The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10477 Replies


by PointlessWords P

Trump heavily contributed. But not more than Obama and Biden combined

Or am I wrong

12yrs vs 4 ~16Tv ~8T

But maybe trump breaks his record with another shot 😀

Things were pretty stable during obama despite the fox whining. And things went off the rails during trump and we're still kinda there. Thinking he will be the one to come clean it all up seems highly improbable. He's surrounded by lots of people that would happily push things into ludicrous mode for their own gain.

by wet work P

12yrs vs 4 ~16Tv ~8T

But maybe trump breaks his record with another shot 😀

Things were pretty stable during obama despite the fox whining. And things went off the rails during trump and we're still kinda there. Thinking he will be the one to come clean it all up seems highly improbable. He's surrounded by lots of people that would happily push things into ludicrous mode for their own gain.

Obama forced banks to take TARP money and Obama drastically increased wars in Iraq/Afghanistan while also starting wars in Syria and Lybia iirc

by Luciom P

I said democrats not Biden caused inflation.

Democrats, precisely with this act


2 trillions of deficit, passed march 2021, when the economy was recovering fast because states had stopped locking down mostly, and all it was needed for the economy to be normal was simply to remove all COVID restrictions permanently.

No deficit at all was needed, and this was purely inflationary.

Two c

bro said this brought worldwide inflation lmao what credible economist claims that?

by PointlessWords P

Obama forced banks to take TARP money and Obama drastically increased wars in Iraq/Afghanistan while also starting wars in Syria and Lybia iirc

I was no great fan of obama but he was still the better choice out of the various stripes of right-wingers we get to choose from 😀

by wet work P

I was no great fan of obama but he was still the better choice out of the various stripes of right-wingers we get to choose from 😀

Better for us. Better for brown people across the world? Prob not

Well I'm not the one making the choices we get--I just call balls and strikes from where I'm sitting.

by PointlessWords P

Better for us. Better for brown people across the world? Prob not

Which of the Republican candidates for president in the Obama era do you believe would have been "better for brown people across the world?"

by Rococo P

Which of the Republican candidates for president in the Obama era do you believe would have been "better for brown people across the world?"

Not republican bu the Allepo guy might have been better

by Rococo P

Which of the Republican candidates for president in the Obama era do you believe would have been "better for brown people across the world?"

Prob any of them. Trump was a dem then right? John McCain wasn’t too fond of bombing civilians was he?

Republicans used to be isolationists until Bush came along

by PointlessWords P

Prob any of them. Trump was a dem then right? John McCain wasn’t too fond of bombing civilians was he?

Republicans used to be isolationists until Bush came along

This isn't really true, seeing as they elected Nixon, Reagan, and the Bushes.

People once trusted Republicans to end wars, yes, but Republicans have seen many conflicts while in power that they shy away from.

The funny thing is Republican today complains about the « swamp ».
Yet they gladly voted for George bush senior as a president , u know the guy that was the head of the cia for a brief period in the 1970s (operation condor) ….

by PointlessWords P

Obama forced banks to take TARP money and Obama drastically increased wars in Iraq/Afghanistan while also starting wars in Syria and Lybia iirc

Come on .
Obama didnt start the Arab spring ….

Trump admits he lost the last election.

I completely agree - we don’t need another DEFECTIVE person in the White House!

by PointlessWords P

Prob any of them. Trump was a dem then right? John McCain wasn’t too fond of bombing civilians was he?

Republicans used to be isolationists until Bush came along

Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. preceded Obama. I don't know what you mean when you say that Republicans used to be isolationist. I wouldn't describe Reagan or Nixon as particularly isolationist.

I have no reason to believe that McCain's foreign policy would have been less interventionist than Obama's foreign policy.

Donald Trump has flip flopped in record time. He went from voting yes to voting no overtime. Oh but Kamala is a flip flopper because she decided that we shouldn't ban fracking due to it being unnecessary to transition to a green energy policy. Trump on the other hand changed his mind within a day on whether abortion is murder or not.

How can anyone who thinks abortion is murder even consider voting for someone who flip flopped on this issue so recently? This is the type of campaign misstep that would TANK any other campaign. Kamala should be harping both Trump's flip flopping and the extremist position Republicans have on abortion.


Trump seems kind of washed and tired lately. I hope they debate a couple times at least. I'm here for the comedy of it all at this point.

by 27offsuit P

Trump seems kind of washed and tired lately. I hope they debate a couple times at least. I'm here for the comedy of it all at this point.

Trump is low energy and caught up in various dynamics which should each cost him the election, but it's just a toss up yet.

This is how much Harris is worth, running at a coin flip against a convicted felon who is almost 80y old and has a hard time being coherent for more than 5minutes straight.

Most people would be crushing him with insane polls but Harris, uniquely, manages to be at 50% against the worst possible candidate opponents could field, out of shape.

Fully expecting the Ricky Pearsall shooting, if it hasn’t already, to become a right wing talking point about how Kamabla turned SF into a failed state

by checkraisdraw P

Donald Trump has flip flopped in record time. He went from voting yes to voting no overtime. Oh but Kamala is a flip flopper because she decided that we shouldn't ban fracking due to it being unnecessary to transition to a green energy policy. Trump on the other hand changed his mind within a day on whether abortion is murder or not.

How can anyone who thinks abortion is murder even consider voting for someone who flip flopped on this issue

Yes .
January 6th speech .
Walk peacefully on the Capitol .
30m later -> fight like hell !

by Luciom P

Trump is low energy and caught up in various dynamics which should each cost him the election, but it's just a toss up yet.

This is how much Harris is worth, running at a coin flip against a convicted felon who is almost 80y old and has a hard time being coherent for more than 5minutes straight.

Most people would be crushing him with insane polls but Harris, uniquely, manages to be at 50% against the worst possible candidate opponents could f

Maga would never ever vote for a democrat .
Even Kennedy/Clinton would lose vs any maga candidate in a maga state .

U know the difference between a conservative and maga ?
A conservative hates democrats policies but maga just hates the democrats regardless of policies ….

And the proof is , they even votes against policies that are good for them if it comes out from democrat aka last 2 border policies in 2024 .

by Luciom P

Trump is low energy and caught up in various dynamics which should each cost him the election, but it's just a toss up yet.

This is how much Harris is worth, running at a coin flip against a convicted felon who is almost 80y old and has a hard time being coherent for more than 5minutes straight.

Most people would be crushing him with insane polls but Harris, uniquely, manages to be at 50% against the worst possible candidate opponents could f

You’re not even from a real country, you are being held up by EU charity

Seriously though do you not understand the cult of MAGA? They will do literally anything they can to keep hold of power because they think abortion is murder. Trump just committed the worst sin, questioning party orthodox. Probably this and the vaccine debate are the first chinks in his armor.

by checkraisdraw P

Seriously though do you not understand the cult of MAGA? They will do literally anything they can to keep hold of power because they think abortion is murder.

There's obviously some number of people in that camp that this applies to, but no way a primary driver for them overall.

It's #1 economy, which they believe a famous billionaire is automatically superior at managing regardless of actual history. It's generally the #1 issue for liberals too of course but doesn't poll near as high as conservatives especially right now.

And #2 by a mile now, immigration, because they've had decades worth of media hammering home that white culture is under attack by outsiders. Of course they have since jumped straight to calling them gangsters and rapists and promoting replacement theory garbage. It was a thing before but now it's a massive driver and DJT has drummed this way up himself.

All this bit about abortion and Christian values is just their attempt at some moral high ground, no different than support our troops and all the other **** they pretend to care about. They also poll vastly higher on their level of worry/concern on most issues which again is consistent with all the fearmongering media they're targeted by.

I think DJT could completely flip position on abortion tomorrow and all he'd lose is a handful of points. Women having access to abortion would piss some off but overall it just isn't something that scares them.

by Gonzirra P

There's obviously some number of people in that camp that this applies to, but no way a primary driver for them overall.

It's #1 economy, which they believe a famous billionaire is automatically superior at managing regardless of actual history. It's generally the #1 issue for liberals too of course but doesn't poll near as high as conservatives especially right now.

And #2 by a mile now, immigration, because they've had decades worth of med

Yes, immigration and inflation seem to be bigger fears than their neighbor getting an abortion. I'd put the fear that their kids could become gay, woke, or both is up there over abortion, as well.

Maybe, but I'm not sure if that's more your garden-variety homophobia or just their general tendency to want to impart their lifestyle on others.

My own observation says there a correlation between parents who have a problem with their gay kid and people who are generally shitty parents to begin with. I've certainly heard of cases where Wholesome Good Guy Dad is just ignorant and actually thinks it's a phase or lifestyle choice that they can fix, it's just not the case I've tended to see a lot of.

by Luciom P

Most people would be crushing him with insane polls but Harris, uniquely, manages to be at 50% against the worst possible candidate opponents could field, out of shape.

That's going on your permanent record with the maga crew 😀
