The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10592 Replies


by ecriture d'adulte P

That's not how mortgages work. After 10 years of a 30 year mortgage you've paid off maybe 15% of the value of the house.

Depends how high/low interest rates are .

by Montrealcorp P

Depends how high/low interest rates are .

Sure. As long as they are above 0 you haven't paid off 1/3. For 7-8% rates you'd have paid off around 15%.

by ladybruin P

It is starting to look like North Carolina will be removed from likely Trump to toss up or likely Harris in Electoral maps moving forward.

538.com has Harris trailing by 0.4% in NC right now.

Nate Silver has Harris ahead by 0.1% right now.

Both base their estimates on their analysis of all polls in the state.

The latest Likely Voter poll (LV), by NY Time/Sienna College, taken on 8/14, has Harris up by 2% in their Multi Candidate (MC) Poll with 3rd Party candidates getting 5% and Undecided at 5%. They also did a MC Registered Voter (RV) poll where Harris is up by 3%.

The prior poll (from somebody else) had it as a tie and then the polls before that (from 8/9 to 8/3) had Harris trailing by 4% or 3%.

There was one poll prior to that that had Harris up by 2%.

NC is definitely a toss up now. RCP Polling's electoral map has it as a Toss Up. 270towin seems to have it as leaning Republican.

by King Spew P

taxes, insurance, maintenance keep going up per value...... like the sands of time

so does rent

by ecriture d'adulte P

That's not how mortgages work. After 10 years of a 30 year mortgage you've paid off maybe 15% of the value of the house.

yeah I ****ed up. but you could also make more than the minimum payment

by ecriture d'adulte P

I think it's just a made up example. You buy a house, it drops in value for a bit and by year 10 it's worth what it was when you bought it.


Question is what do people like PW do, given they can't either rent nor buy?

by PointlessWords P

so in america we have 30 yr mortgages and after the 30yrs you own the house

where as if you rent then you have nothing after the 30 years

so in american economic cycles usually our housing prices recover after 10 years. like every 10 years they go down and then they recover to their previous price highs.

What I was saying is that you pay down 10 years out of 30 years, usually you have paid down a bit of your balance and you've built equity in

Home owners in the US are screwing over renters to artificially inflate their home values. They oppose all new developments of apartments, businesses, form tyrannical associations to make sure everyone falls in line (usually written into the title), attack public transportation and walkable cities because they want to maintain their car-brained lifestyle…

Even with all that BS that home owners pull on renters, renting still makes more sense for a lot of people. You don’t have to have an initial investment worth 10-20% of the value of the house, you can move cities/towns more easily, you oftentimes have the benefit of having maintenance, utilities, etc paid for, you get hired security provided for by the company, there might be other perks like gym, pool, free dishwasher, fridge, washer dryer, etc.

And look, people default on their mortgage or have to sell their house because they can no longer afford it all the time, so it’s not like you can guarantee to have an asset after 30 years. It’s also not a liquid asset, but it can be used as collateral for a LOC. Also if you have an HOA, you are basically a rentoid anyway, and those fees can be raised as well.

What I will say about owning a home, if it doesn’t have an HOA, is that you have much more freedom to customize and make it the dream place. All that might be hugely expensive though so be prepared for that.

by pocket_zeros P

NYT: Trump Says Civilian Award Is ‘Much Better’ Than Medal of Honor

yeah this will largely be a nothingburger, but it just seems even more insane than normal..

doesn't like everyone in the military regardless of rank have to salute a living medal of honor recipient?

by checkraisdraw P

What I will say about owning a home, if it doesn’t have an HOA, is that you have much more freedom to customize and make it the dream place. All that might be hugely expensive though so be prepared for that.

And smoke or own a pet lol

by Rococo P

In what respect?

As long as I keep making my mortgage payments the market value of my house has no affect on me unless I want to sell or take out a loan on the equity.

by Didace P

As long as I keep making my mortgage payments the market value of my house has no affect on me unless I want to sell or take out a loan on the equity.

Theoretically you are better off with it going down a lot (if that means lower property taxes) until the day before you want to sell it, then you want it to go as high as possible obviously.

by checkraisdraw P

Home owners in the US are screwing over renters to artificially inflate their home values. They oppose all new developments of apartments, businesses, form tyrannical associations to make sure everyone falls in line (usually written into the title), attack public transportation and walkable cities because they want to maintain their car-brained lifestyle…

Even with all that BS that home owners pull on renters, renting still makes more

3.5% down with first time home owner loan

After a few years of home ownership you can rent out to tenants and move around as you please. And you’ll have more money to do so as well

by Luciom P

Theoretically you are better off with it going down a lot (if that means lower property taxes) until the day before you want to sell it, then you want it to go as high as possible obviously.

Market value has very little, if any, to do with property taxes.

by PointlessWords P

3.5% down with first time home owner loan

After a few years of home ownership you can rent out to tenants and move around as you please. And you’ll have more money to do so as well

This is not really practical or worth it for most people. You have taxes, maintenance and the risk a tenet stops paying. Plus you need to live somewhere anyway. If you had a rich uncle who let you live in a house you liked for free in perpetuity, it would make very little sense to ever buy a house. By far the number one benefit to owning a home is that you can live there.

by Slighted P

yeah this will largely be a nothingburger, but it just seems even more insane than normal..

doesn't like everyone in the military regardless of rank have to salute a living medal of honor recipient?

In the Army at least it's not formally required by reg but it may as well be. Literally everyone above you in the chain of command is sure as **** going to salute.

It almost never happens though as there are so few of them living and even fewer than when I was in, apparently 60 now. I nearly did while on funeral detail, we were burying a guy from his WW2 unit who himself had the Distinguished Service Cross which already made it an extra big deal. MOH guy didn't end up attending but leading up to it we were provided photos of the guy and everything, instructions were to salute whether he was wearing it or not, in uniform or not, whatever.

Best part was meeting the deceased's war buddy, who lived next door to him 50 years. Was obviously heartbroken but still one of the funniest, chillest old guys I've ever met, kind of a Norm MacDonald type of humor.

by Luciom P

Theoretically you are better off with it going down a lot (if that means lower property taxes) until the day before you want to sell it, then you want it to go as high as possible obviously.

Why would I spend thousands $ on maintenance on something that keep losing value ?

How is having a depreciating net worth be better ?
I rather spend couple thousand in tax with a 2-5% increase yearly if my net worth going 10%+ every year …

Ps: how is having a deflationary spiral be great for the economy ?

“They turned him down because he’s Jewish. That’s why they turned him down. Now, we can be politically correct and not say that. I could say, well, they turned him down for various reasons. No, no, they turned him down because he’s Jewish,” said Trump.

“And I’ll tell you this, any Jewish person that votes for her or a Democrat has to go out and have their head examined.”

Imagine stanning a race baiting carnival barker of zero intelligence and diminishing mental capacity

trying to win a national election over here...

- if you're against the genocide, you're a braindead "bad jew"
- "black jobs", kamabla isn't black, etc
- latin americans are all rapist criminals, plan to deport 20-25m of them
- don't even get him started on arabs/muslims
- africa is a "shithole" continent
- haven't heard anything about asians yet, but i'm guessing he's said some wild **** about china
- women don't deserve autonomy of any kind
- gays are gross, probably plan to kill trans ppl (haven't read project 2025 yet)
- war on communists, socialists, progressives, unions, workers, teachers, academics, etc

honey, where's my base?

think he's only declaring a war on gypsys short of being full hitler at this point...

To be fair I’ve seen enough Peaky blinders to be skeptical or the gypsies

by Didace P

Market value has very little, if any, to do with property taxes.

It does kind of, property tax assessment is definitely a weird little conversation all by itself. My main residence (in DE) has a property tax assessment of about 1/6th of what I purchased it for a couple years ago. In NJ we'd be paying 5x as much for this place and even those assessments are way off actual market value.

But then the assessment itself doesn't really matter, it's the assessment multiplied by effective property tax rate. It's a long awkward way to get there and rough but still is loosely tied to market value. Very loosely though...the guy down the block who hasn't power washed since the 90s has the same assessment as my house that's been nicely improved kept up by us and the prior owners, but whatever that works in our favor.

Tbh the deep state made sure Trump was the RNC pick. And the deep state knew Biden would quit , keeping Harris in

And the wars continue unabated

by PointlessWords P

Tbh the deep state made sure Trump was the RNC pick. And the deep state knew Biden would quit , keeping Harris in

And the wars continue unabated

They also want Kamala to wait until after the election to give her policy agenda.

yes, there's a deep state conspiracy against major anti-war candidates such as ... uhhh ..... and ........ ummm ..........

by PointlessWords P

Tbh the deep state made sure Trump was the RNC pick. And the deep state knew Biden would quit , keeping Harris in

And the wars continue unabated

I don't think this was a deep state thing at all. I think the Dems manufactured a Kamala run that would evade a primary, though.

Shouldn’t you there be 2 different deep state anyway ?

by housenuts P

They also want Kamala to wait until after the election to give her policy agenda.

She’s already starting. It’s gonna be arrest poor people, bomb brown people, enslave black people.

Outlawing homeless houses is a great start to her fascist rule.

She’s still better than Trump tho
