zapruder Affiliates

zapruder Affiliates

if you're playing for Zap Affiliates , you probably experienced smtg similar , i do not personally play for them nor do i recommend doing it , but i've been working with them for 5 years and have put players in , theres mistery fees showing up , and the players i put in are owed money

and none of the team can figure out whats wrong with it ..

invite people to chime in with the same issue

i was told to get in touch with a private account on telegram to sort the issue , obviously not doing that

im expecting my players to get paid ASAP or ill start releasing proof of how they treat affiliates , and how they inexplicably add fees without any explanation , when they are clearly wrong



09 May 2024 at 09:50 PM

20 Replies

15% rb on wpn ? 1k owed to player 1 ?

apparently this is how they deal with things , also weird that i couldnt see his comment for 10 hours so i couldnt reply

another player here getting 15% rb when he should get close to 30%

apparently showing wrong numbers gets your zap account suspended until you issue an apology ? what ...

no money has been paid back yet

in a few hours im gonna be posting screenshots providing proof that the fees were manually altered by Zap

So this was the contact given to me so i could 'sort out the issue' while i got blocked

so he doesnt wanna get involved so im not showing his name but from the looks of it , he doesnt wanna be a part of this deal with zap , despite working for them and being the 'problem solver' according to Carlos

so lets talk about steven in a few hours ..

i do not personally play for them nor do i recommend doing it ,

but i've been working with them for 5 years and have put players in

How nice of you.

by InfiniteLand23456 P

How nice of you.

dont read inbetween lines ..

i obviously had no issues with them until now .. i think thats pretty obvious if you have a brain cell

and yeah i was affiliated by zap before on WPN

use your effort to explain why theres money missing from the above SSs , and address the situation instead of resembling to ad hominems

by MartimC P

dont read inbetween lines ..

i obviously had no issues with them until now .. i think thats pretty obvious if you have a brain cell

and yeah i was affiliated by you guys before on WPN

use your effort to explain why theres money missing from the above SSs , and address the situation instead of resembling to ad hominems

Ehhhhh I think you're losing it there buddy. I am in no way, shape or form affiliated with these people..........

Just commenting on another agent being a classic agent.

you replied too fast .. i edited my post before .. english is not my native language , so yeah.. thats it

but yeah you're not adding much to this thread with that comment, its pretty obvious that if i have had an issue before i would've done the same thing ..

by MartimC P

you replied too fast .. i edited my post before .. english is not my native language , so yeah.. thats it

but yeah you're not adding much to this thread with that comment, its pretty obvious that if i have had an issue before i would've done the same thing ..

Just following the drama lol. Nothing to add.

Good luck, hope everything gets resolved.

after trying to justify a 0.002% rb, money was put back into the account today into 1 player

waiting for a reply from the 2nd , and if everything is set , thread is done ..

also you can keep my 2% share , that for the past 3 months was roughly 1.2% , cause im not issuing any apologies , amazing how $200 got injected into one the players accounts today


degrading my image with made up stuff and blocking the accounts on zap , and injecting money the day i come on 2p2 speaks for itself , happy you guys did the right thing tho

still 1 player missing .. and im too tired to look for screenshots , but all i asked was for proof that the fees weren't altered manually on the 7th, which none of you guys from zap were able to prove , instead you decided to block my account and create another chat without me and injected the money missing on their zap

**** gets done , but you're still pocketing money out of players , and had to come to this extreme so you would inject the money into the account

still 1 player missing tho..

amazing how from one day to the other , after i posted this , after i got in touch with Steven , the rb goes from 0.002% to 20%

and btw going behind my back to keep the players i put in on , where you think they wont contact me , so you dont have to pay me , cause you want an apology ... lol, you still owe me money,

and im making this **** up to get $15 ? right...

Also i'll issue a public apology once my players get their money back , and you show me proof that the fees on zapruder werent altered manually on the 7th of may 2024

if you cant prove that , im gonna request this thread to be moved to NVG + ill post it on reddit and twitter

aiiiight , going behind my back , and trying to justify 0% rb for 1 week

no one knows how pvi is calculated on gg, apparently this guy is the one ... cause till the the 7th rb was at 0% , after i came 2p2 went up

Player 2

10% rb on WPN

by MartimC P

Also i'll issue a public apology once my players get their money back , and you show me proof that the fees on zapruder werent altered manually on the 7th of may 2024

if you cant prove that , im gonna request this thread to be moved to NVG + ill post it on reddit and twitter

this still stands

so the number i was given from zap , that 'would solve all the issues' apparently is not too comfortable with the business plan , either way , apparently its Stephen and Carlos , Steven the guy in charge and he has never spoke with him before...

ill get your guys info anyway , sooner or later, also i wanna know who made that comment on @rapis thread

if possible move this thread to nvg pls

here's the number of the guy that solves everything , but doesnt wanna get involved into their shady business

+1 619 353 9439 - Ronald - Mostly in La Jolla, CA -

can we move this to nvg pls

interesting that this was the google search i got on this number

its a fkd up world we live in , people think they can do what they want without any consequences , because its actually quite hard to get to the bottom of the issue .. it has taken me over 20 hours in 3 days to collect all this info , people are so entitled they believe their own lies , and demand an apology , well theres still no justification for the fees being changed on the 7th..

but yeah , this pbb gone unnoticed as most people dont have the time to do this research , also your extreme manipulation is outrageous , and adding fees manually to the zap accounts , yeah its really hard to find out..

but , poker has gone tits up , and i believe that less of you guys involved , can make poker a much more enjoyable game for everyone , so yeah , today i've been on this for 9 hours straight .. till i found the leak ..

now . you affiliate hundreds of players , and pbb scamming all of them , bit by bit , hard to notice, easy to camouflage , but im just too persistent
