Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

23645 Replies


by Dunyain P

LOL. They have never tried anything but resistance, and they have never been interested in peace.

are you talking about IDF? the people that came in the early 1900s and waged war against the british so that the british would stop protecting the palestinians?

by PointlessWords P

are you talking about IDF? the people that came in the early 1900s and waged war against the british so that the british would stop protecting the palestinians?

The Jews were the Palestinians of that time. The Arab leaders of that time completely rejected the idea of a Palestinian state where Jews could live. In 120 years, nothing has changed.

by Dunyain P

The 2006 ground invasion didn't accomplish very much, but the bombing campaign was successful. Maybe the strategy should be to give civilians sufficient time to leave, destroy EVERYTHING within 10 KM (or whatever) of the border, and create a sufficient buffer zone this way.

With maybe limited ground invasion to destroy infrastructure once an area is deemed safe enough.

This is the worst possible decision Israel could make imo. Israel will get overwhelmed with missiles, they won't be able to do anything decisive, other Iranian will likely gey involved, and then Israel will be doing this all again in a few years.

If they attack (they shouldnt) then they need to mobilize and launch a serious campaign.

by Dunyain P

"Palestinians" covers a lot of ground. No one representing the Palestinians in any official capacity has ever shown the slightest interest in a peaceful state coexisting with Israel. Hamas doesn't even pretend. Even when begging for a "ceasefire," they acknowledge they will break such ceasefire at their convenience and will eventually conquer all of Israel and kill, enslave or make dhimni all Jews in a future Islamic apartheid state.


If Palestinians aren’t really from Palestine then the first citizens of Israel couldn’t have been from Israel.

Give them the state they want and if one state attacks the other then bring in peacekeeping forces.

by DoyleBrunsonFan P

I wonder if being this stupid ever gets tiresome. Special breed

I cant think of a single example of colonial power just "giving" a subjugated people their freedom and self determination. almost all of them gained independence with violent struggle contributing in some important fashion.

by Victor P

I cant think of a single example of colonial power just "giving" a subjugated people their freedom and self determination. almost all of them gained independence with violent struggle contributing in some important fashion.

Well that’s unfortunate for the 40,000 dead Palestinians

by Victor P

you dont get freedom peacefully. you cant have freedom without justice.

Or at least a racist criminal said so.

by Bluegrassplayer P

BTW no idea how much damage occurs in the Hamas video I posted. The two things I'm posting here are unrelated.

I think that the IDF admitted casualties in this area. could be from the this blast.

it wasnt a Shawaz shaped charge according to Elmer, which almost certainly would have caused significant casualties Elmer calls it an IED and I think we can reasonably guess that the fighters know the exact place to put it on the Merkava.

I think they put Shawaz behind the tanks at a few feet. looks like they planted this device on the tank itself.

good news though, Elmer is on the EI livestream right now! and may talk about this one soon enough though! (not sure if it made the cutoff for this week's resistance rundown, he may do it next week.)

by DoyleBrunsonFan P

Well that’s unfortunate for the 40,000 dead Palestinians

it is very unfortunate that the West is so murderous.

it's crazy IDF paints their tanks bright red like that, seems like poor camoflauge

by Schlitz mmmm P

Ebolaids as usual.

by chillrob P

Or at least a racist criminal said so.

when everyone is racist towards you, I think its fine to be racist back.

by Trolly McTrollson P

it's crazy IDF paints their tanks bright red like that, seems like poor camoflauge

shut the **** up

Elmer just mentioned this and showed the video

somehow I missed that the Resistance sniped a guy while he was on a rooftop talking to his mom on the phone. I just wonder what sort of training these guys have. why are they talking on the phone on roofs with snipers all around?

Elmer just talked about that tank video

he speculates that it was possibly empty because one of the heroic Resistance fighters ran in front of it to escape. which would have been too dangerous but who knows maybe they were making a tiktok video or trying on lingerie.

he also said that the IED can penetrate 60cm of armor and certainly would have resulted in casualties.

and he said there was no casualty report from that area so I initially misspoke in the previous post.

by PointlessWords P

shut the **** up

OK, fine. Gosh, tough crowd.


Hamas has allegedly re-opened hostage talks. Who knows if it is real or not at this point.

I will say the biggest disaster for the people living in Gaza would be Israel making a deal leaving Hamas in charge of the ruins. Absolutely no hope moving forward with those psychotic, homicidal clowns in charge; especially in such a weakened state.

That being said I dont know if Israel feels it is in their best interests to do this; as the smuggling tunnels would quickly re-open, Iranian (and possibly Chinese) weapons would come flowing in, and it would only be a matter of time before a re-stocked Hamas would start attacking Israel again.

seems what is going on now would be worse than Hamas in charge.

its kind of weird to say Hamas is weakened when they are still killing invaders all across the strip and their approval levels have never been higher. they are releasing videos daily of repurposing bombs and "returning to sender".

meanwhile Israelis are returning home with PTSD over their friends being killed and the fact that their conscious is now weighed by their murder of starving children at close range (as I linked earlier from Israeli media).

by Bluegrassplayer P

This is the worst possible decision Israel could make imo. Israel will get overwhelmed with missiles, they won't be able to do anything decisive, other Iranian will likely gey involved, and then Israel will be doing this all again in a few years.

If they attack (they shouldnt) then they need to mobilize and launch a serious campaign.

? Iranians get involved? why do you think this when they keep telegraphing "please help us de-escalate?"

by Victor P

seems what is going on now would be worse than Hamas in charge.

its kind of weird to say Hamas is weakened when they are still killing invaders all across the strip and their approval levels have never been higher. they are releasing videos daily of repurposing bombs and "returning to sender".

meanwhile Israelis are returning home with PTSD over their friends being killed and the fact that their conscious is now weighed by their murder o

Hamas has great propaganda

by PointlessWords P

Hamas has great propaganda

Hamas are veg heads. This war is taking place on arab land and Al J is best situated to narrate however serves them the best. They can make hamas look like the worlds greatest freedom fighters right up to the point to where they would let those idiots around their own wives and gfs.

by PointlessWords P

Hamas has great propaganda

the best propaganda is the simple truth. and this whole conflict is as simple as it gets. one side deliberately attacks hospitals. the other side refuses to take out medivacs out of principle.

one side tortures prisoners and brags about it. the other side takes care of the prisoner's dogs despite a near famine.

by Victor P

seems what is going on now would be worse than Hamas in charge.

its kind of weird to say Hamas is weakened when they are still killing invaders all across the strip and their approval levels have never been higher. they are releasing videos daily of repurposing bombs and "returning to sender".

meanwhile Israelis are returning home with PTSD over their friends being killed and the fact that their conscious is now weighed by their murder o

LOL. Yeah right. Under Hamas great leadership and military prowess, clearly the Gaza strip has had a great 20 years, with high prospects for the next 20.


by grizy P

? Iranians get involved? why do you think this when they keep telegraphing "please help us de-escalate?"

The reason they keep trying to deescalate is because they realize they will be drawn into this at some point. We've already seen this play out in a massive attack from Iran in order to save face.

by Dunyain P

Hamas has allegedly re-opened hostage talks. Who knows if it is real or not at this point.

I will say the biggest disaster for the people living in Gaza would be Israel making a deal leaving Hamas in charge of the ruins. Absolutely no hope moving forward with those psychotic, homicidal clowns in charge; especially in such a weakened state.

That being said I dont know if Israel feels it is in their best interests to do this; as the smug

It's pretty much guaranteed that this happens. It's also not as bad as you are making it out to be, and probably the most likely way to get a long lasting peace. Aside from completely getting rid of Hamas not being realistic, if Hamas is sidelined then they play the role of attacking whoever is trying to make things better in Gaza. There is no realistic way to combat that.

by Dunyain P

LOL. Yeah right. Under Hamas great leadership and military prowess, clearly the Gaza strip has had a great 20 years, with high prospects for the next 20.


I am not sure what that picture is supposed to mean. I was told in other threads that the USA does not attack civilian infrastructure so I guess thats a just a AI art or something I dunno.
