2 topics.

by Victor P

It's not just Israel. At the convention the Dems took the right wing Republican positions of recent years on policing, immigration, military spending, and Iran.

When police misconduct happens now, police are being prosecuted. Police have oversight with body cams and public releasing of said footage. There is more to do, but I assume that is the important part of police reform people care about.

On immigration, Democrats are just being realistic and looking at the issues on the border getting worse and seeing the broad support among Americans for a stronger border policy. We also need to have a surge of immigration judges that need funding, as 80%+ have their claims denied when they are actually heard. We need to discourage people going through illegal channels because that’s not fair to the immigrants that are coming legally, and not safe for them to be coming over the border in areas that can put them in conflict with border patrol or vulnerable to human trafficking.

On military spending, I don’t think the left understands where our money is being spent, first of all. Secondly, when you have an aggressive imperialist power attacking your allies, you absolutely need to increase military spending. Speak softly and carry a big stick. Idk why lefties find this so hard to understand.

On Iran, we need to be able to either bring back the Iran deal or find a way to punish them for funding terrorism against both our Israeli and non-Israeli allies in the region. Idk what’s left-wing about supporting Iran, you tell me.

What you say:

by checkraisdraw P

When police misconduct happens now, police are being prosecuted. Police have oversight with body cams and public releasing of said footage. There is more to do, but I assume that is the important part of police reform people care about.

On immigration, Democrats are just being realistic and looking at the issues on the border getting worse and seeing the broad support among Americans for a stronger border policy. We also need to have a surge

What Viktor hears:

I wholeheartedly support summary execution of illegal immigrants after separating them from their children, I have a whole menu book for dishes I can make from delicious Palestinian babies and I regularly masturbate to bodycam footage of white cops shooting unarmed black teenagers.

by d2_e4 P

Somehow missed this earlier. This is a great post and a very articulate (and diplomatic) way of writing "they are a bunch of delusional, hypocritical morons". A+, would read again.

its a very long winded way of saying "we checked the history books and can you believe it? we were the good guys every single time".

by Victor P

its a very long winded way of saying "we checked the history books and can you believe it? we were the good guys every single time".

Yes Viktor, we already know that you fail at elementary reading comprehension, you need not remind us so often.

by Victor P

its a very long winded way of saying "we checked the history books and can you believe it? we were the good guys every single time".

The only rule in geopolitics is that what is good for your group is what is moral definitionally.

You either abide to that rule as a group, and then you have a chance of surviving, of you don't and you are guaranteed to cease existing as a definite group

by Luciom P

They didn't say they will use the militaries to quell future riots, nor that they will deport all illegals, so no they didn't take Republican positions on policing and immigration.

Not sure what they claimed at the DNC about the other 2 topics.

I said "of recent years"

the immigration deal in particular was lauded as a broadly Republican idea. in fact this very thread has many people criticizing the Repubs for not working with the Dems on it.

by Luciom P

The only rule in geopolitics is that what is good for your group is what is moral definitionally.

You either abide to that rule as a group, and then you have a chance of surviving, of you don't and you are guaranteed to cease existing as a definite group

naturally, I disagree with your idea here. but it is at least consistent. the libs need to do pretzel logic to deny this while arriving at virtually the same plans.

by d2_e4 P

It as just a silly gag because the dates were relatively close together, dude. I.e. utopia was "invented" but was so good it only lasted about 100 years.

The title of St Thomas More's book Utopia, describing an imaginary state, originally meant 'Nowhere' in Greek, but was retrospectively and punningly understood as 'Eutopia', meaning an ideal society, which More apparently approved of. It is axiomatic that no utopia is ever likely to exist or to have existed in the past, although various Communist and nationalist politicians and commentators purport not to get this.

by Victor P

naturally, I disagree with your idea here. but it is at least consistent. the libs need to do pretzel logic to deny this while arriving at virtually the same plans.

The left thinks that communism and socialism will work despite it being a disaster in every country it has been tried, so don’t talk to liberals about contorting into pretzels.

by checkraisdraw P

The left thinks that communism and socialism will work despite it being a disaster in every country it has been tried, so don’t talk to liberals about contorting into pretzels.

Ah, but that's where you're mistaken. Communism would have been a resounding success if it wasn't for something something evil decadent West something.

by d2_e4 P

Yes Viktor, we already know that you fail at elementary reading comprehension, you need not remind us so often.

Your posts remind me of a school kid who tried to pick on other people to fit it. There is no we it’s an online forum. And stop insulting people. It’s not necessary

This last dnc should prove to you guys they are the same side. Red and blue are the same

by Victor P

I said "of recent years"

the immigration deal in particular was lauded as a broadly Republican idea. in fact this very thread has many people criticizing the Repubs for not working with the Dems on it.

and they refused because it was blatantly not enough.

it was a lie that the deal was tough (for republican standards), for right-wing people the normal amount of illegals you let trespass is 0, you target 0, you shoot to kill if necessary with no problems, and you target 0 no Vetted asylum seekers as well.

you know you can't necessarily make it 0 but 0 is the only moral number and the only acceptable number ideologically for any plan, knowing that perfect execution won't happen so 100 or 500 could enter.

by checkraisdraw P

The left thinks that communism and socialism will work despite it being a disaster in every country it has been tried, so don’t talk to liberals about contorting into pretzels.

there are a lot of people using socialism to define their politics in the democratic party right now.

why aren't they treated like explicit white supremacists would in the republican party, at the very least?
