Gun control

Gun control

I think that the Gun control thread got lost when the old politics thread got moved.

1 The rest of the world looks at the US policy with slack jawed astonishment.
2. “Guns don’t kill people , people do” is identical to “Nuclear weapons don’t kill people, people do”
3. Using the idea that carrying guns can prevent the government oppressing you seems to ignore the fact that the US government controls the most effective killing machine in history

24 January 2021 at 11:30 PM

652 Replies


It’s not the bullied kid’s fault when he gets bullied and the lion enters his inner world. This isn’t about blame.

Still, when the lion enters, if the human doesn’t eat the lion, then the lion will eat the human. And what appears to be a human is now more of a wild animal.

by craig1120 P

It’s not the bullied kid’s fault when he gets bullied and the lion enters his inner world. This isn’t about blame.

Still, when the lion enters, if the human doesn’t eat the lion, then the lion will eat the human. And what appears to be a human is now more of a wild animal.

And the witch and the wardrobe, at what point do they enter the scene?

craig the type of person who needs some...intervention. your schtick makes you sound like an idiot fyi

by #Thinman P

craig the type of person who needs some...intervention. your schtick makes you sound like an idiot fyi

Are you the type of person who can look at me face-to-face and deliver some intervention Thinman?

will you read your manifesto to me first?

Craig, tell him about the reality check he's gonna get.

by d2_e4 P

Craig, tell him about the reality check he's gonna get.

See, you know the language now. This is fantastic for you.

by craig1120 P

See, you know the language now. This is fantastic for you.

Thanks! Have successfully started the long journey to self-actualisation?

by #Thinman P

lol wtf are you babbling about?. lol self mastery. LOL "REQUIRED" SELF MASTERY.

wtf does that even mean?

Most teenage boys practice self mastery just about every day on their own. I know I did.

How about parents don't buy 14 year olds guns unless you are the only person with access and only let them use it under supervision supervision.

This is an idiot issue not a gun issue

by campfirewest P

Most teenage boys practice self mastery just about every day on their own. I know I did.

Only 1 time a week as a kid makes u look silly, way ****ing higher.

**** I am 41 and can find inspiration once a day

Ah yes, USA only place with idiots.


by that_pope P

Ah yes, USA only place with idiots.


Mandated pull-ups will solve this problem

Yeah, if some dickhead had tried to do that to me and my friends when we were teens, we probably would have killed them.

“I don’t like that this is a fact of life,” Vance said, per the news wire. “But if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets. And we have got to bolster security at our schools. We’ve got to bolster security so if a psycho wants to walk through the front door and kill a bunch of children they’re not able.”

So for those keeping score at home, that is the Republican candidate for VP calling school shootings a ‘fact of life’ and offering some vague platitude that we need to focus on schools having more security (see: guns, probably) which ignores a few key problems:

1. A sociopath with an AR15 isn’t gonna give two shits about some armed rent-a-cop at a school (see: texas)
2. He is the running mate of a presidential candidate who wants to pull funding for education for states who doesn’t abide by his bidding
3. Turning schools into a place where people are just casually walking around with guns seems not ideal

More guns

More pull-ups

God bless America

Gun culture in this country is some of the most disgusting crap in the history of modern civilization

This clownass’s clownass dad bought his 14 year old kid an AR15 as a gift. For what ****ing reason do we have no law that prevents any of this other than ‘founding fathers said we should have muskets to stop the British so herp a derp I can have any gun I want’

Clownass's clownass dad is facing four charges of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight of cruelty to children.

Clownass's clownass dad is going down for a long time.

I mean the FBI ****ing came to their house a year prior about a threat. Father is clearly at fault.

Given the size of the US population, the amount of bullying that happens at schools and the availability of guns the only surprising thing is that these events aren't even more frequent.

That reminds me, I need another AR... thanks.

by StoppedRainingMen P

Gun culture in this country is some of the most disgusting crap in the history of modern civilization

This clownass’s clownass dad bought his 14 year old kid an AR15 as a gift. For what ****ing reason do we have no law that prevents any of this other than ‘founding fathers said we should have muskets to stop the British so herp a derp I can have any gun I want’

The 2a, even under the expanded reading following Bruen, isn't preventing states and localities to restrict gun access to minors, the only recent development is about whether the 18 to 20 years old can be restricted in their access or not (federal courts are split 3-3 by now so SCOTUS will have to intervene again at some point)

So no, the 2a isn't what is blocking states from restricting gun access for 14y old kids.

by StoppedRainingMen P

This clownass’s clownass dad bought his 14 year old kid an AR15 as a gift.

After he was investigated by the FBI for school shooting threats!

by thethethe P

After he was investigated by the FBI for school shooting threats!

Resist the urge for the dumb hick father narrative and this story becomes deeply metaphorical and deeply disturbing. Like a brazen serial killer who feels so invincible that he doesn’t even try to hide anymore.

by that_pope P

I mean the FBI ****ing came to their house a year prior about a threat. Father is clearly at fault.

So is the FBI. Clearly.

by jalfrezi P

Given the size of the US population, the amount of bullying that happens at schools and the availability of guns the only surprising thing is that these events aren't even more frequent.

Crazy isn't it.

by StoppedRainingMen P

3. Turning schools into a place where people are just casually walking around with guns seems not ideal

It's important to remember that these dipshits went to either private schools or well-to-do high schools that could conceivably afford trained security guards, imagine the bubmble**** staff at your typical American high school walking around armed with guns, there'd be stories about math teachers shooting their own balls off within weeks. To say nothing of what the dumbass teens are going to do in a gun-saturated environment.
