Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

23617 Replies


by Trolly McTrollson P

"We don't talk about this" lol, crude racist stereotypes are 90% of what you guys talk about ITT.

Please direct me to the most recent post which included a "crude racist stereotype".

by jalfrezi P

You mean for being a hypocritical supporter of fascism.

words have lost all meaning. But anyway keep going against AOC , we prepare the pop corns and enjoy the left eating itself

Bad news for the mass rape theorists:

and for team courageous IDF boys and girls doing brilliantly

All gone very quiet in here.

Disgusting abhorrent mess of a quasi-fascist country. Just send the UN in now ffs and take the politicians and army generals to The Hague.

I don't use UN sources to determine truth, but if you do at least don't lie about what they claim:

In relation to the attack of 7 October in Israel, the report found that the military wing of Hamas and six other Palestinian armed groups, are responsible for the war crimes of intentionally directing attacks against civilians, murder or wilful killing, torture, inhuman or cruel treatment, destroying or seizing the property of an adversary, outrages upon personal dignity, and taking hostages, including children.

The indiscriminate firing of thousands of projectiles towards Israeli towns and cities resulting in death and injury of civilians are also violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.

Members of Palestinian armed groups, in some instances aided by Palestinians in civilian clothing, deliberately killed, injured, tortured, took hostages, including children, and committed sexual and gender-based violence against civilians and against members of the Israeli Security Forces, some of whom were hors de combat and should not have been targeted.

The Commission identified patterns indicative of sexual violence and concluded that these were not isolated incidents but perpetrated in similar ways in several locations primarily against Israeli women.

What, the UN said something bad about Israel? That's shocking, there must be something behind this as they've been so fair and unbiased towards them in the past!

Blaming the UN for Israel's war crimes is quite the thing.

Just stop posting content from the squirrel twitter account and you will save yourself from embarass a lot

Based on testimonies & verified video footage & photographs, the Commission finds sexual violence has been perpetrated throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territories during evacuation processes, prior to or during arrest, at civilian homes and at a shelter for women & girls.

What was it I was accused of here? Rape denial was it?

by jalfrezi P

Ridiculous statement. I'm not obeying your commands to condemn countries on your whim apropos of nothing.

How dare you accuse me of holding Israel to a standard no other country is held to?!!? And then criticize me when it’s clearly true.

You genocidal monster freak child killer supporter!!!

by jalfrezi P

Blaming the UN for Israel's war crimes is quite the thing.


by gs3737 P

How dare you accuse me of holding Israel to a standard no other country is held to?!!? And then criticize me when it’s clearly true.

You genocidal monster freak child killer supporter!!!


by jalfrezi P

What was it I was accused of here? Rape denial was it?

You were accused of denying that a lot of systematic rape happened on 10 7 (and later to hostages). You now posted a fake misinterpretation of actual UN findings.

The UN as per official UN link provided just confirmed rape happened on 10 7 not as isolated incidents but systematically (pattern)

all gone very quiet here

by jalfrezi P

Because that's what they say they want, and because it's obviously the right thing to do.

If that fails to achieve peace then give everyone in Israel, Gaza and the WB the option of a US, Australian or Canadian passport and end it that way.

I’m assuming this is an attempt at humor.

Jal you still haven't watched the documentary?

We've literally handed you the keys to being able to watch all the women give first hand accounts of their rape. And you won't watch it, while talking about the rape that didn't happen?

I honestly don't get that take. I don't mind you taking an informed position. But being informed means at least listening to the first hand account of so many victims that eventually it goes full Cosby.

by jalfrezi P


I’m not obeying your command to chill.

by rafiki P

Jal you still haven't watched the documentary?

We've literally handed you the keys to being able to watch all the women give first hand accounts of their rape. And you won't watch it, while talking about the rape that didn't happen?

I honestly don't get that take. I don't mind you taking an informed position. But being informed means at least listening to the first hand account of so many victims that eventually it goes full Cosby.

the UN report itself confirms the systematic raping of 10 7 against Israeli women.

If even hamas political allies and supporters in the UN don't deny it...

Hamas also faces serious accusations:

"The Commission identified patterns indicative of sexual violence and concluded that these were not isolated incidents but perpetrated in similar ways in several locations primarily against Israeli women."

I'm prepared to accept the findings that both the IDF and Hamas participated in apparently co-ordinated rape. Are the "brave IDF boys and girls are the most moral army in the world" team?

by jalfrezi P

Hamas also faces serious accusations:

I'm prepared to accept the findings that both the IDF and Hamas participated in apparently co-ordinated rape. Are the "brave IDF boys and girls are the most moral army in the world" team?

yes so your previous source was lying disastrously

by jalfrezi P

Disgusting abhorrent mess of a quasi-fascist country. Just send the UN in now ffs and take the politicians and army generals to The Hague.

Wasn't it agreed a few days ago that this happens in every war and as long as it wasn't ordered by the superiors it's no big deal?

by jalfrezi P

Hamas also faces serious accusations:

I'm prepared to accept the findings that both the IDF and Hamas participated in apparently co-ordinated rape. Are the "brave IDF boys and girls are the most moral army in the world" team?

Jalfrrzi is willing to accept that Hamas and the IDF are both bad.

What a joyous day!!!!

by rafiki P

Jal you still haven't watched the documentary?

We've literally handed you the keys to being able to watch all the women give first hand accounts of their rape. And you won't watch it, while talking about the rape that didn't happen?

I honestly don't get that take. I don't mind you taking an informed position. But being informed means at least listening to the first hand account of so many victims that eventually it goes full Cosby.

Last time I tried to watch a video linked by someone on #teamdeepcleanse it lasted over an hour and despite me asking they failed to set a start point.

If you can relink yours and set a start point I'll watch it if it's a reasonable length.

by Luciom P

the UN report itself confirms the systematic raping of 10 7 against Israeli women.

If even hamas political allies and supporters in the UN don't deny it...

This is how we wind up with masked bigots protesting the Nova exhibit in New York, which was just honoring innocent dead young peaceniks.

You HAVE to justify the rape (by saying it didn't happen) to make this thing work in your mind. You have to justify that a Kibbutz is a military target. That the hostages were fair game military targets. That no babies got killed or taken.

You have to do these mental gymnastics, because if you don't you realize you're just backing homicidal jihadists on a religious crusade who have absolutely no problem crossing every line of human decency we value in the West. So there can't be rape. Just as there can't be systemic violence against LBGTQ people in the Middle East. Just as women can't be beaten, raped or worse for not dressing "appropriately". You HAVE to deny this reality or you don't get to be a social justice champion on the side of all that is right and just in the world. So the posters must come down, the rapes must be denied. There's no choice for them but to do this.
