The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10350 Replies


It’s just an unforced error for no reason other than ‘Kamabla spoke about my boring rallies’ and an apologize for nothing mentality that has defined Donald trump

500k Haitians in florida, 300k are registered voters, trump won florida in 2020 by I think 250k votes

The longer he insists on dragging out Springfield for no reason that makes sense, the likelier it is that florida inexplicably becomes a battleground state

by StoppedRainingMen P

It’s just an unforced error for no reason other than ‘Kamabla spoke about my boring rallies’ and an apologize for nothing mentality that has defined Donald trump

500k Haitians in florida, 300k are registered voters, trump won florida in 2020 by I think 250k votes

The longer he insists on dragging out Springfield for no reason that makes sense, the likelier it is that florida inexplicably becomes a battleground state


by pocket_zeros P

I didn't read much basis in your response to match your outrage with what the article actually got wrong. You seem to be railing against the objective facts it conveys. The actions it described were that of the Chinese government, so it's not just a selective group of scientists that you portray it to be.

if russian media repeatedly wrote about the rattlesnake meat problem in america and continuously wrote about americans eating rattlesnakes and all the problems that caused and they never once mentioned how obscure it was

we're dealing with a country larger than all of europe combined geographically and almost 2x the population of all of europe

you're going to find anything you want so long as you look for it in the right places

like you can find videos of americans eating seals and whales and hunting walrus and iguanas and alligator etc - but to pretend like that's not some niche thing is criminal - especially when the entire focus of the article is implying it's the norm

nowhere do they point out how that stuff is all specific to some regions and even in those regions highly uncommon

if you fly into China tomorrow, bring a guide to translate for you, and stop at every single market and restaurant you see, you're never going to come across any of that stuff the article mentions as if it were commonly eaten

you'd need to ask your guide to go online to do some research and then they'll get back to you and say "hey i found it, we just need to take a 6 hour flight and then a 2 hour bus and we're there"

and no, there's no credibility behind "and 19 chinese scientists agree" which neither introduces nor follows up on it

but go ahead and put aside your rattlesnake soup and raw narwhal lunch which you'll chase with fermented mare's milk for a moment and go ahead and respond again calling my condemnation of that highly misleading (and intentionally so) article as just me "raging"

by Gorgonian P

Roadkill is that RFK ? who pulls over to pick up dead geese?

by rickroll P

if russian media repeatedly wrote about the rattlesnake meat problem in america and continuously wrote about americans eating rattlesnakes and all the problems that caused and they never once mentioned how obscure it was

we're dealing with a country larger than all of europe combined geographically and almost 2x the population of all of europe

you're going to find anything you want so long as you look for it in the right places

like you can

Or I'll just ask them to take me to 武汉华南海鲜批发市场.

I've had alligator once and it was delicious fwiw.

(Was not a pet alligator)

Strange meats are usually just meh anyway. I’ve had kangaroo and emu. Both just meh.

Bear, however, was delicious…

I thought alligator was meh every time I’ve had it. How was yours prepared? Maybe I’m missing out..

Crocodile was also meh.

by pocket_zeros P

Or I'll just ask them to take me to 武汉华南海鲜批发市场.

keep on raging bruh

by Crossnerd P

I thought alligator was meh every time I’ve had it. How was yours prepared? Maybe I’m missing out..

Iirc it was marinated in something like a vinaigrette and grilled and came out super tender.

Fried alligator can be fantasy but it can also taste like gamey fish

by rickroll P

keep on raging bruh


by pocket_zeros P

I didn't read much basis in your response to match your outrage with what the article actually got wrong.

I had a similar reaction. Nothing about that article would have led me to believe that most people in China eat civet cats or whatever. Could I buy a live frog, turtle, etc. in a market in southern China? Sure, I assume so, but I can buy that stuff at a Chinese market in Flushing also.

I bought a whole duck at a market in Chinatown a few years ago. When the butcher threw it in the bag, i saw that the head and feet were still attached, which didn't surprise me at all. I was a little surprised when I got home and realized the duck hadn't been gutted either.

I can't say that enjoyed cleaning duck innards out of my sink, but what I made with the duck was super tasty.

by Crossnerd P

Smartdfs, the allegation that Haitians, a predominantly black population, eat pets and that eating cats and dogs is part of their culture is rooted in the historical context of racial bias that populations of color are inherently and/or evolutionarily less “civilized” that white populations.

Plenty of white people end up naming animals they raise and then kill them for food/market too. Whether that rises to the level of pets is debatable but some are very well cared for a good while/loved before they're killed and eaten 😀

by coordi P

Fried alligator can be fantasy but it can also taste like gamey fish

Fried alligator is much like any fried meat. Often tasty. Never sublime.

by Crossnerd P

Strange meats are usually just meh anyway. I’ve had kangaroo and emu. Both just meh.

Agree on both of these.

Bear, however, was delicious…

Never tried it, but I always assumed it would be gamey as hell.

by pocket_zeros P


that market never sold bat nor pangolin...

Florida's not going battleground. If he instead said it was a bunch of filthy rapist Cubans in eating pets that might have made it a little interesting, but I doubt it. There's no reason to expect anything DJT says will make his supporters switch sides, even though every time he does I see people talking like it will, and then as usual nothing changes.

Especially on racial issues where it concerns citizens of whatever ethnicity. Despite the old-school thinking everything I actually see (esp w/ regard to the Latino population) suggests their votes are more aligned with class than heritage anyway. The Democratic party seems to be figuring that out finally, although the huge wave of new blue voters that never happened with the surge in Latino population should have clued them in years ago.

by Rococo P

Never tried it, but I always assumed it would be gamey as hell.

It was very fatty and tender!

For most of modern human history, it was more common to see people of limited means eating "weird" wild animals or "weird" parts of domestic animals. But that certainly isn't true in the modern United States in my experience. If you compiled a list of every person in the United States who had eaten rattlesnake, pig stomach, and turtle in the last ten years, I strongly suspect that the median wealth of people in the group would be higher than the median wealth of the entire population.

by rickroll P

that market never sold bat nor pangolin...

The NYT article I linked didn't claim that it did.

by Rococo P

For most of modern human history, it was more common to see people of limited means eating "weird" wild animals or "weird" parts of domestic animals. But that certainly isn't true in the modern United States in my experience. If you compiled a list of every person in the United States who had eaten rattlesnake, pig stomach, and turtle in the last ten years, I strongly suspect that the median wealth of people in the group would be higher t

I share this suspicion.

by Crossnerd P

It was very fatty and tender!

It's still considered "upper class" for some reason in Russia, or at least that's what I thought when I saw it offered in Michelin star restaurants there some years ago.

Super fatty yep, melts quickly, unexpected for me

by pocket_zeros P

The NYT article I linked didn't claim that it did.

exactly, it's just a hit piece

no different than if russian journalists went around talking about how wild and crazy the bear and rattlesnake markets are in american and started quoting morrissey

perhaps he was one of those 19 scientists?

by rickroll P

exactly, it's just a hit piece

no different than if russian journalists went around talking about how wild and crazy the bear and rattlesnake markets are in american and started quoting morrissey


perhaps he was one of those 19 scientists?

The previous epidemic in 2002 was traced to the sale of wild animals. Why was it a hit piece to suggest the new outbreak developing at the time could also be caused by the same thing?
