***Official H&F LC Thread***

***Official H&F LC Thread***

A valid strategy for getting ripped imo.

(From http://extrafabulouscomics.com/, kyleb's (RIP) favorite web comic)

02 January 2018 at 09:19 AM

108 Replies


They literally just let a dude drown, so I don't think "safety" is really on anyone's mind there.

by feel wrath P

Have you ever seen the footage of the Snatch event at the 09 CrossFit games? ‘Get to overhead in one movement’almost the only guideline. It’s some of the ugliest,
Most unsafe stuff you’ll ever see.’

My boy Commando Steve Willis gets a legal lift despite going to one knee to catch the weight and the press outs are truly remarkable

We're talking about professional weightlifters here though. What you described won't be an issue.

by NotThremp P

Eurosport has gotten rid of the British woman, which is probably why they are barely showing WLing.

I appreciate her stance against pressouts, while I'm not a purist of her level, **** them pressouts.

The discovery+ commentator says the person pulled too fast off the ground for like 75% of failed lifts.

I'm better off not having watched it then. RIP weird british lady obsessed with lockouts.

Watched the 102+ without commentary. Lasha looks like he's falling off, so still wins gold but doesn't snatch 220+ and could've lost if some guy hit a PB on C+J? That gut definitely has to be impeding his bar pathing. Christ.

I have recently learned of an entire subset of the Woo community who believes that all illness (ALL) is caused by psychological trauma which is treated by oil of oregano (get what you pay for obv) and umm... paying for $30 youtubes. Amusingly there is a 100% success rate if people purchase the correct supplements, but apparently there is r=1 for people who aren't treated and purchasing the wrong supplements.

Has anyone else experienced this? I found a few references to what seem to be highly intelligent but also very stupid medical professionals who can't understand that 90% of the battle is 1) don't be fat 2) exercise 3) don't smoke. And I guess #4 for invalids: not want to die.

Autistic but highly skilled professionals are kinda whatever. Plenty of people just don't pay attention to stuff. I was under the impression I developed asthma from a bacterial bronchitis infection coupled with super dry air and a dog that sheds infinitely. Now my third eye has been opened to the fact that it wasn't a bacterial infection, nor environmental factors, but that my childhood shame would hit most intensely when I was grooming the dog or exceptionally cold and dry days. Luckily my body has self purged the shame.

Maybe we can discuss how autoimmune conditions can be cured?

I'll tell you one thing for free, your childhood vaccines were the obvious culprits in developing autoimmune disease! Though this shame angle seems interesting as well, I'd subscribe to your newsletter if you charge at least $30 for each one.

by NotThremp P

They literally just let a dude drown, so I don't think "safety" is really on anyone's mind there.

Lol (respectfully.. rip)

I've been working as a personal trainer in a gym. But the weights are too heavy.


So I put in my too weak notice
