The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10347 Replies


by coordi P

Surely you can find examples of many posters around today saying things like "covid was caused by bat eating chinese"

Should be straight forward and simple?

Otherwise it seems like you are making things up to justify a view point

My point is that claiming chineses eating bats caused covid damages that ethnicity a lot more than claiming haitians eat cats.

Whether it's true or not, if the threshold to decide whether to make a statement about a behaviour connected with an ethnicity is "racism", in the expansive leftist definition, ie the idea that ethnicity will suffer negative repercussions from that claim (again, regardless of the truth of that claim), then people who went with "chinese eat bats that's how we got covid" CANNOT criticize the "haitians eat cats" claim under racist grounds.

by Luciom P

abortion is orthogonal to fascism.

You can have an exceptionally authoritarian country which allows abortion (China under Mao), and a very libertarian leaning one which doesn't (a lot of the USA in the 19th century)

Abortion is about when the thing inside the womb becomes a person with rights. That's what the disagreement is about. Once it has rights you can't kill it freely, until it does you can.

It's not about agency about reproductive rig

We get it - it's only fascism when rights you care about are taken away.

by Luciom P

Supremacy of the state over the individual, significant state ownership of assets (at least "strategic ones"), low-level economic freedoms allowed (can own a bar a restaurant, a smallish company and so on), unions are state controlled, big enough companies have to kiss the ring to the state every step of the way, censorship of anti-gvmnt ideas if they become dangerous enough for the regime, very strict private gun ownership, strong national

by Luciom P

it is inherently, supremacy of the state over the individual is the core essence of leftism.

You are only rightwing if you start with "there is no US", only people obligated to live togheter against their will and move from there.

The duality of Luciom. From bazzzzzed to criiiiiinge in the span of two posts.

by pocket_zeros P

We get it - it's only fascism when rights you care about are taken away.

abortion isn't a right in the human declaration of rights, and isn't a right in the charter of fundamental rights of the european union, it isn't a right under the federal american constitution either.

It was never a right, at most it's something that is tolerated with some limits, because of the inherent balancing of 2 rights, freedom of the woman vs the life of the thing that's going to get killed.

Normal people get it that a 1 month fetus is insignificant compared to a 7 months one, then among them they find some balance.

That said, "rights" isn't the way to frame fascism at all. A whole lot of ideologies drastically limit rights, can't use fascism to mean that, fascism must means something that didn't exist before Mussolini, and existed under Mussolini. Any violation of "rights" that happened before in that framework isn't fascism, you don't need a word created in the 1920 to describe things that always happened among human beings right?

Fascism is a specific set of concurrent uses of state power to specific aims. Those i listed and a few minor ones. Not "everything i dislike when the state does it".

for ex i hated lockdowns but lockdowns aren't marxism, no matter how much i hate marxism. Lockdowns are horrific utilitarianism

by Luciom P

My point is that claiming chineses eating bats caused covid damages that ethnicity a lot more than claiming haitians eat cats.

Whether it's true or not, if the threshold to decide whether to make a statement about a behaviour connected with an ethnicity is "racism", in the expansive leftist definition, ie the idea that ethnicity will suffer negative repercussions from that claim (again, regardless of the truth of that claim), then people who

The chinese eating random animals in live markets and the origins of sars-cov in animals are both extremely well-documented. Whereas some epidemic of Haitian immigrants eating cats and dogs is not. This is both an epistemic issue and also a normative one, because we are talking about how you OUGHT to report certain claims under what thresholds.

If Haitians are going around eating people’s pets they should obviously be condemned, but where is the evidence?

by Luciom P

My point is that claiming chineses eating bats caused covid damages that ethnicity a lot more than claiming haitians eat cats.

Whether it's true or not, if the threshold to decide whether to make a statement about a behaviour connected with an ethnicity is "racism", in the expansive leftist definition, ie the idea that ethnicity will suffer negative repercussions from that claim (again, regardless of the truth of that claim), then people who

I agree that saying covid was caused by chinese people who eat bats is racist

I don't know how its relevant here except as a tool for you to discredit people calling this Haitian narrative racist

China virus was a Trump colloquialism so framing it as "Dems racist" is also incredibly questionable

by coordi P

I agree that saying covid was caused by chinese people who eat bats is racist

I don't know how its relevant here except as a tool for you to discredit people calling this Haitian narrative racist

China virus was a Trump colloquialism so framing it as "Dems racist" is also incredibly questionable

See the projection? i didn't frame is as "dems racist". I framed it as "people who talked about chinese people eating bats". That was a lot of rightwing people as well.

I am just saying you had to call that racist as well if you want to call the "haitians-eat-cats" racist

by Luciom P

See the projection? i didn't frame is as "dems racist". I framed it as "people who talked about chinese people eating bats". That was a lot of rightwing people as well.

I am just saying you had to call that racist as well if you want to call the "haitians-eat-cats" racist

The Ven Diagram overlap of people calling haitians eating cats racist and republicans is basically non-existent

Which makes this comment nonsense

by Luciom P

The people claiming that "they are eating pets" is racism went on for like 3+ years claiming the whole world got wrecked by covid because chinese people ate live bats

by checkraisdraw P

If Haitians are going around eating people’s pets they should obviously be condemned, but where is the evidence?

There are a lot of stereotypes about Magas. Low intelligence, low performing, violent, welfare dependent etc. I don't think it would be okay for Harris to amplify these stereotypes by mentioning a story about a gang of maga hatted rapists going around in Macon, GA and raping regular, productive members of society. Then fall back on well some Magas are rapists and Magas are statistically more likely to rape when called out on the fact that the GA gang rapist story is just made up.

I heard that they were eating the ducks not cats and dogs?

I am not sure if this is true but the population of Springfield is 60,000 and they sent 20,000 Haitians there. The other rumor is all the accidents they are causing

by lozen P

I heard that they were eating the ducks not cats and dogs?

I am not sure if this is true but the population of Springfield is 60,000 and they sent 20,000 Haitians there. The other rumor is all the accidents they are causing

What ever happened to the good ole days when democrats were eating babies


This Springfield thing is right up there with the Bowling Green Massacre.

by campfirewest P

This Springfield thing is right up there with the Bowling Green Massacre.

Springfield, you say? Are we sure it wasn't this guy?

lol at trying to categorize the colonel as anything but a terrible person and poster.

stop lying!

so many lies!!

how come you only lie???

nothing but lies from you guys!!

the lies here are terrible!!!!

by campfirewest P

This Springfield thing is right up there with the Bowling Green Massacre.

Either I was unaware or had completely forgotten but holy **** lol

by Luciom P

abortion is orthogonal to fascism.

Abortion is about when the thing inside the womb becomes a person with rights. That's what the disagreement is about.

It's not orthagonal to political ideology. Most people would agree that a certain category of abortion should be illegal if it is actually murder (with certain extreme exceptions) and legal if it is not murder. But most people consciously or unconsciously cheat when forming their original premise. They have other reasons to support or oppose various categories of abortion and since they know that those reasons are never enough to overcome the conclusion reached by the murder/not murder question, they go backwards in their mind and adjust their original premise to coincide with the conclusion they want to reach.

by d2_e4 P

The irony of it all is, if this forum were actually moderated to Trolly's exacting standards, he'd be first up against the wall.

Oh, no no no. His zingers are far too clever for any simple mod to figure out.

I used to complain a ton about Fly and Trolly because their posts were always laced with insults and then I would insult them back but my insults were too on the nose so I'd be the one getting reprimanded.

"Go read a book"

by lozen P

What ever happened to the good ole days when democrats were eating babies

Ah, the good old days of old-timey blood libel.

by d2_e4 P

The irony of it all is, if this forum were actually moderated to Trolly's exacting standards, he'd be first up against the wall.

Heh, you say "irony" as if I'm not fully aware of this.

by lozen P

I heard that they were eating the ducks not cats and dogs?

I am not sure if this is true but the population of Springfield is 60,000 and they sent 20,000 Haitians there. The other rumor is all the accidents they are causing

Exactly. This is going to be culture shock to pretty much everyone, even the most tolerant of people. But instead of offering a fair-minded view of how this would affect a small town in meaningful ways, MAGA decides to hyperbolize this point and racialize by claiming Haitians are eating their neighbors pets.

And we all know why they're doing it. But what they fail to realize, imho, was an opportunity to talk about major population shifts because of mass immigration in the meaningful and thoughtful way. They could have had more moderate and fair-minded people actually caring about their grievance, but they blew it and instead decided to throw red meat to their base.

But hey, we got some funny fkn memes out of it, so...

by Luciom P

abortion isn't a right in the human declaration of rights, and isn't a right in the charter of fundamental rights of the european union, it isn't a right under the federal american constitution either.

It was never a right, at most it's something that is tolerated with some limits, because of the inherent balancing of 2 rights, freedom of the woman vs the life of the thing that's going to get killed.

Normal people get it that a 1 month fetus

We get it - you're not a woman.

by David Sklansky P

It's not orthagonal to political ideology. Most people would agree that a certain category of abortion should be illegal if it is actually murder (with certain extreme exceptions) and legal if it is not murder. But most people consciously or unconsciously cheat when forming their original premise. They have other reasons to support or oppose various categories of abortion and since they know that those reasons are never enough to overcome t

That's Oscar Wide-level eloquence.
