Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

23644 Replies


Now, back to actual real things so jalfrzi doesn’t need to address the fact that he’s been proven wrong. Again.

Also, this isn’t good. This is extremely bad. Bc unlike you, I don’t want people to die.

Jailfrezi keeps editing stuff to (somehow) make himself look even more ridiculous.

I get it, you’ve been made to look like a fool time and again. So throw ridiculous accusations at others, it’s a good strategy.

by gs3737 P

Now, back to actual real things so jalfrzi doesn’t need to address the fact that he’s been proven wrong. Again.

Also, this isn’t good. This is extremely bad. Bc unlike you, I don’t want people to die.

Yet you're a very vocal supporter of everything Israel is doing. Having your cake and eating it.

From what i read, rafah offensive is going even better than i hoped for Israel. After moving civilians to safety they are closing in several stockpiles of hamas weapons, and several hiding spots of hamas personnel as well, and collateral damage casualties are basically 0 this time.

This is probably why hamas will start to kill palestinians very soon, if they didn't already, and try to blame Israel for that.

by jalfrezi P

Yet you support everything Israel is doing. Having your cake and eating it.

pretty sure he doesn't support settlements in the WB

by jalfrezi P

Yet you support everything Israel is doing. Having your cake and eating it.

Show me where I said I support everything Israel is doing. I’ll wait.

by Luciom P

pretty sure he doesn't support settlements in the WB

Jakfrezi doesn’t care. He just says random stuff and then edits it shortly afterwards.

by Luciom P

pretty sure he doesn't support settlements in the WB

This isn't about the WB ldo.

“You’re a very vocal supporter of EVERYTHING Israel is doing.”

“Pretty sure he ain’t a supporter of (insert something Israel is doing)”

“Lolz, this isn’t about that.”

by gs3737 P

Show me where I said I support everything Israel is doing. I’ll wait.

Show me where you've criticised Israel's acts in Gaza and I'll apologise for mischaracterising you as a genocide-supporter, gs. I'm not waiting.

by jalfrezi P

Show me where you've criticised Israel's acts in Gaza and I'll apologise for mischaracterising you as a genocide-supporter, gs. I'm not waiting.

pretty sure forum rules as explained by CN don't allow you to characterize someone as genocide supporter if they just agree with Israel actions in Gaza

by jalfrezi P

Show me where you've criticised Israel's acts in Gaza and I'll apologise for mischaracterising you as a genocide-supporter, gs. I'm not waiting.

Makes a claim. Gets called out on it.

Then turns it around and says I have to prove that I’m not what he says I am.

I’d say making you look like a fool is getting old, but just because it’s easy doesn’t make it any less entertaining.

by Luciom P

pretty sure forum rules as explained by CN don't allow you to characterize someone as genocide supporter if they just agree with Israel actions in Gaza

This. Let’s see what happens.

For the record, I want this guy to stay. I think he should continue to post/look like a fool.

You seem very hurt by the daddy thing, gs. That wasn't my intention. You posting falsehoods about my home town was extremely annoying.

by Luciom P

pretty sure forum rules as explained by CN don't allow you to characterize someone as genocide supporter if they just agree with Israel actions in Gaza

Let's also see what happens to the guy who will only debate people if they're of the "correct" ethnicity, when he defines ethnicity as gene-based. LOL

(Prediction: nothing at all)

by jalfrezi P

You seem very hurt by the daddy thing, gs. That wasn't my intention. You posting falsehoods about my home town was extremely annoying.

This may shock you, but I’m not hurt at all. Some random guy calling me a liar on a message board doesn’t make my dads family any less British.

My claim wasn’t outlandish. Like, a lot of Jews in America are from England. So you instantly just calling me a liar for this is, well, a strategy I guess…

Also, not posting falsehoods at all. Relaying what I’ve been told. And posted an article about the rise in anti-Semitism.

by jalfrezi P

Let's also see what happens to the guy who will only debate people if they're of the "correct" ethnicity, when he defines ethnicity as gene-based. LOL

(Prediction: nothing at all)

for the zillionth time, stop all the personal attacks especially when they are made by making up things. It just happened, it's in the above posts, yet you make up the meaning of words as used (i asked you for your ethnicity based on YOUR definition). And i never used "correct" ethnicity, i just something very obvious: depending on someone culture, debates about some topics can change a lot

There's only one way to interpret this, which you then underscore by saying it's ethnicity-based.

by Luciom P

From what i read, rafah offensive is going even better than i hoped for Israel. After moving civilians to safety they are closing in several stockpiles of hamas weapons, and several hiding spots of hamas personnel as well, and collateral damage casualties are basically 0 this time.

This is probably why hamas will start to kill palestinians very soon, if they didn't already, and try to blame Israel for that.

Yeah. You can tell all the Hamas supporting govts are getting very upset. Egypt especially is getting really upset. They really are worrying this is the end of the extremely lucrative smuggling operations going on, mostly paid for by our tax dollars.

I suspect the Biden administration was getting a ton of pressure from Egypt to force Israel not to go into Rafah, which is why this took so long. But hats off to Biden for realizing this never gets better, and it only gets worse, if we acquiesce to the terrorist supporters. And for finally realizing all the negotiations were just complete bad faith; and the terror pipeline needed to be shut down regardless of the outrage of Hamas supporters.

Remember the simpler times when you were either a nazi or an antisemite which somehow were two different buckets in this thread and all ethnicities welcome to either side.
You guys missing Victor yet?

by 5 south P

Remember the simpler times when you were either a nazi or an antisemite which somehow were two different buckets in this thread and all ethnicities welcome to either side.
You guys missing Victor yet?

Not only were they 2 different buckets; but the so called Nazis were mostly Jews and the people calling them Nazis were sympathetic towards Islamists that literally do Nazi salutes because they are Nazi salutes and use Star of David rugs as foot mats. Definitely much simpler times.

by Dunyain P

Yeah. You can tell all the Hamas supporting govts are getting very upset. Egypt especially is getting really upset. They really are worrying this is the end of the extremely lucrative smuggling operations going on, mostly paid for by our tax dollars.

I suspect the Biden administration was getting a ton of pressure from Egypt to force Israel not to go into Rafah, which is why this took so long. But hats off to Biden for realizing this n

How long should it take to clear Rafah of Hamas weapon stockpiles and hamas personnel?

Dont know how true it is, but reports of live fire between Israel and Egypt troops at the Rafah border crossing. Looks like Egypt is working with Hamas to do whatever it takes to get Israel out of Rafah and take back control of the smuggling tunnels and weapons depots.

Israel might also be getting too close to something important Egypt doesn't want them to find; maybe a major smuggling tunnel network.

by Luciom P

How long should it take to clear Rafah of Hamas weapon stockpiles and hamas personnel?

They are reporting some of the tunnels are up to 15 stories deep. And possibly go underground deep into Egypt before they pop out. I am not sure such a task is even possible.

I also dont think Biden has given Israel the green light to do this. And may never. Way too much pressure from the international community, including much of Europe, that support Hamas.

The real tragedy is Hamas being defanged is the best hope for the Palestinian people to re-organize their society into something that could actually be functional in decades. But no one actually cares about the people (especially people like Sisi and Erdogan), they are just geopolitical pawns.
