The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10518 Replies


by checkraisdraw P

Uh yeah war is bad and it is awful but that’s not the same thing as never seeing a need to go to war. Why would anyone ever say that they would never support going to war ever?

Because religion is like that, irrational, completely indefensible claims with logic.

by checkraisdraw P

Republicans control the congress. The money wouldn’t be sent without their approval. And if anything, they want an even more brutal war. The people calling for a ceasefire are the Democrats, not Republicans.

Also this is a rather weird take on the whole situation. Hamas committed a violent terrorist attack, Israel responded. Do I support everything they have done? No. Do I think Netanyahu wants to prolong the war? Plausible. But at the end o

Republicans control the house but yes as I wrote, house speaker approval was necessary

by Victor P

I point out the hypocrisy of liberals and democrats. they would much prefer to

I really don't care to engage with you, but I will say geo-politics are a lot more complicated than your myopic take.

Just think of Victor as an 8 year old child and it helps to make reading his posts tolerable.

I often think that I spend too much time posting on 2+2.

Then I click on "Find posts by Luciom", I note that he has made 170 posts in the last 48 hours (all in the Politics forum), and I realize that others have a much bigger problem than I do.

by Victor P

liberals are against all war, except the current one(s). it really never fails.

Wow. Liberals are war mongers because neither of the two people running for president has stopped a war between two other countries yet (but only the liberal one must be the war monger).

Solid job dude.

by biggerboat P

I really don't care to engage with you, but I will say geo-politics are a lot more complicated than your myopic take.

its complicated. nothing can be done. just gotta keep sending weapons and soldiers all over the world and doing genocide every few decades. Iraq and Afghanistan killed like 4m. whats a couple more mill in Gaza and Ukraine? vote blue no matter who and dont interrupt my brunch with all the bloody children or elderly slave soldiers in Ukraine.

by Victor P

elderly slave soldiers in Ukraine.


Who would you say has more responsibility for the war in Ukraine, Russia or the U.S.?

by Victor P

liberals are against all war, except the current one(s). it really never fails.

You can't be more wrong.

As a Jewish Liberal I was for World War II, a war my father fought in.

I have no opinion on the Korean War. If the South Koreans wanted us to help them against the North Koreans then I have no problem with that. I just don't have any idea what the war was about.

The Vietnam War was stupid and ultimately racist (our men were trained to call them Gooks). So I wasn't for that war but I would have fought in it if my draft card came in 1973 and not 1974. I wasn't going to pretend I had bone spurs.

Many of the subsequent US wars have been political and stupid. In Afghanistan then Iraq under George W Bush. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed and over a Trillion dollars spent, similarly in Afghanistan where we lost over 3,000 US lives basically a similar amount that died in the World Trade Center terrorist attack. George HW Bush's war I forget where it was to stop rapists and protect US Allies was probably necessary. The war in Serbia was necessary to have UN intervention during Clinton's term, because it wasn't started by us.

When I look at what is going on with Israel I think it is very unfortunate. Netanyahu's approach because he is so politically unpopular is to escalate when Hamas attacks. This means that far more Palestinians will die than Israelis. So when Hamas killed thousands of Israelis recently I wouldn't have supported what Netanyahu did. I would have supported an attack that killed Hamas leaders and if they were hiding among Palestinian civilians, as Hamas does, so be it. But Hamas also took hostages so it is unclear how the rest of it would have gone.

In general I think Israel should have allowed Palestine to be a country. Even though the terrorist organizations might have had power within the government. Just be on alert at all times and if there is a military attack or terrorist attack defend well, retaliate in a similar way without escalating. Kind of like how Reagan handled it when the US lost 239 troops in Lebanon.

Do I think military aid to Israel should stop? Yes. Until they get rid of Netanyahu and agree to a Palestinian State.

The Russian war on Ukraine of course I support Ukraine and its not because I am 25% Ukrainian. Russia is trying to start up a USSR thing again and Putin should be stopped if possible. Ironically if the Republicans in the house had prevented aid to Ukraine if I were President I would have sent US troops to end it, take back the Russia occupied land (not Crimea though which has Nuclear weapons) and then negotiate a truce with Putin. I have no idea what Putin would do next if he had actually conquered Ukraine.

by Mr Rick P

[...]I have no idea what Putin would do next if he had actually conquered Ukraine.

I'd say a lot of the steps are fairly obvious, even if the order is unclear:

- Gain stronger control over the Black Sea
- Start a similar campaign in the Baltics as was done in Ukraine in 2014 and create a false pretense to invade.
- use Transnistra as a false pretence to complete the invasion and occupation of Moldova
- Absorb / annex Belarus through political movies and the guise of protecting the country from extremists
- Heat up the conflict in the Balkans, train and sponsor extremist groups, move more openly in support of nationalist Serbs.
- Bribe Georgian officials to request security assistance, complete the invasion and occupy the remaining part of the country.
- Continued the war efforts in Syria and Libya, try to stabilize their efforts into a secure staging ground for operations in Africa
- Continued use of Wagner and similar groups to conduct operations like the ones we have seen Mali
- Continued assault on elections in western states and other democracies
- Continued use of hybrid warfare to attack and sabotage infrastructure in western countries and other democracies

by Victor P

vic if i was screaming the names of dead palestinian children would you ask me to stop screaming in your ear and/or seek protection by covering them or would you just say "no i love dead palestinians so scream it into my ear 24/7 please"

by tame_deuces P

I'd say a lot of the steps are fairly obvious, even if the order is unclear:

- Gain stronger control over the Black Sea
- Start a similar campaign in the Baltics as was done in Ukraine in 2014 and create a false pretense to invade.
- use Transnistra as a false pretence to complete the invasion and occupation of Moldova
- Absorb / annex Belarus through political movies and the guise of protecting the country from extremists
- Heat up the conflict

Georgia & moldova would be next in line yes, not necessarily immediatly but in the 3-5 years range.

by rickroll P

vic if i was screaming the names of dead palestinian children would you ask me to stop screaming in your ear and/or seek protection by covering them or would you just say "no i love dead palestinians so scream it into my ear 24/7 please"

Good point. If they loved dead Palestinian children as much as Victor claims, they would surely want to hear more of the chanting, so he is undermining his own point.

That is what passes for logic in your world, right, Vic?

by Rococo P

I often think that I spend too much time posting on 2+2.

Then I click on "Find posts by Luciom", I note that he has made 170 posts in the last 48 hours (all in the Politics forum), and I realize that others have a much bigger problem than I do.

Why do you think writing many posts signifies having a problem? honest question. I like to talk, you guys are engaging, some new guys around are making it even more fun.

I Just ended a 1:30 hour convo on markets with friends discussing stuff (i am so pessimist compared to them, maybe i am wrong, still trying to ascertain that) and i am here for 15-20 mins then i go watch some tv show with my SO, while i finish my second bottle, tell me what i am doing wrong

by Luciom P

Why do you think writing many posts signifies having a problem? honest question. I like to talk, you guys are engaging, some new guys around are making it even more fun.

I Just ended a 1:30 hour convo on markets with friends discussing stuff (i am so pessimist compared to them, maybe i am wrong, still trying to ascertain that) and i am here for 15-20 mins then i go watch some tv show with my SO, while i finish my second bottle, tell me what

Words. So, so many words.

this forum is his fleshlight, basically

by Victor P

its complicated. nothing can be done. just gotta keep sending weapons and soldiers all over the world and doing genocide every few decades. Iraq and Afghanistan killed like 4m. whats a couple more mill in Gaza and Ukraine? vote blue no matter who and dont interrupt my brunch with all the bloody children or elderly slave soldiers in Ukraine.

Tim Walz was in congress and voted against the Iraq war lol you are a joke dude, you don’t understand anything outside of your left wing twitter memes (I assume this is where you’re getting this crap from).

Turns out countries don’t like terrorists attacking them and kidnapping hundreds of their civilians! What a shock!

by checkraisdraw P

Tim Walz was in congress and voted against the Iraq war lol you are a joke dude, you don’t understand anything outside of your left wing twitter memes (I assume this is where you’re getting this crap from).

Turns out countries don’t like terrorists attacking them and kidnapping hundreds of their civilians! What a shock!

Tim walz started his congress career in 2006, Iraq war authorization vote was in 2002, can you either check stuff before making random claims, or avoid lying thx?

He is not in this list


by Luciom P

Tim walz started his congress career in 2006, Iraq war authorization vote was in 2002, can you either check stuff before making random claims, or avoid lying thx?

He is not in this list


You have accused so many people of lying in this forum (including me twice) I am kind of stunned that I have never seen you accuse Donald Trump of lying.

Like he has lied hundreds of times about the 2020 Election being stolen. Do you find that to be a blatant lie?

Or is it that you actually like people who lie?

by Luciom P

Why do you think writing many posts signifies having a problem? honest question. I like to talk, you guys are engaging, some new guys around are making it even more fun.

I Just ended a 1:30 hour convo on markets with friends discussing stuff (i am so pessimist compared to them, maybe i am wrong, still trying to ascertain that) and i am here for 15-20 mins then i go watch some tv show with my SO, while i finish my second bottle, tell me what

My comment was light-hearted. If spending 12 hours a day reading and posting on 2+2 is rewarding for you, go for it. The site needs the traffic. I don't think spending that much time posting would be good for me, but you do you.

by Mr Rick P

You have accused so many people of lying in this forum (including me twice) I am kind of stunned that I have never seen you accuse Donald Trump of lying.

Like he has lied hundreds of times about the 2020 Election being stolen. Do you find that to be a blatant lie?

Or is it that you actually like people who lie?

Trump is part of the moral elite. You are but a peasant

by Mr Rick P

he has lied hundreds of times about the 2020 Election being stolen. Do you find that to be a blatant lie?

thats a typo, he was talking about the 2000 election

by checkraisdraw P

Tim Walz was in congress and voted against the Iraq war lol you are a joke dude, you don’t understand anything outside of your left wing twitter memes (I assume this is where you’re getting this crap from).

Turns out countries don’t like terrorists attacking them and kidnapping hundreds of their civilians! What a shock!

by Luciom P

Tim walz started his congress career in 2006, Iraq war authorization vote was in 2002, can you either check stuff before making random claims, or avoid lying thx?

He is not in this list


by Mr Rick P

You have accused so many people of lying in this forum (including me twice) I am kind of stunned that I have never seen you accuse Donald Trump of lying.

Like he has lied hundreds of times about the 2020 Election being stolen. Do you find that to be a blatant lie?

Or is it that you actually like people who lie?

This place is amazing. Make 100% false statements, get called out on it, and just BULLDOZE straight ahead.

"Tim Walz was in congress and voted against the Iraq war"


by natediggity P

This place is amazing. Make 100% false statements, get called out on it, and just BULLDOZE straight ahead.

"Tim Walz was in congress and voted against the Iraq war"


#BlueMaga is a helluva drug

by Luciom P

Tim walz started his congress career in 2006, Iraq war authorization vote was in 2002


In late 2004, Walz submitted his retirement papers.
Walz then filed official documents to run for the U.S. House of Representatives in February 2005.
In March, the National Guard announced a possible deployment
to Iraq within the next two years for Walz's battalion.
Walz said he would deploy if called upon.
