The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10308 Replies


by Rococo P

So the answer is that the mods in the 2+2 Politics subforum are uniquely terrible compared to most other places on the internet? Sounds right.

It's also shocking that a thread about I/P in a Politics forum attracts more racially or ethnically charged posting than threads in OOT about steak cookery, what's on Netflix, pet pictures, and fast food preferences. I never would have predicted such a thing.

Could combine the pet pictures with the steak cookery into one "before & after" thread.

Too soon?

by bahbahmickey P

We have had only 3 realistic options for president this time around: a guy who unfortunately lost so much of his cognitive ability that his own party staged a coup, a woman who couldn't be further from being examples of those 3 things you name and trump.

She blew any chance to be labeled competent when she was forced to drop out of the race 4 years ago before even a vote was cast and when she became the border czar and did nothing. Biden has


by d2_e4 P

You're just determined to work your way up to the top (well, down to the bottom) of those power rankings, huh?

You don't believe that a candidate for the presidency of the USA should be able to sit down for an interview to explain her positions, why she has flip flopped so much and her vision for the future and how she will achieve that?

by lozen P

You don't believe that a candidate for the presidency of the USA should be able to sit down for an interview to explain her positions, why she has flip flopped so much and her vision for the future and how she will achieve that?

Sure. She's probably working to her schedule, not yours though. And given that whatever she says or does, you and your ilk will probably say she had softball questions, she got the questions in advance, etc. etc. I really doubt she cares much what you think.

by biggerboat P


We don't need to know what bahbah "thinks" about any of this... we can just turn on Fox news and get a direct quote of what's in his mind.

This is kinda of the core issue w/ the Trump support. People are surrounded by friends and family that are in this cult, and people don't want to lose those people more than stand up and do the obvious right thing. Instead, they'd rather be on the wrong side of history, siding w/ neo-nazi's and a network of people behind Trump that want to destroy democracy. You know... democracy being the very foundation of the thing they say they supposedly love - America.

by lozen P

You don't believe that a candidate for the presidency of the USA should be able to sit down for an interview to explain her positions, why she has flip flopped so much and her vision for the future and how she will achieve that?

Jebus, the magtards are in full magtard mode today.

Actually she did. Then she debated your orange god and kicked his ass. Guess who won't debate again, and while you're at it, maybe try to figure out why.



He's a typical bully who runs away when someone stands up to him.

by FreakDaddy P

We don't need to know what bahbah "thinks" about any of this... we can just turn on Fox news and get a direct quote of what's in his mind.

This is kinda of the core issue w/ the Trump support. People are surrounded by friends and family that are in this cult, and people don't want to lose those people more than stand up and do the obvious right thing. Instead, they'd rather be on the wrong side of history, siding w/ neo-nazi's and a network

Bahbah is a lying POS and a clown who shows up on the reg to push dogshit MAGA talking points. It has been thus for the best part of 10 years.

by biggerboat P

Jebus, the magtards are in full magtard mode today.

Actually she did. Then she debated your orange god and kicked his ass. Guess who won't debate again, and while you're at it, maybe try to figure out why.



He's a typical bully who runs away when someone stands up to him.

She sat down for one short interview and with a friendly network and friendly host for 20 minutes and had to have her VP at her side in case she got off script. Your right Trump got his ass kicked because he is a temper tantrum juvenile yet she routinely never answered questions. Trump is a fool not to debate .

I wish the GOP dumped him and went with someone else but its not going to happen .

by d2_e4 P

Bahbah is a lying POS and a clown who shows up on the reg to push dogshit MAGA talking points. It has been thus for the best part of 10 years.

Respectfully, I don't see it that way.

Tribalism is a real thing. If you're surrounded by a lot of people who only think a specific way, going against the grain takes real courage, because you risk losing a lot of people. In order to fight off fascism, we need to depend on enough of these people to do what they know is right in their core. We know that if you're racist, or misogynistic, or homophobic, you're going to be a part of MAGA. And not that all MAGA are those things of course. But they know the people they are keeping company with, probably don't have the correct value set. You can only fool yourself for so long. We need to be encouraging them to have the courage to break away and know there's a place for them when the decide to do the right thing.

Hating on them isn't going to help that at all. I'm plenty guilty of doing it, and need to make sure I'm constantly checking myself because it can be frustrating and sad of course to hear the things MAGA is ok with.

by d2_e4 P

This is not going to be a particularly popular view, I don't consider Luciom a bad poster - I wouldn't call someone a bad poster just because I disagree with their opinions. He doesn't engage in the sort of brain****ery that makes the others in that list horrible.

The rest are all bottom of the barrel in their own special ways, so it's hard to rank them. There are a couple you're missing too.

Even though I disagree with basically everything the guy says I wouldn’t label him a terrible poster if not for his frequency. Every single thread is inevitably dominated by his bile, whataboutism, exaggerations and outright lies and constant back and forth by other posters. Even if you have him on ignore it’s legit impossible to avoid him if you read here

by FreakDaddy P

Respectfully, I don't see it that way.

Tribalism is a real thing. If you're surrounded by a lot of people who only think a specific way, going against the grain takes real courage, because you risk losing a lot of people. In order to fight off fascism, we need to depend on enough of these people to do what they know is right in their core. We know that if you're racist, or misogynistic, or homophobic, you're going to be a part of MAGA. And

Bahbah has been this way since before MAGA was a thing. He's a partisan idiot through and through and that's never going to change.

And if you want to go all "MAGA chodes aren't dumb/bad people, just misunderstood", that's all you bro. Count me out.

by bahbahmickey P

Trump was already president for 4 years. What were a few of the policies he proposed that specifically targeted an ethnic group or race?

No matter if it is trump or some other politician - I care far too much about the future of America to be talked into not voting for someone because they are a meany.

Both of the weapons can hurt me.

In no way am I saying what trump said can't be hurtful to people. I am just pointing out that nothing a cand

What you seem to fail to realize is that it isn't just about "being mean." It's about being targeted for harrassment, discrimination, and even hate crimes because of his rhetoric. That isn't just being mean. You don't understand that because you don't have to understand that. Again, everything you are saying absolutely REEKS of privilege.

by FreakDaddy P

Respectfully, I don't see it that way.

Tribalism is a real thing. If you're surrounded by a lot of people who only think a specific way, going against the grain takes real courage, because you risk losing a lot of people. In order to fight off fascism, we need to depend on enough of these people to do what they know is right in their core. We know that if you're racist, or misogynistic, or homophobic, you're going to be a part of MAGA. And

this is really tone deaf for two reasons

you both ignore your own tribalism and also think you only go after the far right yet you regularly attack me for posting center leftist views because they aren't liberal enough to your liking

by rickroll P

this is really tone deaf for two reasons

you both ignore your own tribalism and also think you only go after the far right yet you regularly attack me for posting center leftist views because they aren't liberal enough to your liking

I saw you make an effort to call out some posts in the trans thread and I wanted to let you know that I appreciated that effort

by rickroll P

this is really tone deaf for two reasons

you both ignore your own tribalism and also think you only go after the far right yet you regularly attack me for posting center leftist views because they aren't liberal enough to your liking

That's not remotely true. I have very different views about Israel/Palestine than my "tribe", and I've defended my position there. I have different views about a pretty wide range of things than people on the left, but my core value is that I always stand up to injustice.

I've never attacked you for not being left enough. I've gone after you for not understanding the folly of 3d party voting.

by d2_e4 P

Bahbah has been this way since before MAGA was a thing. He's a partisan idiot through and through and that's never going to change.

And if you want to go all "MAGA chodes aren't dumb/bad people, just misunderstood", that's all you bro. Count me out.

Well, what's your goal?

If it's to change minds, that's obviously not going to do it.

If it's to waste time and get people to dig in more, then that will be in inevitable outcome w/ that approach.

by rickroll P

this is really tone deaf for two reasons

you both ignore your own tribalism and also think you only go after the far right yet you regularly attack me for posting center leftist views because they aren't liberal enough to your liking

most Democratic partisans hold the most hate for leftists or even liberals that dont hold the exact same views. they will always side with fascism to avoid moving an inch left.

by FreakDaddy P

Well, what's your goal?

If it's to change minds, that's obviously not going to do it.

If it's to waste time and get people to dig in more, then that will be in inevitable outcome w/ that approach.

I don't have a specific goal for posting here other than personal entertainment. You aren't going to change any MAGA chodes' minds anyway.

by coordi P

I saw you make an effort to call out some posts in the trans thread and I wanted to let you know that I appreciated that effort

honestly i'd do it more often but those guys are so outnumbered there's no need to beat a dead horse as by the time i've seen it 2 other posters have already called it out

by d2_e4 P

I don't have a specific goal for posting here other than personal entertainment. You aren't going to change any MAGA chodes' minds anyway.

I need you to understand that you are posting here for my entertainment, too.

by d2_e4 P

I don't have a specific goal for posting here other than personal entertainment. You aren't going to change any MAGA chodes' minds anyway.

Well, there you go. At least you're clear about what you're doing.

by rickroll P

honestly i'd do it more often but those guys are so outnumbered there's no need to beat a dead horse as by the time i've seen it 2 other posters have already called it out

What's your position on trans issues?

by FreakDaddy P

Respectfully, I don't see it that way.

Tribalism is a real thing. If you're surrounded by a lot of people who only think a specific way, going against the grain takes real courage, because you risk losing a lot of people. In order to fight off fascism, we need to depend on enough of these people to do what they know is right in their core. We know that if you're racist, or misogynistic, or homophobic, you're going to be a part of MAGA. And

That's a pretty big straw man. Nothing we do or don't do will really matter. Obama, Harris and Biden have all been very respectful to
maga morons and Trump style demonization of voters isn't really part of the democratic strategy . That's why any false equivalency is so hollow.

by ecriture d'adulte P

That's a pretty big straw man. Nothing we do or don't do will really matter. Obama, Harris and Biden have all been very respectful to
maga morons and Trump style demonization of voters isn't really part of the democratic strategy . That's why any false equivalency is so hollow.

I respectfully disagree.

I've changed the minds of hardcore, and I mean hardcore, maga supporters. In person, not in forums per say that I know of. But it took several years and several lunches.
