The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10476 Replies


by Luciom P

Trump is low energy and caught up in various dynamics which should each cost him the election, but it's just a toss up yet.

This is how much Harris is worth, running at a coin flip against a convicted felon who is almost 80y old and has a hard time being coherent for more than 5minutes straight.

Most people would be crushing him with insane polls but Harris, uniquely, manages to be at 50% against the worst possible candidate opponents could f

Absurd take considering Harris has only been a Presidential candidate for a single month. When else in the history of US Presidential elections has a candidate like Trump gone from being the presumptive winner to the likely loser in just 30 days?

by Luciom P

Most people would be crushing him with insane polls but Harris, uniquely, manages to be at 50% against the worst possible candidate opponents could field, out of shape.

You really don’t get it, do you?

You think her 50% equity against a historical trainwreck is an indication of her weakness as a candidate.

It’s not that. It’s an indication of just how pathetically stupid and ethically vapid 50% of our population is that they would be beholden to such an obvious charlatan to a cultish degree.

by Gonzirra P

There's obviously some number of people in that camp that this applies to, but no way a primary driver for them overall.

It's #1 economy, which they believe a famous billionaire is automatically superior at managing regardless of actual history. It's generally the #1 issue for liberals too of course but doesn't poll near as high as conservatives especially right now.

And #2 by a mile now, immigration, because they've had decades worth of med

I can see what you’re saying, but I’m talking about people who are really far down the rabbithole. If you are all in on qanon and satanic pedophile cults, or even if you are a huge “GOP is based christian nationalist” heritage foundation types, you see that the diehards are mostly motivated by more niche issues. That’s just how I see it. I think the average Trump voter probably acts like how you’re saying.

CNBC: How Elon Musk’s endorsement of Trump may have backfired

Elon Musk’s endorsement of former President Donald Trump was meant to buoy the candidate’s chances in November. But more than a month after Musk officially put his weight behind Trump, a series of Democratic attacks have suggested that the endorsement has exposed a vulnerability.

Since the tech billionaire endorsed Trump on July 13, the campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris has repeatedly attacked Musk for his anti-worker stances. The campaign has called Musk and Trump “self-obsessed rich guys” and reposted audio from an event on Musk’s social media app, X, in which the two laugh together about firing striking workers.

Then there was the live one-on-one discussion on X, which Trump’s campaign billed as “the interview of the century.” Partway through the two-hour event, Trump brought up how much he admires Musk’s handling of labor unions.

“I look at what you do. You walk in and you just say, ‘You wanna quit?’” Trump said while laughing.

“Yeah,” Musk broke in, also laughing.

“They go on strike,” Trump continued. “I won’t mention the name of the company, but they go on strike, and you say, ‘That’s OK, you’re all gone. You’re all gone, so every one of you is gone.’ And you are the greatest.”

The Harris campaign quickly jumped on the exchange with a post on X that has been viewed 7.2 million times. And it has posted about the exchange at least three times since.

Harris’ campaign added in a statement soon after the event: “Trump’s entire campaign is in service of people like Elon Musk and himself — self-obsessed rich guys who will sell out the middle class and who cannot run a livestream in the year 2024.” (The event was delayed 40 minutes by technical difficulties.)

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/09/01/how-elon...

^ love how America now is simply attacking the other side.

Neither party, nor their media accomplices, talk about the good that they will do. It's only attacks on the other candidate.

Sad state of affairs.

by housenuts P

^ love how America now is simply attacking the other side.

Neither party, nor their media accomplices, talk about the good that they will do. It's only attacks on the other candidate.

Sad state of affairs.

Yes I always love when people Intervene in a fight blaming both side while disregarding that one side just decided to say enough is enough and to strike back for self defence, after been hit hundreds time before …
And claiming in the end they are the same .

by Montrealcorp P

And claiming in the end they are the same .

Equality for all!

by pocket_zeros P

CNBC: How Elon Musk’s endorsement of Trump may have backfired

Harris’ campaign added in a statement soon after the event: “Trump’s entire campaign is in service of people like Elon Musk and himself — self-obsessed rich guys who will sell out the middle class and who cannot run a livestream in the year 2024.” (The event was delayed 40 minutes by technical difficulties.)

i'm sure getting cuckerberg on board will set things straight

Tech billionaires face a hard balancing act.

They went straight into helping democrats for years a little maybe because they share socially progressive views, and mostly because they felt safe economically doing that.

But after the shocking google antitrust case many of them feel deeply betrayed and they aren't sure how to protect their interests in the best way.

Some think neutrality and talking as little as possible protect them, a few think that donating to both sides a la Buffett can work, and a few changed sides in a gamble that might very well backfire.

But I don't think we can confidently claim today who among them made the right decisions, yet

by 72off P

i'm sure getting cuckerberg on board will set things straight

Zuck is definitely going to regret his strategy in the next four years.

The Democrat Party has been ramping up their lawfare against Tesla and SpaceX for years. Just endless lawsuits. Buying Twitter and endorsing Trump was a calculated gamble by Elon to stave off the attacks. As is, it looks unlikely to work, but sometimes gambles dont play out. If you were planning on buying a front row ticket to Mars, I would make other plans. There probably wont be much left of SpaceX by the time the Democrats are done with it.

The name is "Democratic Party."

by Dunyain P

The Democrat Party has been ramping up their lawfare against Tesla and SpaceX for years. Just endless lawsuits. Buying Twitter and endorsing Trump was a calculated gamble by Elon to stave off the attacks. As is, it looks unlikely to work, but sometimes gambles dont play out. If you were planning on buying a front row ticket to Mars, I would make other plans. There probably wont be much left of SpaceX by the time the Democrats are done

Name one lawsuit.

by checkraisdraw P

Name one lawsuit.

Are you serious or ironic?

Musk v NLRB

SEC investigating Twitter buyout

Tesla autopilot investigated

Steering loss investigation

NLBR vs spaceX

DoJ after SpaceX because it doesn't hire refugees

Tesla racism case (US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

by housenuts P

Equality for all!

It’s more about treat farly all ….
And if you would have , u would have wait a little more punching being thrown around by democrats before calling it the same .

by Gorgonian P

The name is "Democratic Party."

It is still a gross misnomer no matter how you try and spin it.

by Luciom P

Tech billionaires face a hard balancing act.

They went straight into helping democrats for years a little maybe because they share socially progressive views, and mostly because they felt safe economically doing that.

But after the shocking google antitrust case many of them feel deeply betrayed and they aren't sure how to protect their interests in the best way.

Some think neutrality and talking as little as possible protect them, a few thi

If that was the case , are you for or against monopolies?

by MSchu18 P

It is still a gross misnomer no matter how you try and spin it.


I corrected an error, I didn't spin anything.

by Luciom P

Are you serious or ironic?

Musk v NLRB

SEC investigating Twitter buyout

Tesla autopilot investigated

Steering loss investigation

NLBR vs spaceX

DoJ after SpaceX because it doesn't hire refugees

Tesla racism case (US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

Which of these do you think was bullshit political persecution?

by housenuts P

^ love how America now is simply attacking the other side.

Neither party, nor their media accomplices, talk about the good that they will do. It's only attacks on the other candidate.

Sad state of affairs.

lol, now?

by The Horror P

lol, now?


by Luciom P

Are you serious or ironic?

Musk v NLRB

SEC investigating Twitter buyout

Tesla autopilot investigated

Steering loss investigation

NLBR vs spaceX

DoJ after SpaceX because it doesn't hire refugees

Tesla racism case (US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

The claim was that there was lawfare. I want to know which of these cases qualifies as lawfare.

by housenuts P



by Montrealcorp P

Yes I always love when people Intervene in a fight blaming both side while disregarding that one side just decided to say enough is enough and to strike back for self defence, after been hit hundreds time before …
And claiming in the end they are the same .

its also just actual honest. Harris campaign knows they wont do anything good so they arent even pandering.

by Victor P

its also just actual honest. Harris campaign knows they wont do anything good so they arent even pandering.

I doubt government do 100% wrong .
