The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10491 Replies


by Victor P

Kamala Harris is the VP of an administration that is committing some of the gravest crimes of our lifetime. Her and her advisors have stated emphatically that they will continue this policy.

and no, this is not complex. voting for Kamala is voting for mass murder.

Don't you have enough threads to tard up already?

by Victor P

Kamala Harris is the VP of an administration that is committing some of the gravest crimes of our lifetime. Her and her advisors have stated emphatically that they will continue this policy.

and no, this is not complex. voting for Kamala is voting for mass murder.

Who even votes for Kamala? She makes Hillary look lovable.

by Victor P

the sitting VP and presidential nominee has no control over these things he says.

blueMaga is a helluva drug.

Do you just not understand the role of a vice president? I mean it's obvious you don't, but I feel like I should at least ask.

Put simply: no. A vice president does not have control over that sort of thing. Maybe you could point out what authority she could utilize, specifically for us?

by Victor P

Kamala Harris is the VP of an administration that is committing some of the gravest crimes of our lifetime. Her and her advisors have stated emphatically that they will continue this policy.

and no, this is not complex. voting for Kamala is voting for mass murder.

I’m no fan of Biden or Kamala, but this is really silly.

by Gorgonian P

Do you just not understand the role of a vice president? I mean it's obvious you don't, but I feel like I should at least ask.

Put simply: no. A vice president does not have control over that sort of thing. Maybe you could point out what authority she could utilize, specifically for us?

there is one little known amendment that usually can't be used but in the current situation could... a recent one, section 4.

Not for Israel mind, i agree with Biden Israel policy personally. But in general it is not very nice to have a president who can't be in the situation room at night and be fully focused, don't you agree?

by Gorgonian P

Do you just not understand the role of a vice president? I mean it's obvious you don't, but I feel like I should at least ask.

Put simply: no. A vice president does not have control over that sort of thing. Maybe you could point out what authority she could utilize, specifically for us?

well shes not just the VP. she is also the nominee for president. if you dont think she can influence the sitting administration and party then that sounds absurd but ok whatever.

she does have influence over her campaign which has stated emphatically that there will be no change to the current illegal and plausibly genocidal policy.

Quite funny though to see attempt to distance Harris from the Biden admin policies lol, unless she specifically, transparently, disavow a choice claiming "Biden is wrong about X, when i will be president i will do Y", she owns EVERYTHING the admin does, being part of it.

Quite silly to claim otherwise.

And for Israel, she can share the glory of the proper response, why deny her that? Biden after some momentary lapses, is backing Israel in full as he should, and that's good.

by d2_e4 P

Don't you have enough threads to tard up already?

Based on how the polls are trending Republicans should be starting their work on the articles of impeachment for Harris's Presidency any day now.

by pocket_zeros P

Based on how the polls are trending Republicans should be starting their work on the articles of impeachment for Harris's Presidency any day now.

If RFK drops out soon (this coming Friday I heard) the polls could alter dramatically.

Its possible that RFK supporters just wouldn't vote but even if the polls don't shift right away the undecided %'s would go up over 8% in all swing states except GA and in some would be at or over 10% (AZ, MI, NV).

In the past two Presidential elections Trump nailed the undecided voters on election day but it is possible this time around it won't happen that way (I read one article that indicated it would be different this time around).

My gut feeling though is that Trump would initially gain more than Kamala at the time RFK drops out.

by Victor P

well shes not just the VP. she is also the nominee for president. if you dont think she can influence the sitting administration and party then that sounds absurd but ok whatever.

Donald Trump is also a nominee for president but you don't seem to think he has that power. But, uh, no. Nominees for president do not control foreign policy. This is bordering on bizarre now.

by Victor P

she does have influence over her campaign which has stated emphatically that there will be no change to the current illegal and plausibly genocidal policy.

Well this is just more utter nonsense. Remember when the Biden administration negotiated a cease fire and trump literally broke the law to call bibi and tell him not to do it because it hurt his election chances? No? I suggest paying attention to reality and not just making crap up.

VP and nominee has no influence. But Donald Trump does?

by Luciom P

there is one little known amendment that usually can't be used but in the current situation could... a recent one, section 4.

The 25th Amendment isn't "little known."

Voting Kamala-Walz in a swing state isn't a vote for genocide. It's a vote for self-defense.

by Victor P

VP and nominee has no influence. But Donald Trump does?

The word is control, not influence. And no. He doesn't. How is this so hard for you?

by Victor P

why would they protest the side that isnt even in power? its your democrats that are sending billions in weapons that are used to mass murder children and break all International Law. it is your side that is working hand in hand to do plausible genocide.

ofc they are sick of hearing about it. they dont like to be faced with their own hypocrisy and will do anything to ignore who they are.

So Americans are taken hostage on their own soil, many of them rapped and killed. The people who do this, shoot rockets into America using schools and hospitals as cover. They send children into war zones to plant bombs, and use women and children as human bomb shields. As a culture, they are abusive to their women, will lock up or kill gay people, and have a religion which says they must kill all infidels who don't believe in their religion. 65-70% of the people who live in this country hold these exact positions of jihad. They've been doing this for decades and centuries on end, relentlessly... they are your neighbors.

What's your play?

by FreakDaddy P

So Americans are taken hostage on their own soil, many of them rapped and killed. The people who do this, shoot rockets into America using schools and hospitals as cover. They send children into war zones to plant bombs, and use women and children as human bomb shields. As a culture, they are abusive to their women, will lock up or kill gay people, and have a religion which says they must kill all infidels who don't believe in their religio

We have another thread for this. Please take victor with you.

by biggerboat P

We have another thread for this. Please take victor with you.

I agree.. it's not something that should be discussed in here. I just can't read absurdity over and over w/o responding.

Republicans suddenly acting like they aren't pro-Israel, just because younger democrats are split on the Gaza war and they want to exploit that division, is unethical in my mind.

by Gorgonian P

Do you just not understand the role of a vice president? I mean it's obvious you don't, but I feel like I should at least ask.

Put simply: no. A vice president does not have control over that sort of thing. Maybe you could point out what authority she could utilize, specifically for us?

Quick question- has the vice president denounced Israel and said FREE PALESTINE

by PointlessWords P

Quick question- has the vice president denounced Israel and said FREE PALESTINE

Quicker question.. why would she do that?

by The Horror P

Voting Kamala-Walz in a swing state isn't a vote for genocide. It's a vote for self-defense.

it’s both. How do you not see that

by FreakDaddy P

I agree.. it's not something that should be discussed in here. I just can't read absurdity over and over w/o responding.

Republicans suddenly acting like they aren't pro-Israel, just because younger democrats are split on the Gaza war and they want to exploit that division, is unethical in my mind.

You made an absurd hypothetical that essentially has nothing to do with Israel Palestine

by FreakDaddy P

I agree.. it's not something that should be discussed in here. I just can't read absurdity over and over w/o responding.

Republicans suddenly acting like they aren't pro-Israel, just because younger democrats are split on the Gaza war and they want to exploit that division, is unethical in my mind.

Lets be realistic neither party is not backing Israel.

The debates should have both candidates hooked up to polygraphs and after they answer the question we get to hear True or False

Kamala is not going to stop price gouging or implement all these tax hikes. Is she going to cancel Trump's tax cuts as even the IRS says they helped the middle class


by PointlessWords P

it’s both. How do you not see that

You made an absurd hypothetical that essentially has nothing to do with Israel Palestine

Well if it's absurd, please enlighten me then. How does it have nothing to do w/ Israel Palestine?

by FreakDaddy P

Quicker question.. why would she do that?

5 The Lord examines the righteous,
but the wicked, those who love violence,
he hates with a passion.

Because war is bad? Because the Bible says thou shalt not kill? Because it’s bad to murder and starve innocent people. Because children are dying in Palestine and the US is helping the IDF?

Because it is the most ethical, moral and most economical path to take?

by Mr Rick P

If RFK drops out soon (this coming Friday I heard) the polls could alter dramatically.

Its possible that RFK supporters just wouldn't vote but even if the polls don't shift right away the undecided %'s would go up over 8% in all swing states except GA and in some would be at or over 10% (AZ, MI, NV).

In the past two Presidential elections Trump nailed the undecided voters on election day but it is possible this time around it won't happen t

Trump will definitely gain net voters but the recent polls showed RFK share dropping precipitously so I think it's maybe +2 at most.

RFK is rumored to have asked for a cabinet position in exchange for endorsing Trump. I hear Trump's team is already working on crafting a new post just for him, with the title "Chief of Rusty Bird Cages".
