Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

23613 Replies


Well it’s sexual assault in other countries

by Luciom P

yes so in the USA, very recently, it's rape.

Which means it isn't for a lot of other people and it isn't in a lot of other jurisdictions

OK, moving forward you're just going to have to accept that your personal definition of rape is different from most everyone else's. I'm glad we've settled this.

Again, my main point was that the UN report specifies that rape was committed by Hamas, but not by the IDF. We don't even know what exactly is meant by the vague language used to refer to what the IDF did.

Whatever happened there may or may not fit into the modern definition of rape. But the UN report seems to have specifically avoided using that word, so whoever wrote it clearly found no evidence to suggest that the IDF committed rape (according to whatever definition they used).

So it is perfectly legitimate to claim, based on the report, that Hamas members raped civilian women. And it is not legitimate to claim, based on that report, that the IDF raped anyone.

by Trolly McTrollson P

OK, moving forward you're just going to have to accept that your personal definition of rape is different from most everyone else's. I'm glad we've settled this.

I think the important one would be the UN definition, if they have an official one.

What's wrong about "negotiating" (accepting IDFs ultimatum) is that it guarantees a favorable setting for IDF to invade again. Palestine wants to live freely without fear of being invaded, as they deserve.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to say that "IDF is winning". It was wrong earlier this year, but a far more defensible stance. IDF had several advantanges and instead of asking for peace they chose to increase the frequency of attacks, and they got very little out of it. Now that their advantages are dwindling it makes no sense for Hamas to stop the war since they believe stopping the war only serves to help Netanyahu set up another invasion with more favorable circumstances for IDF.

Hamas did negotiate when they were ahead, IDF refused to negotiate and instead gave an ultimatum as if IDF were winning and not losing. So no, "If they had negotiated while they were ahead the deal would be alot brighter" is an objectively false statement.

This is entirely IDFs fault because they invaded. If they want to end the invasion they can do so at any time. Hamas does not have that luxury. We do know what IDF was willing to negotiate, because it was tried and IDF showed they were not actually willing to negotiate, they were only willing to give ultimatums.

1) Hamas invaded Israel with 4000+ guys under the cover of over 10k missiles and mortars

2) There is no #2

That's the order of who invaded who. The end.

by PointlessWords P

What's wrong about "negotiating" (accepting IDFs ultimatum) is that it guarantees a favorable setting for IDF to invade again. Palestine wants to live freely without fear of being invaded, as they deserve.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to say that "IDF is winning". It was wrong earlier this year, but a far more defensible stance. IDF had several advantanges and instead of asking for peace they chose to increase the frequency of attac

This whole post is utterly absurd.

by rafiki P

1) Hamas invaded Israel with 4000+ guys under the cover of over 10k missiles and mortars

2) There is no #2

That's the order of who invaded who. The end.

Britain was protecting Palestine. People conducted guerilla warfare operations, and defeated the British that were protecting the Palestinians. Then the people claimed a new state (Israel) on the Palestinians land.

Then the Israeli people forcefully moved 100k Palestinians out of their land

After decades of torture and murder, which resulted in more than 20k Palestinians killed and 100k displaced, Hamas invaded Israel with 4000 guys under the cover of missiles and mortars.

More evidence of the policy of starvation by the most moral army in the world. Israel routinely refuses to grant permits to deliver aid.


by PointlessWords P

Britain was protecting Palestine. People conducted guerilla warfare operations, and defeated the British that were protecting the Palestinians. Then the people claimed a new state (Israel) on the Palestinians land.

Then the Israeli people forcefully moved 100k Palestinians out of their land

After decades of torture and murder, which resulted in more than 20k Palestinians killed and 100k displaced, Hamas invaded Israel with 4000 guys under t

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by rafiki P

1) Hamas invaded Israel with 4000+ guys under the cover of over 10k missiles and mortars

2) There is no #2

That's the order of who invaded who. The end.

I’m going to report this post for racism and lying. Israel invaded three times before Oct 7 and they killed thousands of civilians. You knew that right?

Here is accurate information. Question is, were you lying or were you ignorant? And will you lie in the future now that you know the truth?–Isr...

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by Trolly McTrollson P

OK, moving forward you're just going to have to accept that your personal definition of rape is different from most everyone else's. I'm glad we've settled this.

It isn't in the totality of the world, it might be in the USA.

That's why britannica , not under rape-crime but in rape, meaning (in their dictionary) uses my definition.

And even in the rape-crime you quoted, there is a very clear under THIS definition, which means there are others, that isn't dominant, unique, nor "the most common" at all.

You, as usual, rabidly claim falsehoods because you want to be able to claim the IDF raped a lot of people, in order to draw a false equivalence with the mass rape of civilian women by hamas.

Do you agree there is absolutely no element to claim the IDF mass raped palestinian women? yes or no easy question.

If the only evidence and the only claims are about sexual violence against detained terrorists, do you agree that's not what pro palestine people are claiming on social media?

I encourage you to report the post PW.

Oct 7th was an act of war and an invasion. If you are unable to accept that and require mod intervention over it, do you.

Israel invaded Gaza in every meaningful way of the word "invade."

And they were justified in doing so to remove Hamas.

Where Israel has been ****ing up is Bibi's refusal to treat Gazan civilians as humans. Yes, there would have been collateral damage and untold amount of human suffering regardless but Bibi acts like he wants to maximize the suffering.

by rafiki P

I encourage you to report the post PW.

Oct 7th was an act of war and an invasion. If you are unable to accept that and require mod intervention over it, do you.

You said Hamas/palestine/gaza invaded first. This is a lie.

Please own up to your lie.

IDF people invaded in the 40s, in 2008 and in 2014 , each time killing thousands of Palestinians.

by chillrob P

I think the important one would be the UN definition, if they have an official one.

That's strange because just this morning you were willing to go by Britannica's definition. It's now transparently clear that you aren't arguing in good faith, so I'll let it drop.

by gs3737 P

This whole post is utterly absurd.


by Bluegrassplayer P

It is becoming increasingly difficult to say that "Russia is winning". It was wrong earlier this year, but a far more defensible stance. Russia had several advantanges and instead of asking for peace they chose to increase the frequency of attacks, and they got very little out of it. Now that their advantages are dwindling it makes no sense for Ukraine to stop the war since they believe stopping the war only serves to help Putin set up anot

I don't care what the actual definition is or isn't; if you stick a plunger in someone's arse, that's rape.

by campfirewest P

I don't care what the actual definition is or isn't; if you stick a plunger in someone's arse, that's rape.

question is, is that what people think? what will people imply if you write that IDF and Hamas both conducted mass raping? are you 100% sure they won't think both groups mass raped innocent women? Especially when everyone knows (and the UN confirmed repeatedly) Hamas mass raped innocent civilian women?

by PointlessWords P

Israel invaded three times before Oct 7

And the "other" side(s) have been completely NOT invading in all that time?

by Bill Haywood P

More evidence of the policy of starvation by the most moral army in the world. Israel routinely refuses to grant permits to deliver aid.


Refusing permits to reduce Hamas chances to steal isn't mass starvation. It's proper to consider UNRWA part of Hamas btw

by PointlessWords P

You said Hamas/palestine/gaza invaded first. This is a lie.

Please own up to your lie.

IDF people invaded in the 40s, in 2008 and in 2014 , each time killing thousands of Palestinians.

I don't agree with your characterization of events (so don't assume that me not challenging them item by items means I'm agreeing with them). But as it relates to THIS war, I'm going to align myself with the history books, academics, historians, etc. You will find that for the rest of your natural life and beyond, this war will be recorded as having started Oct 7th, 2023, when Hamas invaded Israel. If you want to an advance some alt-theory that relies on a special operation from 10 years prior to make your case, man shoot your shot. That's not how it'll be recorded historically by anyone worth paying attention to. Same as a Kibbutz is not a military target (yet another common sense conclusion).

by grizy P

Israel invaded Gaza in every meaningful way of the word "invade."

And they were justified in doing so to remove Hamas.

Where Israel has been ****ing up is Bibi's refusal to treat Gazan civilians as humans. Yes, there would have been collateral damage and untold amount of human suffering regardless but Bibi acts like he wants to maximize the suffering.

But I thought it was an act of terrorism, not a full on invasion?

by jalfrezi P

But I thought it was an act of terrorism, not a full on invasion?

That's my claim not theirs
