The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10479 Replies


Maybe you didn't express yourself very well in their languages?

by Luciom P

If you think that people like me, pro help to Ukraine, pro abortion in the first trimester, pro global trade, pro drug legalization, pro euthanasia are the dangerous ones on the right you really haven't ever met a Vance or any other educated rightwing person motivated by a combination of actual reactionarism and or theology

Not all of your policy positions have to be repulsive (or worse than J.D. Vance) in order for me to think that your overall worldview is dangerous.

see the pyramids in the back?

now count how many horse carcasses have been discarded in the canal

by rickroll P

yes, not to fondle my own balls too much but i've also lived on 4 different continents and traveled more than probably most of the posters here combined

and not touristy travel - like down and dirty living there for a few months at a time before moving on

if you think americans are stupid, you need to spend more time interacting egyptian uber drivers, german bakers, & chinese plumbers

Are we considering Egypt a developed country?

As for China, I would eat my hat and shoes if Chinese are on average dumber than Americans. Or Germans. Or Russians for that matter. Russians are pretty smart as a people, although obvs I might be a little biased there.

by rickroll P

see the pyramids in the back?

now count how many horse carcasses have been discarded in the canal

Dude, an American giving isolated, context-less examples of dumb stuff people in other countries have done to prove the thesis that Americans are on average smarter is... well, let's just say it provides evidence for one side of this argument, and it's not yours.

Also, explain to me how discarding dead horses in a canal with a view to the pyramids = dumb. Guess I'm dumb since I'm not seeing the connection.

by Rococo P

How did they steal your money?

All private property is theft, ldo.

by rickroll P

yes, not to fondle my own balls too much but i've also lived on 4 different continents and traveled more than probably most of the posters here combined

and not touristy travel - like down and dirty living there for a few months at a time before moving on

if you think americans are stupid, you need to spend more time interacting egyptian uber drivers, german bakers, & chinese plumbers

did you also learn egyptian, german, and mandarin to actually make a real evaluation of these people’s intelligence?

by checkraisdraw P

did you also learn egyptian, german, and mandarin to actually make a real evaluation of these people’s intelligence?

Why waste time? He saw some titties in a newspaper and horse carcasses in a canal.

by checkraisdraw P

The western countries are the ones that are pioneering the way forward for the entire world, and part of it has to do with the leadership of Biden and the Democrats who have realized we can both continue to produce massive amounts of oil while also making sure that we create the infrastructure that will allow us to transition over the next 20-40 years to renewable energies that are going to end up being more and more cost-efficient. But let

European countries have been paying almost 1 eur per liter tax on gasoline for decades with little variance among them, we have lower emissions yet we are doing infinitely more than the USA, Biden is to the far right of climate change than what we have done in europe, you have no clue of how much green marxism has already assassinated the quality of life of europeans and what i am fighting against.

You are more than 30 years behind on our insanity on that. My "hypernationalism" is about the fact that we already did far far far far far more than it made sense we are bleeding horribly from it and we shouldn't do anything anymore for at least 20 years if not more.

That even in your insane models where we had a duty to do anything to being with, which i fully reject.

But anyway paying more than 3$ of taxes per gallon of gasoline since the 90s is objectively already a lot more than enough even if we literally did absoluetly nothing else about fossil fuels and emissions in any other part of the economy (which instead we did), even in your "altruist" model.

You fail to recognize that is happening and the green marxists are blocking our streets, defacing our monuments, blocking our bridges airports and trains claiming we are greedy and don't do anything for the climate. And people vote for parties that claim that and more and more regulation is happening.

Not sure you realize that RIGHT NOW in europe we passed laws to 1) ban combustion engine cars from being sold from 2035 2) fine automotive companies if they don't sell an increasing amount of EV every year (regardless of the fact that people don't want them if they don't get huge fiscal incentives) 3) mandate that any new building is *near zero emission* which makes new houses exceptionally expensive even in **** areas and even if local municipalities have good zoning

And then there is the increase in farming costs because the same psychopath go after sulfur and everything else, and ofc emissions in agriculture as well.

You think Biden is ok because he did a tiny bit (actuall congress as usual did but whatever), but what it did is to the far right of european rightwing governments. The tories proposed and implemented stuff to the far left of the democrats, and many leftist continental europe countries did a lot worse than that, + EU-wide rules.

Von der Leyen nominally is center-right but she is to the left of every single democrat senator wrt "the climate crisis".

And you dare to criticize ME because i say "enough, those are domestic terrorists"?

by d2_e4 P

Are we considering Egypt a developed country?

As for China, I would eat my hat and shoes if Chinese are on average dumber than Americans. Or Germans. Or Russians for that matter. Russians are pretty smart as a people, although obvs I might be a little biased there.

the average chinese person is an absolute friggin moron who honestly believes the stupidest things in the world like if you fall asleep with the fan on you won't survive the night

the chinese system works because they select the top minds at an early age and filter them out of the general population to then be groomed to lead the country

that's also how they do the olympics - you get all these chinese gold medalists in stuff that doesn't even exist in china simply because a bureacrat was like "hey that's going to be an olympic event let's round up all the 6 year olds who are genetically predispositioned to be good at that and put the best 100 in the country at a boarding school where they train in that event 4 hours a day instead of normal classes and they'll probably be able to produce 1 or 2 who will become the best in the world at it

westerners tend to envision an intelligent society of chinese clamoring for freedom and democracy and being held back by a repressive government, in reality it's a massive hoarde of dumbass peasant farmers who are infinitely entertained by fart jokes and hate all of us being contained by a protective damn called the ccp

you think pb2k and douches are out there? in china opinions like that are mainstream - my typical white collar python engineer chinese colleagues all believed in the craziest of conspiratard theories

this is why china still hase a thriving industry of traditional medicine and even many hospitals which only operate on concepts of qi and such because they by and large are an incredibly stupid and ignorant population but live in a system where the cream rises to the top and then makes all the big decisions

like all those olympiads and such - those are the elites, and it's never a middle school in some impoverished village, it's always some magnet school in one of the major cities - their version of andover academy

but again, literally the majority of chinese believe if you sleep with the fan on you'll die overnight

i can't emphasize enough just how stupid the average chinese person is

i'm fluent in the language - as in actually fluent - i couldn't debate politics the way luciom does but never had any issues working in chinese language offices etc, i was able to speak with the uneducated masses and they are 10x dumber than the uneducated masses of america

by d2_e4 P

Dude, an American giving isolated, context-less examples of dumb stuff people in other countries have done to prove the thesis that Americans are on average smarter is... well, let's just say it provides evidence for one side of this argument, and it's not yours.

Also, explain to me how discarding dead horses in a canal with a view to the pyramids = dumb. Guess I'm dumb since I'm not seeing the connection.

i get what you're saying, but once you go off the beaten path you'll find most of the world is operating on a "what do we do with the dead horses? let's just dump em in the canal" level

a society that allows for a canal running through the capital where millions of people live to just be a dumping ground for dead livestock is not an intelligent society

Alright, I'll defer to your expertise/experience wrt China. The rest of my points stand.

so we all have silly slapstick films based around fart jokes - who doesn't love happy gilmore or dumb and dumber?

but they are niche films with targeted audiences

in china, that's 90% of the films with the other 10% being historical dramas (which are themselves so stupid and bad that they are unwatchable)

there's a few very good chinese films to come out from time to time - but for the most part, they just do what appeals to the ticket purchasing audience

this was the 2nd highest grossing film in 2018

it made $544 million dollars at the box office on a budget of 63 million

Looks kinda awesome though

Really determined to make this point about China, huh?

and even films like happy gilmour and dumb and dumber - while very stupid, are brilliantly crafted where it can appeal to a sophisticated audience, you can not say the same about the film above and that film is very typical

by rickroll P

and even films like happy gilmour and dumb and dumber - while very stupid, are brilliantly crafted where it can appeal to a sophisticated audience, you can not say the same about the film above and that film is very typical

Rickroll, we need your expert opinion on the Irish.

there's probably 4 chinese studios in a bidding frenzy for the rights to remake that film but set in beijing right now

by rickroll P

there's probably 4 chinese studios in a bidding frenzy for the rights to remake that film but set in beijing right now

Hard to imagine them being any good at making martial arts movies. Best stick to romcoms, that's probably more their style.

Trumper is not down for Bill Maher

so do you guys still think Maher is a far right conservative now?

must admit msdnc is quite catchy though 😀

Lol, the irony of putting "dumb as a rock" in quotes incorrectly. 80 years on this Earth and the man has not figured out how to use quotation marks in a sentence.

by StoppedRainingMen P

Trumper is not down for Bill Maher

when he's right, he's right

by rickroll P

see the pyramids in the back?

now count how many horse carcasses have been discarded in the canal

See the Empire State building in the background? Now count how many car batteries have been dumped in the river.

by d2_e4 P

Hard to imagine them being any good at making martial arts movies. Best stick to romcoms, that's probably more their style.

2016's the mermaid, was the highest grossing film of 2016, made $525 million - despite this epic scene it is actually a romcom

as can be seen here it's super romantic

by jalfrezi P

See the Empires State building in the background? Now count how many car batteries have been dumped in the river.

And human "carcasses" lol.
