Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion

Great Board Games - Recommendations and Discussion

We all grew up on Monopoly (purple baltic avenue and all) and Risk and Battleship and other Hasbro games which are fun and social games we have nostalgia for.

However, this is the 21st century and we now have a TON of GREAT games at our disposal. Games like Are You A Werewolf? that we play constantly on this board. In this thread, we recommend games we've played, discuss said games, ask about games we are interested in trying out, etc.

Some helpful items:
It would be ideal if you link the game you are mentioning to the game's page on so people can get a quick overview of the game.

Good Resources: - Play many of the great games that will be discussed here online against bots and/or humans. - Play Settlers, Carcassonne and Set here.

07 October 2009 at 11:56 PM

7 Replies

Been playing Gloomhaven on Epic a bit (was free a while ago)

Pretty fun seems like it may be better on computer than irl to me

Been tough so far

A group of us played Lost Ruins of Arnak for the first time recently.

Initial impression was very good.

We got that gifted to us recently and I commented that dune imperium and it are very very similar games that came out the same time. I kind of have more fun playing arnak.

Clicking about on Instagram I saw this photo. Anyone know what game this is/how you play?

You have a hand kf cards that match spaces on the board. You play your card to play a token try and get [4 or 5??] in a row.

It may also have the name directly on 2 sides of the board. 😀

by iraisetoomuch P

You have a hand kf cards that match spaces on the board. You play your card to play a token try and get [4 or 5??] in a row.

It may also have the name directly on 2 sides of the board. 😀

And it looks like a partnership game.

Nice one, thanks!
And thank you for not pointing out that I'm an idiot for only just noticing that the name is right there on the board...
