Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

23579 Replies


by FreakDaddy P

There's literally tons of people who covered this. I think you're being intentionally lazy.

lol exactly

more than a million gazans received no food rations in august, israel refuses to coordinate polio vaccinations, ~2 children per week dying of hepatitis, meningitis spreading, etc ... holocaust going pretty well i guess

I feel like outlets have covered less the israeli strategy of erasing families. Surprising as usual to see the NYT admit to an israeli crime.

by 72off P

more than a million gazans received no food rations in august, israel refuses to coordinate polio vaccinations, ~2 children per week dying of hepatitis, meningitis spreading, etc ... holocaust going pretty well i guess

Don’t you guys ever get tired of predicting deliberate mass starvation every day for a year and being wrong on every metric?

by thomasmyspace P

I feel like outlets have covered less the israeli strategy of erasing families. Surprising as usual to see the NYT admit to an israeli crime.

pro-Israel people will deny this ofc, but if even the NYT is reporting it then things are just way worse than we could even imagine. what an awful story.

by 72off P

more than a million gazans received no food rations in august, israel refuses to coordinate polio vaccinations, ~2 children per week dying of hepatitis, meningitis spreading, etc ... holocaust going pretty well i guess

They are actually actively organizing the polio vaccinations but Hamas is very antivaxxer

More on the IDF murder of Aysenur Eygi.

Jonathan Pollak, an Israeli activist who also participated in the protest, said the killing occurred shortly after Israeli soldiers encircled a communal prayer. Clashes broke out as a result of the move, but protesters attempted to retreat after they subsided. According to Pollak, two soldiers perched on the roof of a nearby home shot at the activists while they were attempting to leave.

At this time there is not enough evidence to say it was a murder. The eyewitness themselves ambiguously stated that there was a “clash”. Also lefties oftentimes call things murders that are not actually murders.

For now it sounds like a tragic situation. But we have no idea if what killed her was a sniper rifle. Generally if a sniper shoots you in the head, you will probably die pretty quickly. If there was a sniper bullet recovered, you’d also think that it would have been stated.

TBH we don’t even know it was the IDF that killed her. It could have been someone in the crowd returning fire on the IDF that accidentally hit her.

right, the ISM activists had guns and were shooting. fantasy land.

by checkraisdraw P

At this time there is not enough evidence to say it was a murder. The eyewitness themselves ambiguously stated that there was a “clash”. Also lefties oftentimes call things murders that are not actually murders.

For now it sounds like a tragic situation. But we have no idea if what killed her was a sniper rifle. Generally if a sniper shoots you in the head, you will probably die pretty quickly. If there was a sniper bullet recove

Actually, we do know these things from the eye witnesses. You didn't read the article I linked to above, or the NYT article.

by Victor P

right, the ISM activists had guns and were shooting. fantasy land.

wait where did you get that I said the ISM activists did it? I said “someone in the crowd”

given that the altercation occurred on the frontlines of fighting, where palestinian militants often get into firefights with the idf, it’s not a crazy theory.

its such an outlandish theory that even the IDF hasnt floated it.

it wasnt the front lines of fighting it was peaceful protest, you know the thing that you guys always whatabout.

by Bill Haywood P

Actually, we do know these things from the eye witnesses. You didn't read the article I linked to above, or the NYT article.

I have read everything that has been confirmed:

she is dead
she was shot in the head (both confirmed by doctors)
she was involved in a protest
there was an altercation with the idf that she was in the vicinity of

We haven’t confirmed the weapon that was used, we haven’t confirmed what started the altercation, and we haven’t confirmed where she was in relation to the altercation.

I don’t tend to trust eyewitness testimonies as a rule. They are notoriously unreliable.

by Victor P

its such an outlandish theory that even the IDF hasnt floated it.

The IDF also hasn’t confirmed they were the ones that killed her, at least from what I saw. Neither has anyone else. Everybody is saying that an investigation needs to take place except for irresponsible news outlets that are calling it a murder with zero evidence.

is this Paliworld?

by checkraisdraw P

The IDF also hasn’t confirmed they were the ones that killed her,

So you'll accept eyewitness accounts if they're Israeli?

Almost all the possible data is going to be from witnesses. If you don't consider witnesses, you'll never know anything.

Considering the IDF is killing tens of thousands of civilians in Gaza, why would you find WB accounts of violence so suspicious?

The IDF is going to utilize more than eyewitness accounts in their investigation. If they had confirmed that they killed her, then it would be a done deal, no?

It’s fine to consider witnesses btw but they are notoriously unreliable.

As for your second argument, that’s a complete non-sequitor.

Anyone remember what Israel said about Shareen Abu and Rachel Corrie? They admitted it right? Right?


Anakin face

by Bill Haywood P

So you'll accept eyewitness accounts if they're Israeli?

Almost all the possible data is going to be from witnesses. If you don't consider witnesses, you'll never know anything.

Considering the IDF is killing tens of thousands of civilians in Gaza, why would you find WB accounts of violence so suspicious?

The IDF isn't "killing tens of thousands in Gaza". The IDF killed tens of thousands in a completly justified carpet attack to the territory to dismantle main Hamas strongholds all at the same time, many months ago, and currently is killing 1-2k per month at most since like April.

Of which the vast majority Hamas members or material supporters, + people used as human shield by Hamas. Very very few completly innocent people not put into harm way on purpose by Hamas, almost 0

I won’t even bother with that. They never talk about how half of the 40k dead are actual Hamas fighters, or how they are now recruiting random people of the street with no combat experience because so many Hamas fighters have been killed.

by checkraisdraw P

I won’t even bother with that. They never talk about how half of the 40k dead are actual Hamas fighters, or how they are now recruiting random people of the street with no combat experience because so many Hamas fighters have been killed.

If you add material supporters (15y old relaying messages to Hamas operatives, 30y women tending their wounds or preparing them meals and so on) it's more than 3/4

man, I dont think you guys want to go down the road of "material support equals a death sentence." well, I guess consistency was never a strong suit for the liberals so its proly fine.

by Luciom P

If you add material supporters (15y old relaying messages to Hamas operatives, 30y women tending their wounds or preparing them meals and so on) it's more than 3/4

You don’t think there is possible coercion going on within the Hamas hierarchy such that they can compel people to support them against their will?

My problem with Hamas is that by not having any uniform or way of differentiating them from noncombatants, they make civilian casualties inevitable and can always claim some operative or another was actually a civilian casualty.

I don’t think a mother helping Hamas at the barrel of a gun should necessarily count as a combatant.

I did since day one.

Material support of the enemy in war completly justifies killing on the field.

Especially on war where the enemy doesn't always wear uniforms it's utterly absurd to ask one side to differentiate supporters from actual fighters or to care to spare their lives when taking down enemy clusters.

I am not a liberal though.

by checkraisdraw P

You don’t think there is possible coercion going on within the Hamas hierarchy such that they can compel people to support them against their will?

My problem with Hamas is that by not having any uniform or way of differentiating them from noncombatants, they make civilian casualties inevitable and can always claim some operative or another was actually a civilian casualty.

I don’t think a mother helping Hamas at the barrel of a gun should ne

If people are compelled to do tasks for Hamas and/or stay in the vicinity of Hamas bases and so on, then they fall under the human shield victims.

It can certainly happen, and I am sure Hamas does that.
