Politics and Society

Politics and Society

Supposn 5 months ago

Why AI information and advice is often less than even reasonably better counsel.

Why AI information and advice is often less than the best or even reasonably better advice or counsel.
To the extents of an internet browser's provide artificial intelligence, (AI) is reluctant to displease, or find fault with, or shock,or disagree with me or with anyone else, that AI's less of use to me and likely is less of use to anyone else.

Regardless of their competence or expertise, to the extents of our counselors' not entirely reveal

David Sklansky 6 months ago

Could A Different Sperm from Dad Hitting Mom's Egg, Still Make "You"?

Possibly with different features like eye color but still the same "self", "consciousness," "soul" or whatever you want to call it. Or did you need that exact sperm/egg combination to ever exist?

Seems like how you and others would answer this question has become relevant nowadays. Would more religious people than atheists answer "yes"? Would more Republicans than Democrats?

browser2920 8 months ago

Transgender persons participation in sports and gaming

I have extracted the posts about transgender persons participation is sports and gaming into this thread. Please keep posts itt focused on that topic.

browser2920 6 months ago

The Grammar of Politics Thread

BrianTheMick2 6 months ago

State of teh Union drinking game

Drink 1:

All-time highs

Drink 2:


Supposn 1 year ago

Trade deficits are net detrimental to their nation's GDP.

Trade deficits are net detrimental to their nation's GDP.

Among both credible economist whuch are proponents or opposed to the concept of pure free trade, few (if any) of them refute the fact, (rather than opinion) regarding trade deficits detrimement to their nation's gross domestic product, (i.e. GDP).
Due to their nation's net balance of interational trade, the GDP of suplus trade nations were increased, and were were reduced for trade def

David Sklansky 6 months ago

Repeating My 5-4 Suggestion

5-4 SCOTUS decisions and very close elections should be revisited and asked again in a shorter time period than usual. Randomness will always be an issue when people's votes can make important changes that don't actually coincide with what they want or what's best. But it at least can be partially ameliorated with some form of my suggestion. I repeat this now because just maybe John Oliver's stunt highlighted my point.

ShoeMakerLevy9 7 months ago

Are we at the end of a golden period in first world countries?

I wanted to create this thread to discuss what I assume is true but I would like to have people way more informed than me to share their opinions on this issue: is it safe to say that the years to come will likely be worse than the 1950-2020 period? I said first world countries because I feel it's easier to narrow it down to that portion of countries, but in case you have knowledge to expand the premise of the thread, please go for it.

craig1120 7 months ago

The Declaration of Independence (Updated)

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one individual to dissolve the political bands which have connected him with another, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind require that he should declare the cause which impels him to the separation.

I hold this truth to be self evident, that each man is endowed by the Creator with the unalienable responsibility to pursue higher meaning in his life. That to secure this respo

Supposn 7 months ago

Will U.S. Voters continue to predominantly vote for Democrat rather than for Republican candida

Will U.S. Voters continue to predominantly vote for Democrat rather than for Republican candidates?

Will coming generations of our U.S. voters continue to predominantly more vote for Democrat rather than for Republican presidents? Much more often than not, more recent Republican presidents were elected by the minority rather than the majority of USA voters and each year proportionally more voters voted for Democrats rather than for Republic

Supposn 7 months ago

Illegally preventing Trump from running is net detrimental to our nation.

Illegally preventing Trump from running is net detrimental to our nation.

It was Evelyn Beatrice Hall, (not Voltaire) who wrote, “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it". She better than all others expressed the essence of the “Bill of Rights first amendment to the USA's constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise there

Y Closed Thread
browser2920 1 year ago

Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread

Hello everyone. I've closed the previous mod thread, and opened this to capture all issues related to moderation policies and actions going forward. I'll kick it off by reposting my intro post from the other thread. Again, I'm happy to be here and look forward to hearing from you.


Hello everyone.

I'm very pleased to have the opportunity to serve as a moderator in Politics and Society. I asked for this position because I believe we ar

chezlaw 8 months ago

Crime and Punishment

Mod note: this thread starts with posts extracted from the mod and general discussion threads.

Not commenting on individual cases but trying children as adults is tantamount to child abuse imo. Not mitigated by legality

David Sklansky 8 months ago

Got Interviewed By Poker Stories Podcast


Just enough stuff pertaining to politics to justify the announcement here.

PointlessWords 10 months ago

Does our society have a systemic bias against short men?

I’m 6 ft tall with boots on so I don’t experience much height discrimination, but I don’t think this is the same for everyone.

What do people think?

craig1120 8 months ago

Clarification on Transgender Claims (good faith)

Tell me if I’m understanding the claims.

It’s that some trans people have an incorruptible sense of their true gender from the beginning, but the connection to true gender for other trans people is impeded and they don’t get the pure insight until later.

If this is correct, what is preventing the pure insight early on for the latter group? How come they don’t have the uncorrupted connection from the beginning?

Then, the de-transitioners would

craig1120 8 months ago

Examining the Politically Persistent

It seems clear to me the people who are most active in political issues are dissatisfied with the current state of politics. It’s not that they feel we are headed in the right direction, just at a slow pace; they see our politics as fundamentally broken.

Why don’t these people become completely black pilled like so many others do and opt out completely? The truth is many probably will burn out with disillusionment like the othe

jbouton 8 months ago

Have you ever experienced/been a victim of intense injustice?

I'm curious if this correlates with the way people here treat others. Maybe just a ya or nay, and then we can kind of match it to people's personalities here...

Y Closed Thread
jbouton 8 months ago

Gender Dysphoria and Professional Sports

Now that there is distinction of terms etc we can ask specifically, and I think its a nuanced discussion...should we be bending professional sports to accommodate people with gender dysphoria, which is DIFFERENT question of bending it for trans people in general.

These people have mental disorders that, for example, make them want social reassurance. Is it the duty of sports to bend their rules to these people that have such mental disord

DonkJr 8 months ago

The Tragic Death of FEELING SHAME (a politics forum rant)

Society has a serious problem with what I will refer as "entitlement culture." We see it in the media, on the Internet, and our everyday lives. The United States was built and has prospered on the idea that anybody, not just the privileged nobles at the top, can make it, as long as a person is willing to devote time and effort to work, develop their talents, and do the right things. I graduated from high school twenty years ago, and that

ShoeMakerLevy9 1 year ago

Native English speakers and their apparent reticence to learn foreign languages.

I hope no one finds this offensive; I just want to get some insight into why so many native English speakers never study another language seriously. I know the same happens with the Japanese and Chinese. At first I thought the reason for that group for not learning English properly was due to huge linguistic differences but after chatting up with some Filipinos/Finns you realize quite swiftly their level is amazing -with the caveat that i